Absolute Duo

Chapter 16

Part 1

“What, didn’t you go with Miyabi and the rest?”

I asked the silver girl who was waiting for me even though I had told her it was all right to go on ahead.

“It’s because I am Tooru’s >.”

The bell rang like usual and Julie nodded.

(Even though the > is not related in today’s >.)

Although I thought that, there was no way I would not be happy if she told me that.

“Thanks. Let’s go then.”

“Ja---. Okay let’s go. Miyabi and the rest are waiting.”

Maybe it was the thought of wanting to hurry up to side of Miyabi and the rest; Julie took my hands.

(Uu…………..this is somehow embarra.s.sing……….)

Julie walked while tightly holding my hand with her small hands.

After I took a small glance at Lilith for the last time, she was staring at me while placing her hands on her hips.

Once we entered the building and immediately descended 2 floors down with the escalator, we let go of our hands.

It seems the power supplies were off today so after we got down 2 floors using the escalator, which had become a staircase with big ramps, we reached a place called Nagisa plaza.

There was a path on the left side while there was an atrium connecting the first floor and right side; there was also a book store in front of us.

From this place which was located at the very east end of the building, we headed to the meeting point we promised with Tachibana and the rest located to the west-----

“Ah-re? it’s Kokonoe-kun and Julie-chan. You two took your time coming down here?”

In the shadows of the shelves in the bookstore which I thought were empty, a girl-----Kibitsu showed her face.

“Just a little strategic meeting. How about you Kibitsu, why are you in a place like this?”

“Uun, I am going to ambush her here. Look, my > is

“I-I see…………….”

Just how could she say that with a confident smile on her face.

“By the way Kibitsu. I have been wondering this since a while back but, how do you manifest the arrow?”

> and

I tried asking since it might provide a hint to a strategy.

(Is it the same with Lilith’s >………….?)

“It seems I can manifest the shape of an arrow using my mental strength by having the > be the medium. The arrow is like the other self of the

“During the manifestation, I have to imagine the actions. It seems it is different for each individual, but mine is like the feeling of pulling out an arrow from the quiver. It seems you can manifest it by just taking the pose if you are used to it.”

“I see. That was knowledgeable.”

“You are welcome. Alright, I have to go back to my stand-by spot soon. Kokonoe-kun, Julie-chan, I leave my revenge to you two.”

“I think there is something wrong, with having you a.s.sume you will already lose…………..”

While making a smile while making a comeback, Kibitsu once again hid herself behind the book shelf.

“Well then, it seems we are a little late so, let’s hurry up and go to everyone.”

“Ja---. Let’s do that.”

Inside the A La Mode building, which was filled with people when we visited a few days ago.

It was now wrapped in silence and it gave off the illusion as if we slipped into a ghost town.

The different atmosphere where there was no one manning the shop even though it was open made that feeling stronger.

“To-Tooru-kun, Julie-chan. Over here, over here……….!”

From far away, Miyabi was making small waves with her hands to us.

(I don’t know whether she is appealing or not……….)

While making a wry smile, we met up with Tachibana and Miyabi.

“Sorry. For making you guys wait………..”

“I-ya, I don’t mind. More importantly, let’s confirm the plan once more before it starts. First off, in the center plaza for ambush, at that standpoint in that location--------”

Being the group leader, Tachibana looked at the building map while she started talking about the plan.

Several situations were a.s.sumed but, the basic plan was to drive Lilith to a corner with our numbers.

After the confirmation was over, we confirmed the actual building instead of the map.

The northern part of the A La Mode which was the grounds for >-----

After going straight through the approximately 400 meter wide path which was stretched out from the east to west, there consisted 4 plazas mid-way through.

The names of the plazas in order were: ..Nagisa, the first eastern plaza right when we got down from the roof ..after heading west from there is Yukari ..then the Center ..finally Sora.

However, the path was not a completely straight path and each of the Yukari and Center plazas had narrow paths to use for moving around. The building has a 2 floor structure but, although this does not go for all the plazas, all of the paths connect from the 2nd floor and 1st floor through an atrium.

It was easy to move around on the 1st floor since it is wide, but since it is very disadvantageous if she attacks us from above by using the atrium we chose to fight on the 2nd floor.

Around 1 minute after confirming the place I would be stationed again, a building announcement that the > had started.

“It’s time. Are you all ready? I am counting on you all to follow the plan!”

[Aah!][ Ja---!][U-un……..][Fuun, leave it to me.]

Leaving approximately one person out, right when we made a strong nod to Tachibana (Tatsu was silent), a light bell different from the usual one I was used to hearing, *Karan**Karan* echoed.

Immediately after that sound disappeared-----

A gunshot echoed from the east side.

“It started huh………!”

Right when we were stationing according to Tachibana’s words, I could hear several more gunshots.

