Absolute Duo

Chapter 17

Part 1

“Sorry…………….I, became a hindrance………..”

Tachibana was lying on the floor painfully and said that apologetically.

It seems the mental damage she received when she got shot by the > was quite something.

On top of being shot in her stomach, she was attacked with a strong fatigue and barely maintaining her consciousness was all she could do.

“I am sorry. It’s because I got close recklessly………….”

“You don’t have to mind it-------I guess it’s probably useless if I say that. That’s why, instead of an apology………..I will say I would be happy that you give me a report of the victory……….”

“…………That’s what she said, Julie.”

“Ja,Ja-----! I will win, definitely………….!!”

Tachibana smiled when Julie strengthened her determination again, and made a strong vow.

“Fufu, there is no reason to get that worked up………………rather, I think Julie was somehow worked up from the beginning of today……….if not, you would not have chased her that far during that time……….Did something happen, Julie?”

“……….Nai. Nothing.”

It was only for an instant, but Julie sent her gaze over to me.

(------? Just now………….)

Behind me Miyabi and Tora, and of course Tachibana who was in front of me, were looking downwards so they did not notice the movements of her gaze.

“………………I guess she got too worked up because the opponent is a strong one, right?”

“Fufu, I see. If that is the case then, Julie has one unexpected side to her huh………….”

After I made a random follow up after seeing Julie’s state, it seemed Tachibana was satisfied with that.

“But Julie, I feel that your weapon is speed……………and the coolness to see it through in an instant. I hope you will not forget that and go into battle……….”

“Ja---. Thank you for the advice, Tomoe.”

*Pekori* around the time Julie lowered her head, a gunshot could be heard from quite far away.

Either someone who was running away from the spot or who was hiding was defeated.

“I wonder how many people are left…………”

Miyabi muttered that in anxiousness.

“I don’t know. But, it won’t be weird for Lilith to be coming to this west side.”

That is why we have to make some kind of plan before then or else we have only a slim chance at victory.

“Understanding the situation is first -------our battle strength is, me, Julie, Miyabi and Tora. These 4 people.”

Julie could only swing her right hand due to the influence of the fracture.

Although Miyabi’s > was a trustworthy power, it"s reckless to charge directly at the >.

I can’t think of anything now but, I included the methods we could use before moving to the next confirmation.

“Like I thought, I think we should use the difference in numbers. The only ones able to keep up with her movements are me, Julie and Tora, so I think it is appropriate for the 3 of us to surround her and fight.”


“Don’t say that. That is why; we have to think of a way to surround Lilith.”

“………….I think the Sora plaza is a good spot.”

I agreed with Julie’s comment.

It"s because they cannot use the advantage of having more numbers, if they fought in a narrow place just like what happened in the 2nd encounter.

“The problem is the > counter-plan but, I don’t know if I can bring her to an effective range……..”

This is something we wouldn’t know unless we tried it out.

“Please be careful if you get close too. Her taijutsu is quite something.”

I nodded while recalling the fight from just now.

Although it was close quarter combat that I"m good with, I could only get one hit in.

Forget that, I was the one that was getting attacked.

If what I took was a bullet instead of a blocking then, everything would have ended at that point.

(Well, since she is thinking of leaving me as the main dish, she probably did not use the > as a method to slow me down………)

It was thinkable that the reason why she aimed for my shoulders instead of my head or chest was because of that.


Suddenly, something caught on.

“Fuun. > and Taijutsu…………seriously, what a nasty woman. On top of that, it is annoying that she keeps showing her easiness.”

“Ahh. That > rotating habit…………..--------!”

The moment I replied to Tora, I noticed what caught on to me.

It was the weird feeling that I had during the offense and defense exchange.

(Why does Lilith let that habit appear during close-combat…….!?)

Although one mistake would cause the rose on her chest to scatter and result in her loss.

Was it done unconsciously, or---------

She has to do that movement?

I felt all the pieces fit into place.

Was the movement Lilith kept showing to us until now really a habit?

