What the fudge is the use if you only have sixth sense

How did it feel having a werewolf live at home?

It seemed like no big deal. There weren’t any full moon transformations or any bad ends where everyone was slaughtered under a werewolf’s fury. Even more so, no demon hunter leading over two hundred crusaders came in order to bring justice upon evil, incidentally flattening his house along with it [Diablo 3/Warcraft reference].

Hao Ren felt that this evening was almost too tranquil, it was as if nothing had happened at all. The werewolf was very compliant, she obediently paid rent without acting violently, even after transforming. Her only characteristics were being scared cats and talking excessively, as well as being somewhat G.o.dd.a.m.n irritating. Apart from that, there were no other shortcomings to speak of. Also regardless of whether she transformed or not, she always looked pretty moe, which was something he could live with.

Early in the morning on the second day, Hao Ren was jolted awake by a wet and sticky sensation.

As soon as he opened his eyes, there was a dumb fluffy black and white cat looking at him. It’s pair of yellow eyes transmitted only one message. Breakfast!

“Good morning, Roll.”

Hao Ren resisted the temptation of falling back to sleep. He yawned and stretched several times before becoming aware of his surroundings. Swinging his hands to chase the household’s second in-command onto the floor, he then dressed himself while still in a daze.

Then he suddenly remembered there was a new tenant at his house.

He also remembered that this new tenant just so happened to be an unknown life form known as werewolf.

This had made him toil around until the latter half of last night, only then was he barely able to fall asleep.

At this moment, as the drowsiness from waking up had not yet faded, he couldn’t help but scratch his head and start mumbling:

“It’s not a dream right?”

However, he finally realised that he was not dreaming, the pita pata sound of footsteps could be heard resounding from the living room. What came afterwards was that somewhat familiar bustling voice:

“Landlord! Landlord! You don’t have a TV signal here? On the advert didn’t you say that you could watch TV?”

Hao Ren sighed, and finally accepted the fact that his life had been changed forever, but he knew that he had yet to prepare himself for it.

To be honest, unless one suffered from chuuni for many years, with a sense of reality that was already encroached by fantasy, who could have made preparations for the current situation!? He fundamentally did not know how to a.s.sociate with a werewolf from here onwards, he also didn’t know what would happen the next day. As for the current situation…… any progress is better than no progress.

He pushed the door open to see Lily already sitting in the living room. What’s more, this werewolf maiden had also changed her clothes.

She wore a breezy set of camisoles and denim shorts, and truly beamed with youth and vitality. Coupled with her somewhat light brown tan, she looked like someone who was right out of a fitness program.

Upon seeing Hao Ren come out from his room, Lily immediately beckoned happily with hand gestures:

“Good morning landlord! Look the TV doesn’t even have signal, what’s up with that?”

Immediately afterwards, she once again saw the black and white cat collapsed on Hao Ren’s shoulders, it had a demeanour similar to that of royalty inspecting commoners.

She instantly somersaulted backwards to a spot behind the sofa, then gingerly poked out less than half of her head.

Staring intently at the face of the cat with eyes that had already transformed into a light gold colour, she deliberated quite a while before finally using an almost worshipping intonation to greet the cat while jittering:

“Roll……good morning.”

“As a werewolf, please be more reliable.”

Hao Ren silently glanced at Lily and felt that for each additional sentence exchanged with this girl, his insecurities for the future lightened slightly: just having this kind of idiot around provided incredible stress relief.

He then looked at the LCD TV which had been bought only two or three years ago, it displayed only a screen full of endless monochromatic blue:

“Problem with the TV? No signal in your room either?”

This rental apartment, which looked unpresentable, actually had a very exorbitant side to it, as every room had a TV.

This was due to the “business” boom during the last two years, which Hao Ren had let it get to his head when he bought them all. However, because he had caught a large sale, it didn’t end up costing too much.

Today, each room having its own TV was the most attractive advertis.e.m.e.nt when trying to sublet his house.

Lily nodded while carefully shuffling from behind the sofa – she was on all fours during this puppy-like movement:

“There’s no signal in my room room either. I need to watch the doc.u.mentary channel in the mornings.”

“You like watching doc.u.mentaries?”

Hao Ren casually questioned as he squished behind the TV to check for wiring problems. Lily’s voice drifted from behind:

“No, it’s because there just so happens to be a dubbed doc.u.mentary film[1] talking about prairie wolves recently, I need to grasp the whereabouts of my fellow species at any time after all~”

“You came from the African prairies?”