The sound was louder then first and, I found out that she was in battle at the second plaza------the Yukari plaza.

Even if they were not defeated by Lilith, it would probably take some time for her to come here.

And during the time I was thinking that.

“Let’s go there, catch her-----!!”

When such a voice appeared, with a backward glance; the figure of the gold girl running here could be seen.

(I thought she would defeat everyone that was waiting for her before advancing but……….!)

It’s true that from Lilith’s perspective, she did not have to go with the opponents" plan.

It seemed the thought of her eliminating each one of us by order was mostly out of expectations.

(She’s coming……….!!)

They chased Lilith to the place we were waiting for her.


Right when Lilith ran near me, I jumped out from the pillar’s shadow and stood in her way.

I was probably supposed to perform a surprise attack originally but, my role was to stop her.

And, what kind of method to use was up to my personal discretion.

Even though Lilith was making a stance with her >, she stopped and slightly lowered her gun when she noticed I was the opponent.

“Oh my, why if it isn’t Kokonoe Tooru. Long time no see.”

“…………..That’s right. I am surprised to see you again this fast.”

I directed an ironic smile to Lilith.

“That goes for me too………….but this is good. I don’t have to go around looking for you.”

After swaying her hair with her hand, Lilith aimed her > at me.

“First off, I will test your true abilities.”

In a situation where everything would end if she pulled the trigger-----

However, in a different perspective, you could say this was a one-in a lifetime chance.

This was the chance to practically use the plan to handle the > I thought of using at the real scene.

Failure would mean instant retire-----

Although this had high risks, I had nothing else.

(-----It’s coming!!)

Lilith put in strength on the finger at the trigger and-----

*Ginn*!! Right after the gun fired, a metallic sound was produced.

(Success!! I can do this at this distance!!)

“…………Not bad. Or is it just a coincidence?”

After I blocked the bullet with the >, Lilith stared at me.

“If you think that was a coincidence then want to try it one more time?”

“…………I’ll give up on that. I will accept you as the main dish. That is why I will let you go for now.”

Right when Lilith was showing her > rotating habit after firing, I raised the corners of my mouth.

“………No, I won’t let you get away. It is our turn now-----Tachibana!!”

“Leave it to me!!”

Placed between the atrium, Tachibana showed herself with her > at the front of the shop, and the gold girl reacted by moving her gun at her.

At that moment, Tatsu jumped out from the shop to Lilith’s side this time.


Once Tachibana diverted her conscious to her by showing herself, Tatsu would attack from a completely different direction.

This was one of the many plans we had prepared.

“It’s a simple but good method.”

Lilith moved her sights to Tatsu and said that as if to show her composure.

*Zan*!! The > that got swung down made a big crack on the path but, Lilith dodged it with a back flip and landed on top of the gla.s.s fence like that.

“Tatsu!! Swing to the side!!”

If he swung to the side then she might have to make a huge dodge movement.

At the same time as I told Tatsu my instructions, Julie who was hiding behind the objects jumped out.

If it was on top of the fence then, she had to dodge by jumping away from Tatsu’s attack.

*Ton*. Just like predicted, Lilith kicked the gla.s.s fence and jumped to the sky.

However, she was heading towards the atrium.


The height was easily around 5 meters until the first floor.

If by any chance she failed in her landing, she might end up injuring herself but even so, she did not hesitate.

“It’s not a bad attack but, I advise including the > physical ability in the calculations.”

Everyone became fascinated by the sight of the gold girl who has sunlight shining down on her from the gla.s.s roof.

The appearance of an angel descending down was shown to our eyes and Lilith descended to the ground.

However, the group standing-by on the first floor did not end with being fascinated by her.

That’s because the hunter came down in front of them who were the prey.

Sword strikes, gunshot, shouts and the sound of battle echoed back.

Even after I ran to the fence and looked downwards in panic, the Yellow Topazblonde hair had already entered the blind spot of the building’s cover.

(d.a.m.n……….!! I won’t let you get away!!)

I crossed the fence and jumped down to the first floor.

After landing and spotting Lilith, there was a 5 meter distance between us.

“Ah-ra, I won’t go easy on you if you chase me.”

Lilith turned around and prepared her >.

(Kuh, where is she aiming……..!?)


Julie shouted and at the same time as the bullet hit the >.

The bullet course slightly diverted and scratched my cheek.

“You have good luck. Or is your luck included into your abilities too?”


I decided that this distance was to my disadvantage and jumped into the shadows but there was no pursuit attack.

Instead, I could hear Lilith voice together with her footstep getting further away.

“Well I don’t mind. I will leave you as the main dish like I thought. Kokonoe Tooru.”

After I brought my face out from the shadows, I saw the back of the Yellow Topazblonde hair swaying around while leaving.

(She got away……………but, there was some profit.)

---This was the first contact with Lilith in this >.

“Are you okay, Tooru.”

