A Warrior's Path

Chapter 87

It"s been a few days since Itachi"s return but the crowd didn"t lessen one bit. Well mostly young ladies comprised of that crowd. Izumi was always on guard, she didn"t leave Itachi alone for one second.

Ryu was currently inside Hokage"s office. Everyone was present today, including Naruto and company. They all kept quiet,

Tsunade " Ryu, tell us why you called everyone? "

Ryu nodded " Guys you should already have a good idea about this group named Akatsuki. What I am about to tell you is their core secret.

Jiraiya should have given an explanation about their objective, tailed beasts. This group plans to capture all Tailed beasts to awaken an ancient ent.i.ty,

Ten Tails! "

Sarutobi was shocked " There is another tailed beast!!? "

Ryu " Yes and no. It"s not another Tailed beast rather all the current tailed beasts were born out of Ten tails. To explain this we need go back millenniums, to the age of Sage Of Six Paths,

Hagoromo Otsutsuki!.

Sage is considered as a legend in the shin.o.bi world but he existed. He spread the use of chakra throughout these lands but he was not the first chakra user. His mother Kaguya Otsutsuki is a being not of this world. She came to this world for something her clan planted here years ago,

A G.o.d Tree that produces Chakra fruit every thousand years. This Chakra is the total acc.u.mulation of our worlds essence or chakra. Under certain circ.u.mstances she consumed this chakra fruit thus becoming the first being to possess Chakra. "

Everyone listened intently, they couldn"t believe what they were hearing. Sure they have heard of legends and myths about the Sage but what they heard right now totally stunned them.

Ryu continued " Kaguya later gave birth to two kids, Hagoromo Otsutsuki and Hamura Otsutsuki. Kaguya used the G.o.d tree and was creating an army. As time pa.s.sed Hagoromo and Hamura came to know of this, thus they tried to stop their mother.

Kaguya is Chakra"s ancestor, inorder to fight her son"s she called forth Ten tails, Incarnation of Chakra. Their battle shook this world, finally Hagoromo sealed Ten tails body inside the moon while he split Ten Tails Chakra into nine forms, effectively sealing Kaguya as well. These nine forms are what we call Tailed beasts."

Naruto muttered " Amazing."

Sasuke and the rest agreed.

Ryu " Well, back to our topic. Akatsuki plans to capture all these tailed beasts to awaken Ten tails. Their leader in the light is someone you know very well, Jiraiya."

Jiraiya stared " I know them!? Wait.... light? then..... someone is behind them?? "

Ryu " Yup, they are your students. Nagato and Konan. Yahiko is dead. His death changed both Konan and Nagato, their objective changed due to the manipulation of a person."

As he spoke upto here Ryu looked towards Kakashi and Minato, this confused them. But their confusion vanished next instant.

Ryu " That person"s name is Obito Uchiha! "

Kakashi and Minato yelled " WHAT!!? "

Kakashi was angered " Ryu!!! What do you mean by that!? Why would Obito do such a thing!? "

Minato was also confused but he was calmer than Kakashi " Ryu, please explain! "

Ryu " Well, after that incident where you all thought Obito to be dead, he was actually saved by Madara Uchiha! "

Everyone " WHAT!!!???? "

Ryu beckoned " No need to be that surprised. He didn"t die after his battle with Hashirama, instead he stole Hashirama"s DNA. At the end of his life, he awakened Rinnegan. The eyes of The Sage.

Madara had plans, he wished to change this world"s cruelty and bring about peace, for that he needs the ten tails. But his power was waning, so he needed a p.a.w.n and that was Obito."

Kakashi nearly exploded " Why would he choose Obito!? "

Ryu asked back " As far as I know, Obito was a kind kid, he always helped others. Someone who can care so deeply like that... if such a person were to fall into despair, what would happen?

Simple, his love for others would change to extreme Hatred. As for how Madara achieved that, very easy. He made Obito see his most cherished person die Infront of him."

Kakashi quivered " No.. no way.. he saw Rin... die..."

Ryu " Correct. Madara transplanted his eyes to Nagato for another purpose. Anyway, Madara plans to capture all Tailed beast to awaken the Ten tails and use it to unleash a Genjutsu through the moon.