Hao Ren curiously turned around to ask. As soon as he remembered the other party’s werewolf ident.i.ty, a torrent of peculiarity struck him as expected.

Lily’s head swayed to and fro:

“Not really~ I don’t even know where I came from, maybe nearby snowy plains~. My memory before “awakening” is blurry – I can’t recall to save my life. However, I feel that all the wolves in the world are one family. You humans are separated by so many ethnicities, yet still call yourselves earthlings. I feel the main reason why us ‘aliens’ are forced to the lower levels of the ecosystem is a lack of unity……”

Lily once again started to ‘balabala’, Hao Ren felt he couldn’t keep up with the other’s topic at all – dafaq, how could anyone follow up on this kind of a topic? By discussing Darwinism or breeding issues with a canine from the snowy plains?

“Wiring – no problem, TV – no problem. Since there was no signal in your room either then it should be a problem on the signal tower’s side.”

Hao Ren lifted his face from behind the TV and said so, appearing somewhat professional in the process.

To be honest he didn’t understand what was wrong, he just didn’t want to lose face in front of this r.e.t.a.r.d werewolf who got scared onto all fours upon seeing a cat:

“It’s rare for there to be cable here. Typically we still rely on signal towers.”


Lily answered while looking somewhat disappointed. But this sense of disappointment only lasted a few seconds before it completely disappeared.

First Hao Ren went to fill the cat feed for “Roll”, then he prepared to cook in the kitchen. But just as he was about to proceed to the kitchen, a series of ‘ping ping ping’ sounds came from a door being knocked on.

He wasn’t sure if it was an illusion, but the second before the knock on the door, Hao Ren suddenly felt a familiar chill. But this chill was like a hallucination, appearing for only a moment. He dismissed it as a result of his nerves being stressed.

Thus Lily frowned while she sniffed around with her nose, but didn’t learn anything. She pointed at the direction of the door:

“Landlord, there’s a guest!”

“I know, I know.”

Hao Ren trotted to open the door while thinking about who would come and visit this remote place. For the time being, it didn’t look like it was for the water bill. He opened the door and said out of habit:

“Hey, who are you loo……?!”

In front of the door, there stood an unknown girl.

Her height was on the tall side, estimated to be at least a metre seventy [1.7+ m or ~5ft 6’] with a slender build, waist length hair. Apart from her dress, a plain black one piece, and the pair of worn sneakers on her feet, she wore no other adornments.

She was dressed plainly, but even that could not cover up her outstanding beauty. Contrary to the delicate features of hers, she emitted the aura befitting of an aristocrat.

Her eyes weren’t large, but when they were slightly narrowed it brought out a seemingly graceful allure. Below the eyes were a small and slightly upturned nose and thin lips that were devoid of lipstick, yet still gleamed l.u.s.trously red.

The overall shape of her face gave off the feeling of being of Asian-European descent, giving her the impression of being a beautiful mixed blood girl.

The most eye-catching point was her complexion: skin which was clean and tender to the point that it seemed as though it would be pierced with just a touch; also abnormally white and transparent……to the point of being too white, Hao Ren even felt that it was somewhat pale.

Hao Ren was not actually someone who froze up when he saw beauties.

Despite him somewhat longing for a life with love interests, he still had quite a bit of composure regardless. Even Lily’s level of beauty didn’t cause him to freeze up for this long yesterday, but today the main reason for him freezing was that the girl in front of him looked more shocked than he was.

The unfamiliar girl at the door used her hand to shield against the sun, it seemed as though she didn’t like weather with too much sunlight.

Her face was full of unrestrained surprise. Before Hao Ren could open his mouth, she had already started to exclaim:

“You’re the one from last night….. you’re not dead?!”

“That’s no way to speak!”

Hao Ren retorted unconsciously when he heard.

Only afterwards did he grasp the meaning behind the other party’s words.

“Last night… f.u.c.k me, transform quickly Lily!”

Last night he had only met one “person” other than Lily!

Also right now, he could completely affirm that the chill he felt just before he decided to open the door was no hallucination. Rather it was the amazing sixth sense which he had been developing since childhood. Though, as evidenced by reality, just having a sixth sense does f.u.c.k all when one is not initially cautious. He had already opened the door, and furthermore, was within just two metres of his a.s.sailant from last night.

Hao Ren’s last thoughts in this chapter [TL: breaking 4th wall again]: I didn’t think it would be a beautiful girl……

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