“Aah, I" m not injured. But, the guys on the lower floor……………”

After I nodded to Julie who easily got down, I set my sights to the guys collapsed in the front.

Looks like there were 6 people but, they were all defeated in that short time.

It just took 1 minute for Lilith to take on the selected 2nd year members who had 3 >. It couldn’t be helped for 6 > to be unable to do anything in direct combat.

I then heard a gunshot from the direction Lilith ran to.

“She is probably fighting with the group in the Sora plaza.”

Tachibana with Miyabi behind jumped down from the 2nd floor path like us.


In spite of coming down timidly, Miyabi failed in her landing and landed on her b.u.t.t.

Thanks to that her skirt got flipped up, but it stopped at a dangerous spot luckily.

“Ouch…….. ………………---------!!”

Although she frowned her face in pain at first, she immediately noticed what was happening and quickly fixed the hem of her skirt.

“Miyabi are you okay?”

“U-un. I am okay but………..errr…….di-did you see………..?”

I extended my hand to her as she asked a question with a soft voice.

“I did not see so relax.”

After I replied back while making a wry smile, Miyabi exhaled and took my hand before standing up.

Behind us, Tachibana muttered while lining up the people that had collapsed against the wall to let them sleep.

“Because we did not stop her, this turned into an inexcusable result to them………….”

“We can’t help it. She was one layer better.”

“Fuun. More important than that, shouldn’t we decide on the next objective for now on?”

Tora came down while saying that.

“Without Tatsu?”

“That guy is not suited for brain work. It’s probably best just to let him be on the look out up there.”

“I-I see…………..then let’s go with the objectives first…………Tachibana.”

I asked the decision from Tachibana who was our leader.

“………Her victory condition is to eliminate all of us. Instead of us moving, we should go with the first plan and wait here without moving------”

“Oi, Kokonoe!! Don’t let her get away so easily!!”

An angry shout mixed into our conversation from the 2nd floor.

When I looked up, Kigami and his comrades who were supposed to be camping at the Yukari plaza were there.

“That goes for you too.”

There were no mistakes with what I said, since Kagami and the rest were the first ones to be broken through like us, I got irritated because there was no reason to be scolded at.

“The h.e.l.l you say!?”

Kigami got angry with my reply and the atmosphere clearly got bad-----

At that moment, Tachibana and Izumi came in front of us respectively to calm us down.

“Sorry, Kigami. It is my responsibility as the team leader to be unable to stop her here. If you want an apology then I will apologize to you properly later. But for now, isn’t it decided that we repair the broken formation first?”

Kigami stopped his words when Tachibana lightly lowered her head.

In replacement, Izumi was the one who opened his mouth.

“We don’t need an apology since we got broken through that easily. More importantly, we are planning to chase her now like this so, if it is okay with you all, do you want to join in?”


Kigami got angry at his partner’s plan.

“Maa maa, Kigami. Isn’t it okay. We are low on numbers anyway, so everything is okay if we go with this for the last.”

He probably purposely did it to allow everyone to hear.

But, it might be because his natural virtue makes it hard to be hated even though he has that light feeling with him.

And since I dare not say that comment, Tachibana questioned him on the words he said half-way through.

“What do you mean that we are low on numbers?”

“Just like what you can see, 5 people were taken down when she broke through the Yukari plaza. Thanks to that, most of the methods we prepared cannot be used anymore”

Now that he mentioned it, most of the people that I saw when I crossed by the Yukari plaza at the beginning had been eliminated.

“What are you going to do? If it is okay, then it would be a lifesaver if you corner her from down there.”

Izumi claimed the charge of the 2nd floor which had the lowest possibility of getting shrewdly attacked from above.

Tachibana made a slight wry smile and nodded.

“I understand. We will be in charge of the first floor.”

Alliance established.

“Don’t pull my leg, Kokonoe!!”

“Fuun. What a noisy guy……!”

Tora said that as if he was spitting and glared at Kigami.

“……………Weren’t we supposed to ambush her again here?”

I held back his voice just in case to avoid letting it reach Kagami and the rest.

“I felt that the atmosphere would get even worse if I refused.”

“…………..Sorry for being bad at being considerate.”

“Fufu, I don’t mind. More importantly, let’s move too, we need to tell Tatsu about the situation as well.”

“Aah, let’s do that.”

Everyone was gathered once Tatsu came down and just when we were about to move, I recalled back the time when I confronted Lilith just now.

“………………That’s it. Everyone, listen. It seems that plan to handle the > works. But, it’s going to be tough if it is more than 5 meters.”

“Fuun. Then the thing you have to do, is to enter a distance where the plan will work no matter what.”

“That’s true; it is probably limited to closing in the distance between her next time.”

Tachibana nodded at Tora’s response.

“Well, it is a big gain just by knowing that the plan is effective. Next would be-----”

“Kokonoe!! Let’s go already!! I told you not to pull my leg!!”

