A Warrior's Path

Chapter 86

Itachi was overwhelmed. Even Someone as calm as him felt his heart quiver. Years he spent outside bearing the name of a traitor. He would be lying if he said he didn"t want to return but now..... he don"t know what Ryu did but he was grateful. His face showed a gentle smile.

Izumi blushed seeing Itachi smile. She was in love with Itachi for years but due to their status difference she refrained from confessing. When he was labelled a traitor and on the run she vowed to never let go of him ever again.

It"s the dream of any young lady to have someone charming, caring and strong as a lover. And Itachi fits the description way too well. That calm gentle smile he showed has stolen the hearts of many young ladies present.

All of them blushed, hiding their faces, peeking through their fingers from time to time.

While all this scenario was happening, Ryu was looking at Sarutobi, Minato and Hiashi wierdly. All three of them were using transformation technique, not to look like anyone else but themselves. More accurately speaking, they were perfecting their image.

And the reason, they all had panda eyes!!.

Ryu was confused " How did that happen? "

Before he could think further, he saw a red figure clash into them, hugging Hinata and Naruto.

" My cuutieees, you are back!! I was so worried!! "

Seeing this figure Ryu thought " So that"s what happened."

This was Kushina.


Recap - A few days ago.....

Minato and Sarutobi were discussing with Tsunade about Kazekage abduction and Itachi"s return when Kushina barged in, her hair flared as she looked menacingly towards Minato and Sarutobi.


Sarutobi sweated " c.r.a.p, escape!! "

He tried to run but before he could Kushina punched him straight to his face. She then turned towards Minato, who accepted his fate. Tsunade didn"t interfere, she would be digging her own grave if she did that.

After beating both of them she humphed and left but before leaving she muttered " That d.a.m.n Hiashi, how dare he let my daughter-in-law do a dangerous mission!?."

Sarutobi/Minato/Tsunade " She is his daughter though."

They didn"t dare say this out loud. They prayed for Hiashi"s health.


Hyuuga Residence....

A maid came in and reported nervously " Leader, lady Kushina is barging inside "

Hiashi was confused " What"s she doing here?? "

Before he could ask further, an enraged Kushina came inside. Hiashi was about to speak when Kushina thundered

" d.a.m.n you, white eyed freak!! How dare you sent Hinata outside!? "

Hiashi was confused again " Lady Hinata, she is a ninja so she should be....

Before he could finish, a fist connected with his face. All Hyuuga members were scared seeing their clan leader being punched like this. A few older members kind of understood what was happening and tactfully escaped but some who were still harebrained tried to stop Kushina, only to be beaten to a pulp.

Hiashi"s wails could be heard coming from inside the room. Kushina stopped after some time.

"Don"t you dare sent her on a dangerous mission again without me knowing."


Hiashi could only curse Kushina inside.

...…...…Recap over.....

Ryu smirked seeing all of them. Sarutobi didn"t miss this, his mouth twitched. Kushina was smothering Hinata and scolding Naruto. She then pulled on Sasuke"s ear

" Sasuke!! I thought you would be sensible!! Why didn"t you tell me you were leaving, huh!? "

Sasuke " ow,ow,ow,ow... this was a mission so I ..... sorry Ma"am!! it will never happen gain!!"

Mid way his sentence he saw Kushina"s expression darkened, so he immediately changed his att.i.tude and rea.s.sured her.

Under the accompanying of the crowd they went towards the Uchiha compound. Sarutobi had it prepared. Itachi and Sasuke thought back to those old days, their heart pained. A sound interrupted their thoughts

" What are doing standing there, come help us move all of this."

Itachi and Sasuke turned back to see Kushina, Akane, Hiro, Naruto and others come in with large boxes. They all had that smile, seeing them, the pain in their hearts faded, remaining only good memories of their parents.

Kushina, Hinata, Sakura, Tenten, Izumi and Akane took charge of the kitchen, while the boys started arranging everything.

A few hours later.....

The ladies prepared an awesome feast. All of them sat down,

Minato spoke " Itachi... Sasuke.... I know everything that has happened. But that"s the past, your parents would want you to live a fulfilling life, so live your life."

Sarutobi bowed to them " Both of you... my naivety lead to such things. I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me."

The mood got depressing very fast.

Ryu interrupted " Old man, stop being a drag, all that"s in the past. We are here today and we are alive and that"s all that matters. Sasuke, Itachi.....

Congratulations on reuniting!! "

He grinned after saying that. Shisui also spoke a few words. Finally it was Kushina"s turn, she looked at Sasuke gently

" Sasuke, i can never replace Mikoto Chan, your mother but... if you ever need me I will always be there.

As for Itachi don"t ever come to me, you already have someone to confide in and a beauty to boot!!. Wonder what your kids will be like."

Everyone laughed at Kushina"s words. Izumi and Itachi blushed hearing Kushina"s last words. Sasuke had a slight smile on his face.

Every laughed and enjoyed their meal. Except Sarutobi none of them left. There was plenty of rooms to stay, all of them decided to spend the night.

All of the girls got together, they teased Izumi till they slept.

As for the boys, Naruto started blabbering about many things. Itachi simply listened, he never spent time like this.

" This is..... not bad."

Night went by.....

All of enjoyed last night, it wasn"t that often you get together with your friends. After having breakfast

Minato spoke " Itachi, Ryu told me about your condition. Don"t worry, he already have a solution for it. "

Izumi quickly asked " Itachi can be cured!? "

Shisui " Yes. Ryu has that capability. His wood chakra will be able to remove any form of illness within you, also he will be purifying all of your Bloodlines. "

Izumi was delighted, she hugged Itachi out of excitement but quickly realised others were here. Her face turned red as a tomato.

Kushina teased " Oh my! Looks like Izumi can"t keep her hands off Itachi."

Her blush deepened. Sakura and Hinata looked at Izumi and couldn"t help but peek towards Naruto and Sasuke.

Both of them had high perception, they noticed Hinata and Sakura looking at them. Sasuke turned his head away while Naruto"s face turned slightly red.

All of them roared with laughter.

Within a clan previously hated and scorned by others, heart a warming scene unfolded.

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