1450. Invention of printing.

1453. Constantinople taken by the Turks.

1466. Treaty of Thorn; Prussia tributary to Poland.

1474. War with Charles the Bold of Burgundy.

1476. Battles of Grandson and Morat.

1477. Death of Charles the Bold; marriage of Maximilian of Austria and Mary of Burgundy.

1486--1525. Frederick the Wise, Elector of Saxony.

1493--1516. Maximilian I.

1495. Perpetual peace declared; the imperial court.

1512. Division of Germany into districts.

FOURTH PERIOD. (1517--1648.)

=The Reformation.=

1483. Martin Luther born.

1502. He enters the University of Erfurt.

1508. Is appointed professor at Wittenberg.

1510. Luther"s journey to Rome.

1517. Luther nails his ninety-five theses, against the sale of indulgences, to the church-door in Wittenberg.

1518. Interview with Cajeta.n.u.s in Augsburg.

1519. Interview with Milt.i.tz in Altenburg.

1520. Luther burns the Pope"s Bull.

1520--1556. Charles V., Emperor.

1521. Luther at the Diet of Worms; his concealment.

1522. His return to Wittenberg.

1524. Ferdinand of Austria and the Bavarian dukes unite against the Reformation.

1525. The Peasants" War.

1525--1532. John the Steadfast, Elector of Saxony.

1525. Albert of Brandenburg joins the Reformers; end of the German Order; battle of Pavia.

1526. Ferdinand of Austria inherits Hungary and Bohemia.

1526. The League of Torgau.

1527. War of Charles V. against Francis I. and the Pope; Rome taken by the Constable de Bourbon.

1529. Peace of Cambray; Diet of Speyer; the name of "Protestants;" Luther meets Zwingli; Vienna besieged by the Turks; Charles V. crowned at Bologna.

1530. Diet of Augsburg; the "Augsburg Confession."

1531. League of Schmalkalden.

1532. Religious Peace of Nuremberg.

1532--1554. John Frederick, Elector of Saxony.

1534. Duke Ulric of Wurtemberg joins the Protestants.

1536--1538. Charles V."s third war with Francis I.

1540. Ignatius Loyola founds the Order of Jesuits.

1542--1544. Charles V."s fourth war with Francis I.

1545--1563. The Council of Trent.

1546. Death of Luther; the Schmalkalden War; treachery of Maurice of Saxony.

1547. Battle of Muhlberg; capture of John Frederick of Saxony; Philip of Hesse imprisoned.

1548. The Augsburg "Interim."

1552. Maurice of Saxony marches against Charles V.; Henry II. of France takes Toul, Metz, and Verdun.

1553. Death of Maurice of Saxony.

1555. The religious Peace of Augsburg.

1556. Abdication of Charles V.

1556--1564. Ferdinand I.

1558. Death of Charles V.

1560. Death of Melanchthon.

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