A angry shout cut into our conversation again.

“Sorry. We were confirming on how to corner her.”


After Tachibana replied that while lowering her head, I saw Kigami spit on the ground.

It was quite irritating but, as long as Tachibana put a follow in, there was no way I could tarnish that.

“……………Everyone, let’s go.”

I held it in and pretended to be calm before urging everyone to start moving.

“To-Tooru-kun, can I have a moment…….?”

Right when we were running pa.s.sed the Center plaza, Miyabi called out in a soft voice.

“Ah…….it was scary right. Sorry.”


Miyabi was scared of Kigami’s angry shout during the interchange we had just now.

After I apologized for that, Miyabi swung her head.

“Th-that one is okay…………..but that wasn’t what I wanted to talk about……… …………….. e-err, its about before. ……………yo-you really did not see right?”

It seemed she was still worried about the time when she fell down.

“If I saw then I would not be able to talk to Miyabi while remaining calm.”

“Ah………..I see……….that’s good. Fufu………”

I relaxed a little because of the conversation that felt impossible to be happening in the middle of a practice match-----

The quarrel with Kigami left a slight irritation in my heart but, I felt it disappearing.

“…………Thanks, Miyabi.”

“Eh………..? Ab-about what…..?”

“I just thought it’s great that Miyabi is here.”

“Eh………..!? Gre-great………wha-wha-what do you mean by that……..?”

I only laughed back at Miyabi who was troubled.

We were at the big path connecting the Center plaza and Sora plaza. There was about a distance of 70 meters in between.

While hiding our body behind the stores located in between, we headed towards the 4th plaza----the Sora plaza.

“Alright, Me, Julie and Tatsu will head to the right side. Tachibana and the rest head to the left side while paying attention. Tora, you are the rear guard so be careful of your back.”

Other than a big path that we were going to go through after this in the Center plaza and Sora plaza, there were small paths connected to it too.

If Lilith went through there then, there would be a chance we would get attacked from behind so, the role rear guard right at the back of the line was very important.

Tentatively, the small paths on the 1st and 2nd floor had Kigami’s group on the look out but even so, I couldn’t say it was safe for certain.

“Fuun. You too, be careful not to get ahead of yourself and get shot straight on.”

“None of your business.”

“That goes for you too.”

*Gon* we b.u.mped our fists together and scatter to the left and right path.

Both groups on the 1st and 2nd floor moved.

“It"s quiet, Tooru.”

The sound of battle had already stopped echoing and the building was wrapped in silence.

“Aah. Let’s go while cautiously.”

If Lilith was defeated then, someone would probably shout in victory but, that was impossible.

If that was the case then, the chances of Lilith being on overwatch [2F 1] further up was very high; my nervousness got stronger even though I did not want it to.

I lowered my body and dashed towards the store in front while bending down.

There was no gunshot.

I confirmed if there was someone in the shop after entering but, there were no particular problems.

After I made a hand gesture saying it was safe, Julie ran here first and then Tatsu next.

Tachibana was ahead on the opposite side of the path with Miyabi following her back.

Even though we crossed half the distance of the path, we could hear no gunshots.

(It’s about time she is going to snipe…………)

We needed to be cautious of the stairs connected towards the roof at the Sora plaza, Tachibana said this.

But, thinking about the charge immediately at the start, we couldn’t throw away the possibility of a charge attack.

Inside the oppressive feeling created by the nervousness, we slowly got closer to the Sora plaza.

“Tooru. Look at that.”

Further up Julie’s finger------there were 3 guys collapsed frontwards at the plaza.

On half of the stairs heading towards the roof, there were girls collapsed there.

While moving onwards with our cautiousness increased, we kept a look out at the shops while hiding our bodies-----

I got shocked when I saw a female Kouryou uniform.

But, the hair was black and was streaming down to the chest.

Near the girl with black hair, I saw one more girl leaning against the wall.

Both of them were hiding in the shop and probably got found by Lilith.

It seemed there was no one hiding in the shop, and I sent a signal to Julie behind me saying it was alright to advance.

“Tooru. I feel something is strange.”

“Aah, I think so too. If there is no movement until now………”

She was moving outside our expectations again.

That thought pa.s.sed my mind and hesitation was born.

Hesitation corrupts the concentration ability and a chance would be born-----

That instant was targeted.

A sudden attack came.

“That is no good, Kokonoe Tooru.”

That sudden call out came from a direction I would never expect.


When I looked behind, the black haired girl was preparing her >.

“Hesitation in a battle which has already begun is forbidden you know. It would only make a fatal chance. Like this.”

She threw away the black wig which was hiding her Yellow Topazblonde hair and Lilith made a wry smile.

“I thought this was cliché but, it unexpectedly works.”

The gun was clearly pointed at Julie.


