Waking up after a not so peaceful night Mournomon sat at the edge of the bed. He stared into his hands, his thoughts unknown to all but himself his eye"s blurry as he remembers things that were better left forgotten.

A knock came from the door waking him up from his thoughts, "Come in", he called and the door was opened. Just outside the room stood a young girl dressed in a maids outfit, she looked shy which only caused her already pretty face to look even more beautiful.

"I-I apologize for disturbing you, my Lord. I was told to come and wake you by Lady Gremory as well as help you freshen up.", the little maid said in a low voice,

Mournomon smiled at the shy girl as he slowly rose from the bed, " So?", he asked her.

For a moment she stared up at him blankly, not knowing what he meant before quickly looking to the ground, "Ye-Yes, please follow me to the bath." she said, quickly turning around and walking off as if fleeing from him.

Mournomon easily followed her, "What a pleasant distraction?" he thought. The girl had brightened his mood considerably and had left an impression on him.


Arriving at the baths the girl heaved out of breath before thinking about how she almost ran here and quickly turned around thinking she might have left Mournomon behind only to run straight into something. "Ow", she cutely yelled rubbing her head, staring at what she ran into she saw a perfect eight- pack in front of her, staring up she saw a pair of bright purple eye"s staring at her.

For a moment she lost herself in those eyes, she had never seen such strange eyes before, yes the obvious strangeness was its reptilian features but what was even stranger was that when she looked into them she could see flames burning inside, which gave out light and made his eyes shine.

She was brought out of her stupor by a sudden pain on her forehead, "Ah", she yelled again, rubbing her forehead and looking at whatever could have hit her and found Mournomon"s outstretched finger which he had used to flick her forehead.

"Have you finished staring at me", Mournomon asked before the little maid could do anything. His words causing her already blushing face to become an even more prominent shade of red.

"Th-This is the bathroom, please enter", she said not daring to look at him again.

Entering the bathroom Mournomon saw a large bath in the middle of a large tiled room, he quickly threw his battle robe to the ground, much to the horror of the maid and climbed into the bath, the already prepared warm water washed over his body, giving him a pleasant feeling.

Looking around Mournomon saw the little maid standing at the side with her face down. He smiled mischievously before calling to her, "Hey," hearing him call out the girl shivered before looking up to meet his smiling face, "mind washing my back?" he asked to which she could only nod before stiffly walking behind him.

Sitting at the edge of the bath she faces Mournomon"s exposed back, took a deep breath before she slowly scrubbed it. "Aaaah!" Mournomon sighed causing the girl to freeze, "don"t stop" he said and she started scrubbing again.

After she finished scrubbing him she quickly backed away and stood at the side of the room again, Mournomon not wanting to push the girl too far finished washing before getting out of the bath.

His hand reached for a towel before it froze seeing as there were no towels, he looked over to the maid before asking, "Might I have a towel?", to which the made quickly ran to get one, returning shortly afterward, she walked towards him, her head still firmly looking down until she was in front of him. Just as she was about to start drying him with the towel he took it from her and said, "Would you mind getting me some clothes to wear, the maid nodded again and left.

Mournomon dried himself and wrapped the towel around his waist before the maid returned with some clothes, "Th-The m-madam said she had th-these m-made for y-your l-lordship", she said as she placed the clothes on a nearby table.

"Thank you, you may go", Mournomon said having teased the poor girl enough. But unexpectedly the little maid just stood there. "Is something wrong?" he asked her.

"I-I have to d-d-dres-s-s y-your l-l-ordship", the maid stuttered.

"No, need. I can dress my self, you may go", Mournomon said, the maid stood there for a second before bowing then ran out of the room as if she was just liberated, Mournomon could see her blood-red ears as she ran out of the room and shook his head smiling, "That was fun" he thought before turning to the clothes on the table.


Mournomon left the bathroom wearing the new clothes that were prepared for him, which consisted of a black shirt covered by a white blazer with golden lines at the edges, white pants, and black shoes.

"This is the same clothes Zeoticus wears", Mournomon grumbled. Outside Gryfia was waiting for him. She bowed at him as she said "Good morning, Lord Mournomon. Please follow me". Mournomon nodded at her while replying " Good morning to you too Gryfia" and followed her to the dining room where he had breakfast with the Gremory"s while sitting next to Lady Sitri, who was holding Sona.


After breakfast, Mournomon had a lot of time on his hands, as Lady Sitri and Lady Gremory went to the living room to gossip, Lord Gremory had work to do and Gryfia and the rest of the maids had there cleaning and maintenance to do.

Of course, since he didn"t want to be too far away from Lady Sitri as it was his job to protect her, so he decided he was going to walk around the Gremory estate.

Walking around he saw many magical defenses to keep any unwanted company out. The more he saw the more confused he got, "Why the h.e.l.l isn"t there any defenses in the Sitri mansion", he thought.

Like that a week past.

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