This Genjutsu will put everyone in a dream like state where they are able to see and experience what they most desire. "

Everyone stood there, frozen. Especially Minato and Kakashi, they were the most shocked out of all of them. To think Rin"s death was connected to Madara. Their heart ached for Obito.

Minato said solemnly " Ryu, where is Obito? "

Ryu " Don"t know. Most probably near Rain village. But I advise you to not go, that"s their base who knows what they have in store for us. Also even if you bring him back Nothing will change, atleast we know who we are fighting. So don"t add any more confusion into the mix."

Kakashi spoke hurriedly " But Ryu...

Ryu stopped him " No need for further discussion. Don"t worry, he won"t die.

There are a few more details but it"s not relevant right now so I"ll leave it. Tsunade san, be ready. This world is about to be plunged into chaos and we need to be alert at all times. "

Sarutobi, Tsunade and Minato nodded firmly. Tsunade ordered to tighten the village defences and called back most ninjas below Chunin level from their missions. They also took precaution to when tracking Akatsuki members, after all from what Ryu said they are strong enough to take down a small village all by themselves.

Tsunade warned " Jiraiya, don"t even think about going inside Rain village. They are not your responsibility, just take Naruto to train in Nature energy. He needs to be as strong as he can for the coming storm."

Jiraiya laughed dryly, he did have that idea but seeing how Tsunade eyed him stopped such thoughts.

Ryu " well then..... i will be leaving. Everyone do your best. Izumi, Itachi, Sasuke let"s go! "

Minato asked him before he left " What do you plan to do, Ryu? "

Ryu grinned " Akatsuki have already started hunting Tailed beasts. Since they are strong enough to take on Tailed beasts with a two man team, I"m gonna hunt them down."

Ryu left along with Izumi, Itachi and Sasuke. Itachi"s expression was solemn, he knew Akatsuki had some terrible dark side but never did he imagine it to be so great.

They moved towards Uchiha compound. Today Ryu was going to purify all of their Bloodlines. Ryu fortified Uchiha compound with many seals, unless it is someone he allowed no one can enter. This includes white and black zetsu.

Shisui was waiting for them, he nodded as they went inside. After entering a s.p.a.cious courtyard Ryu asked " Itachi, you will go first. Are you ready? "

Itachi took a deep breath " Yes. "

Ryu asked him to sit in a lotus position. Itachi did what he asked. Ryu sat behind him, just as he was about to activate Itachi"s Bloodline, navii"s voice interrupted him.

Navii " Master, there are currently two missions active."

Ryu nodded, he asked Navii to remind him if there were any missions active when he was about to do anything.

Ryu " What are the missions? "

Mission no. .....

Activate Itachi"s body.

Reward : 2000 WP.

Mission no. ....

Purify Uchiha Bloodline and remove the curse of hatred.

Reward : 1000 WP.

Ryu was satisfied, he got back to what he was doing. He channeled chaos energy through Itachi"s body, as he did so Itachi"s body heated up.

Sasuke, Shisui and Izumi were worried, but they stood still. They knew Ryu would never harm them. Itachi grunted for a few minutes and spat out blood. This was what"s within him all these years, Itachi had something akin to cancer but ten times stronger.

After Itachi vomitted, his complexion got better. His body was undergoing a fundamental change. The final traces of impurities within his body was consumed by his physique making him stronger.

At this moment, Ryu placed a purifying pill into his mouth. The pill melted as it went down his throat. Itachi felt comfortable all over his body, his Bloodline was being tempered again and again. As time pa.s.sed Itachi"s physique and his Bloodline got stronger.

An hour later...

Everyone watched Itachi intently. Ryu " He has been sitting like that for an hour, it should be finished."

As they looked, Itachi opened his eyes. His Sharingan flared, first it changed to one tomoe... two... three... Mangekyo but it didn"t stop there.

His Mangekyo has changed its shape. Previously Itachi"s Mangekyo was a three corner pinwheel but now.... it changed to three smaller pinwheels surroundings a black dot. Moreover his Mangekyo evolved to Eternal !!!

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