If my imagination was correct--------

I recalled back to Lilith’s back during the time in > and the previous >.

(Lilith normally………….no, wait………..)


Miyabi called out to me when I suddenly got quiet.

“Sorry, I was thinking. More importantly everyone, listen to me………..this is just a possibility but------”

I turned my face to everyone and said the rest.

“We might be able to win.”

Julie and Tora went out of the shop to get into position.

“Miyabi, I leave the rest to you.”

“U-un…………..Tooru-kun and the rest please work hard too.”

I then talked to Tachibana who was lying down behind Miyabi who nodded.

“Alright then, you have to endure a little more so work hard.”

“Aah, I understand…………..I will only rest after I get report of the victory……..”

Although it was weak, she made a promising answer.

“I am heading off now.”

After I reached the Sora plaza, I went and took my position in the center.

Small paths connected to the main path and what’s more, since this was part of the 1st floor atrium, this spot could be seen clearly from the 2nd floor.

In a different way, this spot was also a place where surprise attacks could hardly work and I was wary of sniping.

I would stop Lilith here and Julie and Tora who were hiding around her would come out and complete the surrounding.

(After we bring it to that situation, it will finally be the start line…………..)

After that, it would be a tightrope walking with the rope worn and patched up.

Will we really cross this rope?

No matter which it was, all we had to do now was wait for Lilith to appear-----


“Julie. You have to be hiding.”

The silver girl showed herself from her hiding spot.

Coming from 3 sides was important otherwise we would not be able to surround her if we were together like this.

“I am sorry. I really wanted to tell you something……….so please, just for a while………..”

I could not say [leave the talk to when the > ends] when Julie looked so apologetically.

“………….Is your body okay?”

“Ja---.it’s a little heavy though.”

“I see………..sorry, to force you like this.”

“Nai. More importantly, I just don’t want to get spotted.”

After saying that, Julie touched her own chest.

The current Julie certainly has slower movements than usual.

Whether or not that reason could or could not be noticed could become one of the turning points for the battle.

“So, what do you want to talk about?”

“It’s about the words Tomoe said just now------about me getting worked up.”

Although Tachibana agreed with the follow up I made, I think there was something.

Our time together was not so shallow that I did not feel anything from the sights Julie had shown to me in that instant.

“It is just as what Tomoe said. I got worked up. I got worked up at that person……….”

“…………Is it perhaps the > matter?”

*Chirin* Julie nodded and the bells rang.

“Tooru refused that invitation and that person got angry too. But, if Tooru and that person have a relationship of accepting each other in this > then…….”

“Did you think I would bring up being a > with Lilith?”


*Chirin* Julie nodded and the bells rang.

(I see. That’s why-----)

The fact that the number of times we slept together increased ever since I told her about the > invitation.

The fact she said to win which was different from the >.

The fact that, she said she would wait for me even though I told her it was okay to go on ahead.

The fact that she headed towards Lilith, even though I told her not to overdo it, to stop her.

The reason why Julie kept doing those actions and saying words unlike herself was a way to show her feelings of wanting to be by my side.

At the same time when I understood the consistency, I thought the silver girl was very cute.

That was why I------


I patted Julie’s head gently.

“I told Julie that I am happy to be with you. Those words are not lies. It definitely is true, and will stay that way.”


“Are you relieved already?”


I once again patted her head after Julie nodded.

“Okay. Now that you are relieved, you should get spirited again. However, don"t overdo it or you will end up too worked up you know? That’s because we have to report We won, to Tachibana who is working hard.”


It was at that moment Julie made a strong nod.

“………….Did you forget that we are in the middle of > now?”


An utterly amazed voice came down suddenly.

When I looked up-----at the direction of the voice, a beautiful girl with a red rose attached on her chest and has Yellow Topazblonde hair and Sapphire blueblue gemstone eyes, was sitting on the gla.s.s fence while folding her legs and was looking down at us.

She was not holding her > and was not showing any intentions of wanting to fight immediately.