The gunshot broke the silence and----

The silver girl dodged the bullet just right.

And at the same time, Tatsu roared and swung down the >.

---But, Lilith dodged the attack by jumping over Tatsu’s head, and the shelves got mowed down by the >.

*Kurun*. Lilith spun the > in her hands.

“Tatsu, dodge it-----!!”

However, my shout was useless and the bullet that was shot pierced Tatsu’s head.

During the time that giant body was collapsing from losing its strength, the gold girl jumped out the shop.

She then ran up the giant ball light in the middle of the path and jumped towards the 2nd floor path.

“Julie, it’s amazing, you dodged that.”

“Ja--. It’s because Tooru confirmed the counter plan was effective.”

“I-I see…………”

I could only be shocked once I heard she used the counter plan meant for a > defense to evade.


The voices of Kigami group advancing on the 2nd floor falling into disorder from the sudden attack could be heard.

“Kuh………..! Like h.e.l.l I will let you do what you want any more than this!!”

After I dashed out the corridor, I kicked the ball light and jumped up from the recoil before grabbing onto the gla.s.s fence surrounding the atrium.

After dropping to the 2nd floor, Izumi was down and I saw Lilith’s back while she was thrusting the > at Kigami further ahead.


“Oh my, why if it isn’t Kokonoe Tooru. You are the main dish so, please keep quiet.”

“Sadly, I am bad with waiting.”

“A guy that can’t wait will get hated by girls you know.”

The moment Lilith said that and was about to put strength into her fingers------


I shouted with a loud voice while closing the gap.


Lilith moved her sights in reflex, and her hands shook.

The fired bullet scratched near Kigami’s collarbone instead of his head.

Even though Kigami got blown to the floor, it’s not like his consciousness got blown away.

“Kigami, dodge it!!”

I shouted once more while swinging my fist targeted towards Lilith------the rose but, she dodged it.

However, since I swung it down in a manner of charging my body, I got between them with that momentum and prepared my > while covering Kigami.

“Kokonoe! What the h.e.l.l are you doing!?”

An angry shout came from Kigami behind.

“What do you mean what………you are my comrade so-----is what I wanted to say but, my body moved on its own.”

I did not release my sights from the gold girl while replying.

“You say your body moved on its own?”

“Aah. I refuse to see…….someone getting downed in front of me. That’s why hurry up and run away!”

That scenery from that day in summer carved into my brain moved my body.

Even if I know > was just a practice match, and no one would die.

“………..d.a.m.n it…………! d.a.m.n it, d.a.m.n it, d.a.m.n itt!!”

“------!? Kigami!!”

“Shut up!! Who the h.e.l.l would run!!”

Instead of running away, Kigami prepared his > and charged at Lilith.

Of course, Lilith did not stay quiet and prepared her > before------

Shooting Kigami mercilessly.

“It’s regretful you couldn’t save him. But I am just getting started.”

“………….Are you planning to defeat everyone else first.”

“That’s right. Didn’t I tell you that you are the main dish already?”

I closed in the gaps between Lilith in one go while she was making a smile.

“I won’t let you do that to anyone else!!”

“How persistent. Please keep quiet.”

Just like usual, Lilith rotated her > and pointed the gun at me.

*GiKiin!!* I blocked the bullet shot at my shoulder with the >.

“I won’t get hit that easily at this distance”

When she pointed the gun------I expand my awareness to its maximum and saw through the firing line.

It might be hard to dodge the bullet but, as long as I know the place where she is targeting then I could use the > to block it.

This was the counter-plan I prepared for the >.

The drawback is, the more the distance between us kept opening, any slight change in her gun’s angle would make a big difference and it would be hard to see through the bullet’s path.

“Not bad……..!!”

After stepping in, I drove in my fist aimed at the rose.

Even though she blocked the attack with the gun’s body, I moved to combination attacks without making any distance.

(I’ll keep pushing her like this!!)

But, Lilith’s calm face did not break and right in the middle of handling my continual attacks skillfully----

*Kurun* she rotated the > in her hands.

(………What is it!?)

Normally, I should be going for that chance but, my attacking hand got duller because of shock and questions.

Right after I thought the bullet shot in close-range got deflected by my >-----

She gave a flashy low kick like a whip to my legs that had stopped moving.


Lilith did not relax her attacking hand and continued with a front kick.

Even though I blocked it with the > immediately, her goal was not to attack me.

Lilith kicked the > and use that momentum to jump behind and open some distance.

(Oh no, this distance is disadvantageous for me………!!)

If she opened up a distance of more than 5 meter, I would lose the ability to see through the fire line accurately.

At the same time with her firing, I jumped into a nearby shop.

“Fufu, it’s okay even if you don’t run away that pathetically. That was just an intimidation, so I did not aim at you. I already told you that you are the main dish.”


