1774--1782. American War of Independence.

1778. Troubles with the Bavarian succession.

1780. Death of Maria Theresa.

1786. Death of Frederick the Great.

1786--1797. Frederick William II., King of Prussia.

1787. Prussia interferes in Holland.

1788--1791. Austria joins Russia against Turkey.

1790. Death of Joseph II.

=Wars with the French Republic and Napoleon.=

1789. Beginning of the French Revolution.

1790--1792. Leopold II.

1792. France declares war against Austria and Prussia.

1792. Campaign in France; battles of Valmy and Jemappes.

1792--1835. Francis II.

1793. Second part.i.tion of Poland; the first Coalition; successes of the Allies.

1794. France victorious in Belgium; Prussia victorious on the Upper Rhine.

1795. Third and last part.i.tion of Poland; Prussia makes peace with France.

1796. Bonaparte in Italy; Jourdan defeated in Germany; Moreau"s retreat.

1797. Peace of Campo Formio.

1797--1840. Frederick William III., King of Prussia.

1798. Congress of Rastatt; Bonaparte in Egypt.

1799. The second Coalition; Suwarrow in Italy; Bonaparte First Consul.

1800. Battles of Marengo and Hohenlinden.

1801. Peace of Luneville; France extends to the Rhine.

1803. Reconstruction of Germany; French invasion of Hannover.

1804. Duke d"Enghien shot; Napoleon, Emperor.

1805. The third Coalition; battle of Austerlitz; defeat of Austria and Russia; Peace of Presburg.

1806. The "Rhine-Bund" established; Francis II. gives up the imperial crown: battle of Jena; all Prussia in the hands of Napoleon.

1807. Battles of Eylau and Friedland; Peace of Tilsit; Jerome Bonaparte made King of Westphalia.

1808. Napoleon and Alexander I. in Erfurt; Joseph Bonaparte, King of Spain.

1809. Austria begins war with France; revolts of Hofer and Schill; Napoleon marches to Vienna; battles of Aspern and Wagram; Peace of Schonbrunn.

1810. Marriage of Napoleon and Maria Louisa; annexation of Holland and Northern Germany to France.

1812. Germany compelled to unite with Napoleon against Russia; battle of Borodino; burning of Moscow; the retreat; General York"s alliance with Russia.

1813. The War of Liberation; Frederick William III. yields to the pressure; the army of volunteers; battles of Lutzen and Bautzen; armistice; the fifth Coalition; Austria joins the Allies; victories of the Katzbach, Kulm, and Dennewitz; great battle of Leipzig; Napoleon"s retreat; battle of Hanan; Germany liberated.

1814. The campaign in France; the Allies enter Paris; Napoleon"s abdication; the Congress of Vienna.

1815. Napoleon"s return from Elba; the new German Confederation; battles of Ligny and Waterloo; end of Napoleon"s rule; second Peace of Paris; the "Holy Alliance."

=Germany in the Nineteenth Century.=

1817. The Students" Convention at the Wartburg.

1819. The conference at Carlsbad.

1823. A "provincial" representation in Prussia.

1830. The July Revolution in France; outbreaks in Germany.

1834. The Zollverein established.

1835--1848. Ferdinand I., Emperor of Austria.

1840--1861. Frederick William IV., King of Prussia.

1848. Revolution in Germany; conflicts in Austria, Prussia, and Baden; war in Schleswig-Holstein; the National Parliament at Frankfort; insurrection in Hungary and Italy; bombardment of Vienna; Francis Joseph, Emperor.

1849. Frederick William IV. rejects the imperial crown; civil war in Baden; Austria calls upon Russia for help; surrender of Gorgey; subjection of Italy.

1850. Troubles in Hesse and Holstein; end of the National Parliament in Germany.

1851. Restoration of the Diet; Louis Napoleon, Emperor.

1852. Conference at London concerning Schleswig-Holstein.

1853--1856. War of England and France against Russia.

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