?onie, == yawn, _q. v._

?o?elinge, _sb._ == chattering, gabbling. O. and N. 40. Probably the same as the later "gaggle," which is used of a confused noise of people talking, in the Poem on the Deposition of Richard II. p. 18, and of geese, in Churchyard"s Pleasant Conceit penned in Verse (1593), cited in the pref. to Nash"s Pierce Penniless. (Shaksp. Soc."s ed.), p. xviii.

?raihand. See Thraying

?uling. See Yelling

?ulle. See Yell

?ulpe. See Yelp

?ulping. See Yelping


Baru, add AS. bearh

Bert, _v. n._ == crepitum ventris edere. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 211

Bidde, _v. n._ == need, ought. HD. 1733. Another form of "bud." Dan. bor.

Compare Chaucer"s "bode." Rom. Rose, 790

Birde, _sb._ For HD. 2760, read Wright"s L. P. pp. 25, 30

Birde, _vb. pret._ == it behoved. HD. 2760. ON. byrjar. Dan. bor

Brol ? Rel. Ant. ii. 192

By, _v. a._ == to defame. Manuel des Pecches, 1355. ON. bia, maculare

Ferblet. Possibly "suffused with blood," "sanguine." Cf. "forbled," in the Anturs of Arthur at Tarne Wathelan, st. 51

Graueth. Probably for "graveth," or "geraveth," from AS. reaf, clothing

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