While hiding in the shop’s shadow, it was in that instant I grinded my teeth knowing that I was being played around with.

“Kokonoe! Let’s retreat for now!! You all too, retreat now and regroup!!”

Even though I could not see her, Tachibana’s voice echoed throughout.

Because of Lilith’s surprise attack, she probably decided our group situation could not fight in cooperation.

Especially, after losing Kigami and Izumi, the remaining people in the group on the 2nd floor became completely agitated.

(I have no choice, I guess I’ll follow Tachibana’s words and retreat……….!)

But, during the moment I was about to retreat------

A silver gale ran pa.s.sed me.


Julie’s long hair fluttered and she chased after Lilith.

“Don’t overdo it, Julie!!”

“Nai. It is okay………!!”

I thought this decision was very unlike Julie who usually fought in a calm manner.

“Ah-ra, you won’t run away? I was planning to let you all go though.”

Lilith pulled the trigger while saying it’s a different story if she came after her.

But, Julie’s response was magnificent.

She dodged the bullet flying at her before kicking the wall and slashed with her > after closing the gap in one go.


“Your movements are too honest.”


Lilith went above that.

The moment the attacking > from left and right was about to cross------

The blades bounced off because she used the gun-stock to hit from below.

In that moment, Julie became completely defenseless and------

*DoBo!!*Lilith’s knee thrust towards Julie stomach.

Lilith then continued by giving Julie a sokuto[2F 2] and made her go flying.

“Ka, Haah!!”

Her small body slammed the gla.s.s fence and the stainless exterior distorted-----

*Kashaaan*!! The gla.s.s broke and Julie’s body got thrown out to the atrium.

“How regretful, Julie=Sigtuna. I expected you to be a little worth hunting but……….”

During the time the fragments of the gla.s.s and the Silver BlondeSilver hair was reflecting the light, the gold girl spun the >-----and pointed the gun at Julie.

“You ended up unable to be this girl’s power huh, Kokonoe Tooru.”


“……….This is the end.”

A dry sound echoed and the moment the bullet was about to pierce Julie mercilessly-----

“I won’t let you.”

A shadow ran away with that small body.

After hanging the tip of the > near the ceiling, Tachibana caught Julie in mid-air with the movement of a pendulum.

Tachibana then landed on the 1st floor like that and while carrying Julie and running pa.s.s the ball light and decorative plants to block the > line of fire.

“Kokonoe! We are retreating!!”

I immediately ran away from the spot at the retreat declaration she made again.

When I looked back at last, Lilith was seeing us off without preparing the >.

I could easily imagine her making a leisurely smile as usual on that face.

After heading up slightly west from the 4th plaza----the Sora plaza, we entered a store and I took a breather.

“Fuun. Looks like she isn’t coming.”

“………Aah, she probably let us go since it looks like she isn’t coming for us.”

By now, she was probably chasing the 2nd floor group which ran away in a different direction from us.

(d.a.m.n it, she is one tough opponent, more than I imagined……….! Her close-combat is quite good and I would never have thought Julie would get countered……….)

“Julie, are you okay?”

“Ja, ja--……...my left shoulder hurts a little but, I am alright.”

Julie replied while staggering.

Behind her, Tachibana made a stern expression.

“………..What do you mean by alright when your shoulders are dislocated. Stay down until emergency treatment.”

“Dislocation, Julie………….! That is why I told you not overdo it…….!”


Julie became despondent at Tachibana and my frowning face.

“More importantly, we have to treat her shoulder fast. It would be nice if someone has bandages but, does anyone have it?”

“So-sorry. I did not bring with me……….”

Miyabi swung her head at Tachibana’s question and the other members swung their heads next.

“I will go find-------”

“No, I will go find some. Tooru, you go act as a look-out.”

Tora went outside the shop without even hearing my reply.

The moment he went out, [I won’t take long. Leave it to me] he said that.

While thinking this might be true, I made a wry smile and saw Tora’s back off.

“Thank you very much, Tomoe.”

After a while, Tora found the bandages and brought it back and Tachibana performed the emergency treatment.

About the time she was about to take her clothes off, me and Tora went outside to stand guard.

“………..Even if you are treated, please be careful not to force yourself.”

It seems the treatment was over so I entered the shop and Tachibana was making a stern expression.

“Maa-maa, Julie gets that too so you don’t have to say it many times……… more importantly, I have to thank you. Thank you for protecting Julie, Tachibana.”

“Fufu, protecting my comrades……..is…………na-tural………..”

At the same time I thought her voice was weak even though she was smiling--------

Tachibana staggered and drooped towards me.


After I caught her in panic, Tachibana’s body relaxed and became heavy, and I noticed her breathing was wild.

“Oi, Tachibana? What is wrong, Tachibanaa, Tachibana--------!!”

Immediately, I found out.

There was a hole opened by a bullet on Tachibana’s uniform.

