A Good For Nothing

Chapter 9

He Zheng was unaware that his "beloved" younger brother was the one who had inflicted this unexpected disaster on him on this day.

On the thought that soon he would see his maternal grandfather, He Zheng managed to adjust his mood with the intention to meet his maternal grandfather in the best state.

If there were still any people in this world who cared about him, he believed they would be the family of his maternal grandfather.

The moment He Zheng got off the plane, he saw a tall thin young man waving at him at the exit. "He Zheng! Here!"

"Cousin?" He Zheng was briefly stunned, since he hadn"t told anybody about this trip. But his maternal relatives were no common people. It seemed that they had foreseen his arrival.

Zhu Qi rested his hand on He Zheng"s shoulder and immediately sensed that something was not right. "Eek?" He stared at He Zheng, a serious look on his face. "Little Zheng, did you encounter anything? There"s demonic Qi about you."

On hearing this, He Zheng was alerted and with that he realized what he had just experienced on the plane was not a dream!

He Zheng jerked his head back. There was an exclusive pa.s.sage for business-cla.s.s pa.s.sengers, and he was the fourth or fifth one to walk out, but he didn"t see those two men on his way out, so they must have got off the plane later than him.

Seeing the wary look on his face, Zhu Qi, his cousin, asked, "What"s wrong, Little Zheng?"

He Zheng watched carefully with widened eyes, but when all pa.s.sengers walked out, those two men were still nowhere to be seen.

He Zheng knitted his brows deeply. "What"s going on?" he wondered.

In the distance, watching this, Zu Zhichong couldn"t help but patted himself on the chest, turned around and said to the man standing beside him, "Chief, why are we avoiding him?"

"With which eye of yours did you see me avoiding him?" The man played with the small lacquered wooden box in his hand, opened it to take a look inside and with that his brows fleetingly furrowed.

Zu Zhichong thought, "I"m seeing you avoiding him with both of my eyes." But he didn"t dare to say it, so he gave an obsequious smile. Seeing the thoughtful expression on the man"s face, he ventured to crane his neck over. On the sight of the box in the man"s hands, he blurted in surprise, "Eek? Why does this box look like a smaller version of the one He Zheng was carrying?"

"Because it was He Zheng"s casket that this box fell out of."

"Ah!" Zu Zhichong was stunned. Staring at the box in puzzlement, he mumbled, "What is that thing in the box? Why is it making me feel so uncomfortable..." Zu Zhichong scrutinized it for quite a while, but before he could find out anything about it, the man closed the box and softly pocketed it. Then he looked in the direction of the two men in the distance and asked, "Have people of Fengdu Office arrived?"

"Deputy team leader Su Disheng arrived. He"s waiting for us outside," replied Zu Zhichong.

"Tell him to go back. There"s someone I need to visit first."

Zu Zhichong nodded, the little bun on top of his head shaking. In a curious tone of voice, he asked, "Who is it, Chief?"

The man involuntarily paused and looked at Zu Zhichong. "Do you know why your Master Shifu insisted that you join my team?"

"Why? I really don"t know!" The man gracefully raised his hand and clouted Zu Zhichong on the temple with the knuckles of his forefinger and middle finger. "To have you break the habit of asking questions all the time."

Zu Zhichong fell speechless with embarra.s.sment.

After saying this, the man started walking forward. Zu Zhichong was stunned for a moment and then realized that the man had just made a crack about him. With a depressed look, he hurriedly followed the man.

He Zheng"s face was full of sullenness. Surprisingly, though his features were fine and delicate, there seemed to be an air of danger about him when his face darkened.

Zhu Qi couldn"t help asking him again in a deep voice, "Little Zheng, what"s the matter? Did anything happen?"

"Nothing. Let"s just go back." He Zheng turned around and followed Zhu Qi to the car.

"Wait. Grandfather said that there were supposed to be two more people."

"Okay. I"ll get in the car first."

Zhu Qi was just about to nod when he saw two men walking towards him. He let out a hearty laugh. "There"s no need for that, Little Zheng. They came." He Zheng turned his head back in surprise and his countenance instantly changed. The moment He Zheng caught sight of the two "familiar" faces, anger welled up inside him. He raised his fist and threw a punch at the man walking in front.

Zhu Qi, who was smiling, had never expected this kind of situation. Taken aback, he exclaimed in shock, "Little Zheng! Stop!" Having abandoned himself to fury, He Zheng turned a deaf ear to his cousin. Two handsome men fighting in an airport was an obtrusive sight. Instantly, pa.s.sers-by noticed the fight, pointing and discussing.

To be honest, He Zheng was only average in terms of fighting skills. He might stand a chance of winning if the opponent was someone else, but in this man"s eyes, his punches, which he himself deemed powerful enough, were almost in slow motion."

The man hardly needed to break a sweat to clamp He Zheng"s fist in his palm.

If the man had let He Zheng vent his anger, He Zheng might have let this go. With his fist grabbed by the opponent, He Zheng was infuriated even more, as if someone had just forced a fly into his mouth. "Let go of me!" "Little Zheng! Apologize to him!" Zhu Qi thundered with an angry face.

He Zheng found his cousin"s tone intolerable, since all members of Zhu family had always been very nice to him. Never had any of them ever talked to him in this kind of severe tone of voice. But He Zheng kept his temper with his cousin. Eyes red with rage, slowly stressing each syllable, he said through gritted teeth, "He fooled me like a monkey!" This response gave Zhu Qi a headache. He hurriedly apologized to the man. "I"m sorry, Superintendent Li. Please forgive him for his impertinence." Li???

He Zheng widened his eyes in astonishment.

"Surely he isn"t that Li Zong that I hate the most?" he wondered.

Like a slap across He Zheng"s face, the next second, Zhu Qi introduced the man to He Zheng. "This is Li Zong, leader of the first action group, the Deputy Superintendent of the Supernaturalism Management Bureau. Beside him is Zu Zhichong, a disciple of Qingwei Sect." He Zheng fell speechless.

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