1256. Richard of Cornwall and Alfonso of Castile elected.

1273--1291. Rudolf of Hapsburg, Emperor.

1278. Defeat of King Ottokar of Bohemia.

1291--1298. Adolf of Na.s.sau.

1291. Union of three Swiss Cantons.

1298. Albert of Austria defeats and slays Adolf of Na.s.sau.

1298--1308. Albert I. of Austria.

1308. He is murdered by John Parricida.

1308--1313. Henry VII. of Luxemburg.

1308. The Papacy removed from Rome to Avignon.

1310. Henry VII."s son, John, King of Bohemia.

1313. Henry VII. poisoned in Italy.

1314--1347. Ludwig the Bavarian.

1314--1330. Frederick of Austria, Anti-Emperor.

1315. Battle of Morgarten.

1322. Ludwig"s victory at Muhldorf.

1324. He gets possession of Brandenburg.

1327. His journey to Rome; Pope John XXII. deposed.

1338. Convention of German princes at Rense.

1344. Invention of gunpowder.

1346. The Pope declares Ludwig deposed, and appoints Karl IV. of Bohemia.

1347. Death of Ludwig the Bavarian.

1347--1378. Karl IV. (Luxemburg).

1348. Gunther of Schwarzburg, Anti-Emperor.

1356. Proclamation of "The Golden Bull."

1363. Tyrol annexed to Austria.

1368. The Hanseatic League defeats Waldemar III. of Denmark.

1373. Karl IV. acquires Brandenburg.

1377. War of Suabian cities with Count Eberhard.

1378--1418. Schism in the Catholic Church.

1378--1400. Wenzel of Bohemia (Luxemburg).

1386. Battle of Sempach.

1388. War of the Suabian cities.

1400. Wenzel deposed.

1400--1410. Rupert of the Palatinate.

1409. The Council of Pisa.

1410. The German Order defeated by the Poles.

1411. Three Emperors and three Popes at the same time.

1411. Frederick of Hohenzollern receives Brandenburg.

1411--1437. Sigismund of Bohemia.

1414--1418. The council at Constance.

1415. Martyrdom of Huss.

1418. End of the schism; Martin V., Pope.

1419--1436. The Hussite wars; Ziska; Procopius.

1431--1449. Council of Basel.

1437. Death of Sigismund.

=The Hapsburg Emperors.=

1438--1439. Albert II. of Austria; beginning of the uninterrupted succession of the Hapsburgs.

1440--1493. Frederick III.

1444. Battle of St. James.

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