Wolf and Bat

“Transform quickly Lily!”

At the moment, this was the only solution that Hao Ren could think of, as the familiar scent of blood appeared along with a chilling feeling once again.

Despite the human like appearance, he knew that the abnormal monster in front of him was not something a normal person could contend with. But after shouting out that line, he didn’t have any significant hopes, as the “girl” in front of him was no more than two metres away!

A gust of wind came from behind; Hao Ren knew this was Lily dashing towards him after having transformed. At the same time Hao Ren also put power into his feet, prepared to jump to the side in order for Lily to clash frontally with this thing that was speculated to be a vampire – which would mean that he would be safe!

Yet he still overestimated his response speed, or rather, underestimated the “alien’s” battle prowess. Before he could even finish thinking about evading, the ‘cool beauty[1]’ had already extended her hands towards him with speed far surpa.s.sing that of human reflexes.

She gripped Hao Ren’s arm in one hand, then threw him behind herself, using enough brute force to almost cause bone fractures. Additionally she even uttered in a pleasant voice:

“Watch out!”

Hao Ren was bewildered during the moment which he was flung: The “watch out” just now seemed to have come from the dangerous life form in front of him?

At this time, Lily had finally also shot to the front door, though half a step late.

Hao Ren was in despair over this werewolf with brain deficiencies, who had arrived neither transformed nor equipped with a weapon.

She still wore that light and lively “at home” look. Her hair didn’t turn white and ears didn’t pop out, this girl bounced along to the front door while still rambling on happily:

“Landlord, landlord I’m coming~ Is it an express delivery?”

Hao Ren shouted in near grief within his heart, strong enough to be heard across the horizon: This reeeee-tard! Completely didn’t understand!!!!!

Werewolf Lily’s r.e.t.a.r.ded actions made Hao Ren completely give up on escaping from the vampire. Even though she immediately reacted upon seeing the unfamiliar cool beauty by completely transforming in under a second, and picking up two bricks from the front prepared to fight, Hao Ren still felt it was absolutely hopeless.

Starting from yesterday, he shouldn’t have pinned his hopes on this werewolf with brain deficiencies! Going to the kitchen and chaining together some garlic, then hanging it on his neck would’ve probably been more reliable than Lily!

Of course, at a later date he would find out that, for a certain vampire, garlic was actually also useless.

Lily momentarily flashed a vexed expression as she saw her own landlord already hoisted by the enemy, but she still held on tightly to the brick, emitting a low whining growl as if to threaten the other party:

“Vampire… it’s daytime right now. You vampires couldn’t even beat me at night, you are less of an opponent during the day! Return the landlord and I’ll spare your life!” [ED (Zeph): Is she ‘One with the brick’ as well? :3]

From the start, the cool beauty, whose ident.i.ty was confirmed as a vampire, felt no fear as she stood between Hao Ren and Lily.

She lifted her right hand into a defensive posture, sharp nails slowly extended as a chilling atmosphere with the scent of blood started rotating around her body.

But her left hand moved silently behind her, she bafflingly waved it around within Hao Ren’s line of sight. It felt as if …… similar to ushering Hao Ren to quickly leave?

“Werewolf, since when did wild beasts pretend to mingle within human cities?”

The vampire maiden’s voice was cold and condescending.

Even though it was unknown why it carried a sense of fragility, but her dismissive att.i.tude towards Lily was, however, made very clear in her speech (despite she somehow got bricked twice last night by said werewolf):

“Isn’t catching rabbits in the wilderness your original job?”

“Hmph!” Lily puffed angrily, “Stupid vampire, you’ll never guess that I’m completely unable to catch rabbits!”

At that time, Hao Ren thought he might as well kill himself, rather than make things hard for this werewolf with brain deficiencies: ‘ahhh, this r.e.t.a.r.d, r.e.t.a.r.d, r.e.t.a.r.d!!’ [TL: r.e.t.a.r.d *3]

Even the vampire maiden, who had been calm this whole time was stumped by the response not dictated by common sense, so much so that she had almost forgot to laugh, but still went on to put strength into the left hand behind her back.

During this, Hao Ren heard a voice resound in the direction of his ears:

“Human, you run first. I’ll keep this werewolf occupied……even though it’s daytime, but delaying her is still no problem!”

Hao Ren:


For once, Lily finally wasn’t r.e.t.a.r.ded, she noticed that the vampire was somewhat distracted during the previous moment, therefore she immediately howled and charged towards her while wielding the brick. She didn’t throw the brick straight away, perhaps out of consideration for the landlord nearby.