Part 2

There was the sound of a helicopter coming nearer from far away.

It was different from the one Lilith’s personally owned and was a giant tandem type rotor.

On the A La Mode roof, Tsukimi Rito moved her sights from the helicopter up at the skies of Tokyo bay to the special monitor and muttered that.

“It’s going to be the climax soon.”

40 minutes had pa.s.sed since the commencement of the >-----

Almost every 1st year other than Tooru in the building had been defeated by Lilith.

“That time when silver hair was about to get defeated half-way, I seriously thought what was going to happen.”

“If that happens, it would probably end without showing any good prospects.”

While quietly gazing at the monitor, Sakuya made a bewitching smile and was damping her lips in the milk tea Sara poured for her.

“Oi oi, even if the silver hair is defeated, that > is still left right?”

“A > with only one wing will not beat her.”

After replying her a.s.sertion to her rabbit ear wearing subordinate, Sakuya took another sip of the milk tea.

“………..In the current stage, the both of them are not showing any promise of winning against her in the first place. Even if they were the same people that drove them away.”

“Seriously, that is one unthinkable dryness from a little kid………….ah---, by the way, I am changing the topic.”

“What is it?”

“Is that your invitee, director?”

Rito pointed to the sky and asked.

The giant wheel type helicopter floating up at the sky. It was something that could be seen at the bay coast from just now.

“At the very least, I don’t remember inviting them.”

“……….That goes for me too.”

The guy---Mikuni who had been keeping silent until now, opened his mouth.

“Fuu, how regretful………it looks like we have no time to see the long-awaited Climax.”

Sakuya made a sigh before leaving the last part of the sentence and stood up.

Around 20 brawny men got off from the helicopter.

All of the men were in exaggerated outfits, they wore helmets that only showed the mouth part, armor that covered their chest and arms on top of their Body suitsbattle suits, and they were holding a.s.sault rifles in their hands.

“That is a team I have not seen before.”

Mikuni said that after the men separated into left and right making a path without any useless movements.

Mikuni, who has various information connections, had all the special teams and organizations in the world in his head----- but the men standing in front of him were unknown to him.

However, Mikuni and Sakuya did not show any signs of discomposure like it were only natural.

Soon, there were 2 people walking through the center of the men in a relaxed manner.

One of them was like the men lined up along the left and right, he was wearing a battle suit but, he was wearing a different helmet from the others and was exposing his face.

His age was probably around Tooru’s. It was a Caucasian teenager with arrow sharp pair of eyes.

The other one was a lean old man dressed in white clothing.

The color of the base of his white hair could not be defined but, judging from his blue eyes and tall nose, it could be guessed that he was a westerner.

After the men stopped, Sakuya took a step forward and picked up her skirt to take a curtsy.

“First time meeting you all, my visitors. What kind of business do you all have in j.a.pan?”

“Whaat, just a little stroll.”

The old man was the one that answered Sakuya’s question.

“*Kusu**Kusu* Don’t joke. A stroll is something you do with your own legs.”

“Fuhaha, that’s a harsh one. Well then………….how about having a talk with the youngsters about society while I am sightseeing?”

“Yes, gladly if that is the case.”

Even though she was in front of a weird scenery of a group of men holding guns, Sakuya was not showing any signs of cowardice.

“However well, I was seriously scared that we might be shot down when we were landing.”

“No, it’s because this is j.a.pan. It would be a big commotion if we do something that dangerous.”

“Hahaha, that’s true too. No wonder that man is in such light clothing.”

“That’s because there was no need for it………….”

Having his sights directed to him, Mikuni answered.

It was only natural to be in light clothing.

There was no need for the >’s to carry weapons such as guns.

“I see, I see. I guess this is the famous > from the rumors like I thought.”

The old man said the word that should be impossible for a normal person to know and *Pan**Pan* made a short clap.

However, Sakuya and the rest were not surprised at all.

It’s normal. There was no way a team of normal people would bring guns along with them.

“Oya, I thought you would show some response but…………….”

“Sorry to not meet your expectations……….by the way, is it about time you named yourself? Or should we name ours first?”

“Fuhaha, I don’t need you to do that, Tsuk.u.mo Sakuya-dono. No should I call you-----the >.”


Sakuya moved her expression at this point for the first time.

“There is a reaction like I thought. Iyaa, this is good, this is good.”

Although it was slight, she did show her surprise and the old man was laughing very happily like he succeeded in his prank.

“Sorry for the late introduction. I am >-----Edward=Walker. This unannounced visit was because I wanted to meet the witch I heard of from the rumors.”

“-----I apologize for not knowing a person from >. I am honored to meet you, >-sama.”

Sakuya bowed her head once more with a smile.

Even though she heard the old-man’s nickname, she had yet determined what kind of organization the men in front was affiliated with.

