1858. William, Prince of Prussia, regent.

1859. War of France and Sardinia against Austria; battles of Magenta and Solferino.

1861. William I., King of Prussia.

1862. Bismarck, Prime-Minister; political troubles in Prussia; congress of princes at Frankfort.

1863. Continued rivalry of Austria and Prussia.

1864. War in Schleswig-Holstein; Denmark gives up the duchies; the Prince of Augustenburg in Holstein.

1865. Agreement of Gastein; Schleswig and Holstein divided between Austria and Prussia.

1866. Austria prepares for war; the German Diet dissolved.

1866. Battle of Langensalza; invasion of Saxony and Bohemia; battle of Koniggratz; the war on the Main; truce of Nikolsburg; annexation of Hannover, Hesse-Ca.s.sel, Na.s.sau, and Frankfort to Prussia; the Peace of Prague.

1867. Establishment of the North-German Union; the question of Luxemburg; hostility of France.

1869. OEc.u.menical Council in Rome.

1870. France declares war against Prussia; all the German states, except Austria, unite; battles of Weissenburg and Worth; the German armies move on Metz; battles of Courcelles, Mars-la-Tour, and Gravelotte; the battle of Sedan, and surrender of Napoleon III.; the Republic declared in Paris; capitulation of Strasburg and Metz; siege of Paris; the war on the Loire and in the northern provinces.

1871. Victories of Prince Frederick Karl at Le Mans; Bourbaki"s repulse by Werder; surrender of Paris; Bourbaki"s retreat into Switzerland; William I. of Prussia proclaimed Emperor of Germany; the Peace of Frankfort; foundation of the new German Empire.

1872. Beginning of conflict between the German Government and the Roman Church; Falk made Minister of Culture; the Jesuits banished from Germany.

1873. The boundaries defined between State and Church; the May laws.

1874. Civil marriage made obligatory.

1876. The _Kulturkampf_ beginning to lag.

1878. Two murderous attempts on the life of Emperor William I.; the exceptional law against the Social-Democrats put in force.

1879. Falk resigns; appointment of reactionary Minister of Culture; Alliance with Austria.

1881. Emperor William I. opens Parliament; legislation for bettering the condition of the working cla.s.ses.

1882. Revision of the May laws; Triple Alliance.

1886. Warlike att.i.tude of Russia and France; death of Ludwig II.

of Bavaria.

1887. Parliamentary conflict in regard to the military budget; dissolution of Parliament; new elections result in favor of the Government.

1888. Death of Emperor William I.; Frederick III., Emperor; his reign of ninety-nine days; his death; succession of William II.

1890. Bismarck resigns the Chancellorship; General Caprivi succeeds him; German-English agreement.

1891. Renewal of Triple Alliance; new commercial treaties.

1892. Introduction of a new military bill.

1893. Defeat of army bill; dissolution of Parliament; the bill carried as a result of new elections.


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