“Go die! Rat with wings[2]”

The vampire maiden also fearlessly welcomed the fight, and coagulated strands of red blood with a wave of her hand.

Sharp nails which already extended to several centimetres in length, stabbed at Lily’s chest like a wave of daggers:

“Go die! Wild beast that only knows how to catch rabbits!”

“Stupid vampire! I already said I’m completely unable to catch rabbits!”

“Don’t think you can use this method to distract me! To a vampire, the same trick never works twice!”

Within the moments Hao Ren had been s.p.a.ced out, the two abnormal life forms, weighted far from common sense, had already tangled together. Lily dashed left and right like a stream of silver particles, as she desperately tried to reach Hao Ren.

However, even during the daytime that mysterious vampire maiden wasn’t in much of a losing position in terms of speed. One could see her dissolve into a black blur of an afterimage, red strands of blood and claw attacks flew about in a frenzy.

Every time it looked as though the werewolf was about to charge out, she would once again get suppressed. Lily’s roar and vampire maiden’s yell almost simultaneously resounded from ten different places.

This completely surpa.s.sed the reaction speed of human vision and hearing!

But Hao Ren had already recovered from the initial stupor. Even though he wasn’t sure what the actual circ.u.mstances were, he nevertheless knew that these two couldn’t continue fighting.

If not for any other reason……he was scared of others seeing this bizarre scene!

No matter how remote, there were still people out here. Moreover, it was morning, and the few residents of this street could come out at any moment. The disturbance which the fight between Lily and the vampire caused was no joke.

If it was seen by others, it would definitely cause problems. Lily might really get taken away and dissected by the Royal Society of Science, then shipped to the canteen to test for flavours! Hao Ren had complete faith in the government of Gourmet’s Republic of China!

Seeing a set of doors at the end of the street being slowly pushed open, Hao Ren was burning with impatience. He howled forcefully, straining his throat to the limit:

“Stop! Stop fighting!”

His howl was simply earth-shattering. Hao Ren could imagine the elderly neighbourhood grannies and grandpas encircling him with questions several days later about whether or not domestic violence took place. But this howl was indeed effective, as the two storms formed by Lily and the vampire maiden quickly stopped.

Both of them looked at Hao Ren in confusion, then quickly glared at their opponent once again.

Lily maintained a face full of provocative fighting spirit, as if the battle just then was only enough as a warm-up, while the vampire maiden seemed to be considerably exhausted, as she was breathless and her face was flushed in an abnormal red. It looked like trying to evenly match the werewolf in a melee while in the sunlight wasn’t so easy.

However, they both had a single point in common: even though they experienced such an intense battle, not a single drop of sweat could be seen on either of them.

Vampire girl’s mobile freezer was too d.a.m.n cold. [TL: original joke was similar but I had to change it up quite a lot for something equivalent in English –let me know if it works]

“There might be a misunderstanding here!”

Hao Ren saw the appearance of the locked glares the two were sharing and quickly slipped in between them (of course slightly closer to Lily).

“I need to confirm one thing first. Miss va-……vampire girly, you actually didn’t intend to kill me right?”

Hao Ren felt the sentence was weird as soon as it left his mouth, but at this time he didn’t care to quibble. He felt that a serious misunderstanding had developed between the werewolf and vampire. All this pointed to the possibility of a huge f.u.c.k up. [TL: where you try not to fall over from an extreme misunderstandings being cleared]

Sure enough, the vampire maiden’s eyes immediately flew open.

While on one hand she remained alert against Lily, she rapidly glanced at Hao Ren on the other:

“I wanted to save you!”

Before Hao Ren even opened his mouth, Lily had already jumped out: “Who are you kidding! You want to suck landlord’s blood! I saw on TV, there’s not as a single good piece of work amongst you vampires!”

Hao Ren suddenly realised this something. Why was it that a lot of her knowledge about werewolves were from TV? Was this the first time she had met a vampire?

“Wasn’t it you who first kidnapped this human?!”

Vampire girl narrowed her slim eyes, which carried a murderous aura: “Kidnapping a human, forcing him to help conceal your ident.i.ty, which then lets you keep living in human cities. There aren’t many werewolves with a brain; this kind of method has been used since hundreds of years ago and still hasn’t changed now. No wonder you guys are almost extinct.”

Lily and the vampire maiden then continued to glare at each other, but it started to seem as though both were losing their conviction.

Listening while sandwiched between the two, Hao Ren roughly understood, finally slapped himself on the forehead: “Ahhh, just what the heck……you guys first stop fighting and get inside for now!”

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