Enemy------it’s not like they are. At the very least, at the current point that is.

But, it’s true that it was an organization that they should be cautious about and originally, it would be normal to start exchanging a conversation without obstacle to search each others intentions but-------

“Hey, Jii-san[2F 3]. Forget the sluggish conversation already and let’s get to the point. I will become sleepy if you continue blabbing useless words.”

Just like her words, Rito made a large yawn in a bored manner,

The old man who called himself > opened his eyes wide at the comment and actions of a person unable to read the atmosphere and-------

“Fuhahahahaha!! That is harsh. Ha—hahahahaha!!”

He placed his hand on his forehead and made a big laugh.

“I apologize for my subordinate.”

“Iya Iya, it is an old-man’s bad habit to make the conversation long. I will follow the rabbit ear Ojou-san and enter the real topic to avoid boring the >.”

While making the smile of a good nature old-man, Edward started talking about the real reason why he suddenly appeared in front of Sakuya.

“If I have to put in one word then it’s about making an alliance. >-dono, I want to borrow your power.”

“……….You jest.”

“Iya Iya, I am really serious. I am an old friend with your grandfather. I understand his amazingness more than anyone else and inheriting that thick blood of his, I have also heard of how magnificent you are. That is why; I am paying my respect and came to pick you up personally.”

“---------I see, grandfather’s………….but how regretful, my answer will not change.”

Sakuya’s answer *Hohoou* made Edward mumbled shortly.

“No matter what?”

Sakuya made a small nod in a natural manner at the question again.

“Fumu, how regretful. You, your grandfather and I are quite close------because of that, I thought it would be possible to work together but……..let me see, this would mean-----”

“Now that the deal is off, you will use force and take our director away-----right?”

In an instant, Rito continued in the part that got opened.

“Fuhahahaha!! You sure said something interesting.”

“Kuhah, but I am right, right?”

“It is just as you say, rabbit ear Ojou-san. And incidentally-----”

Edward sent his sight to the teen standing behind him.

“I am having difficulties finding a practical use of the > I gave them. If the opponent is the famous > then, it would be something that would occur easily even if I wish for it.”

“Nice nice, that confidence. I really can’t get enough of it.”

In the vigor of almost licking her lips, Rito revealed her happiness.

“Well then, >-kun. I’ll leave the rest to you. Please be careful not to hurt >-dono even if it is a mistake.”

After Edward went to the back, the Caucasian teen-----> gave orders to the men at the side.

“You, take around 2 people into the building with you. Remember to secure the Bristol daughter. If she resists then, It is okay to hurt her as long as she does not die.”

“………..Oh my, do you have any business with Lilith?”

“Naturally. There are a lot of ways to use her.”

“I won’t recommend you using her if you are going to make a trade with Dawn organization. No matter if she is the > they would easily throw her away if it produces an unprofitable situation.”

“I don’t mind. Even if I don’t use her for the trade, she is a target the >-dono has taken a good interest in.-----okay, go!!”

3 men entered the building by >"s order.

“Errrr, what’s left is……….15 people huh. Kuhah, you’re going to need 100 times more than that if you are going to take me on.”

“As expected from the >. Rather than getting scared from this number of opponents, you say that there is an absolute difference in power…………..then, I will work hard to give you the enjoyment.”

> spread both his hands out and showed a fearless smile.

Although it was in a polite way, it was unpleasant to hear > words which had hypocritical courtesy felt in it.

“That’s because we are also existences that transcend humans too.”

Immediately, the group of men in the surrounding scattered around in a speed unthinkable for normal people and surrounded Sakuya and the rest.

“…………...Strengthen armor I guess.”

The moment the group of men moved, Mikuni did not miss the slight machine sound coming from their armor.

“It is still in the prototype stage without the adjustments made yet.”

“Kuhah. Interesting.”

Rito made a distorted smile and manifested her >.

“To show respect to that expression that looks down on others, I will seriously beat the s.h.i.t out of you.”


“Stop, Rito.”

It was her master that stopped Rito.

“Now that you have no > placed on you, the building will get destroyed if you go all out.”

“Incidentally let me say this, your > stands out a lot, it will be annoying to fix the after-effects for me.”

Being told by her master and her superior, Rito made a sullen face.

“Rito. You and I will protect Sara. Mikuni, please present them the time of silence.”

After Rito stood down, Mikuni manifested his >.

After seeing the > weapon that appeared in his hands, > made a scornful smile.

“I think this is impossible but, are you going to take on all of us with that seedy-looking >.”

“Seedy-looking huh……………rather, let me tell you something, I am very unsatisfied about the thought of you able to take on an awakened > with that level of power. And one more thing----”

“------!! That’s ………..!?”

Immediately at that strange scenery--------

> gasped when he saw the 12 > floating around Mikuni.

Mikuni answered with both his hands spread out.

“I have 13 blades.”

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