“That’s a surprise, when have you been there………?”

“I am quite good in erasing my presence. That’s because it"s important for the hunt.”

*Fu**Fu* she laughed while narrowing her eyes.

“And of course, that goes for detecting presence too.”

“………..Did you eliminate everyone else.”

“That’s right. That is why I came to take the main dish. By the way-----”

Right in the middle of her words, Lilith jumped up to and took one spin before landing on the plaza without making almost any sound.

“Let’s stop the slow parts okay. I came taking on the invitation so, I think you should come out too you know?”

“Fuun. You really are taking this easy.”

Tora showed himself from the store he hid in, at Lilith’s words.

“Well, it’s predictable that he would be nearby.”

“Isn’t that obvious. Attacking from many directions is effective if you fight an opponent with a >.”

“Haha, you are going to accompany us even though you know all that, what an energetic service.”

“That’s because it’s more interesting that way. By the way-----”

After giggling, Lilith looked at our faces.

“What about the other two?..............even though I said that, one of them should have gotten hit by a bullet and the other one looks slow so, I guess you decided that they won’t become battle strength and left them.”

Inside the 2nd battle, it seems she was calmly observing the movements and reactions of the surroundings.

“You really looked carefully huh. But, Tachibana and Miyabi are-----”

“They are fighting with us.”

Julie interrupted me by saying that and placed her hand on her chest.

“Like your hearts are together? I don’t hate those types of sentimental feelings.”

It was slight but, the smile disappeared from the gold girl.

“Strong feelings becomes >………….that is what I believe.”

Although it was soft, those words were filled with a strong will.

It could be felt that she was burdened with something judging by the atmosphere which was different from usual.

“Well then, let’s begin already. The dancelast battle of this >!”

“Just like I promised, I will go all-out………..!!”

“I will make you know how useless you are even if you go all-out!!”

The gold girl placed her hands on the


At the same time the > manifested in Lilith’s hand, Tora and Julie ran to the left and right with me in the center.

Lilith was the one who took the initiative.

The same time the gun shot and I deflected the bullet with the >, our offense and defense state reversed because Tora and Julie jumped in.

After dodging the > Julie’s > was next.

*JaKiin*!! However the blade was stopped by the gun’s frame.

“It was a somewhat rough sword skill but, it was a heavy and good attack. But-------your movements are duller than before. Since you are only using one hand and sword, it would mean that there is quite some damage left I guess.”

Seeing through Julie’s movement turning dull in an instant, Lilith guessed the level of injury she had.

In a blink of an eye, she rotated the > before, pointing the gun towards Julie this time.

However, the silver girl that had regained her inherent coolness guessed the line of fire from the gun and dodged the bullet.

“It’ll be a problem if you forget about me!!”

At that moment, Tora once again took a side sweep with the > and cut the air.

“Of course, I did not forget.”

At the same time as those words, she rotated her > and pointed the gun at Tora this time.


Tora evaded his body from the shooting line immediately but, he distorted his expression.

That’s because Lilith kicked his side stomach like an elastic whip.

She used the > as a feint and countered, this made Tora’s body float for an instant.

I switched with the staggering Tora and attacked.

“How about this!!”

I repeatedly showered a left jab and a right back knuckle but, it all hit the air with her bending her body.

---But, right after that, Lilith flipped up her leg while making a swaying posture.

The somersault kick scratched by my cheek and I stopped.

At that point, she landed and pointed the gun at me.


I immediately flipped the gun frame and diverted the gun; the bullet scratched my cheek.

Julie then closed the gap and made a pincer attack with me.

It was a hectic switch from between offense and defense.

But, Lilith’s rose was not showing any signs of scattering from our fierce attacks.

Although it was good that we took Lilith’s position, the biggest problem was the > existence.

She flashed the rifle that could make us unable to continue if we suffered a clean hit, and used it as an intimidation to make our step-in duller.

“What are you doing, Tooru, Julie!!”

An irritated Tora jumped in between the attack but, his movements were clearly slower than usual.

It seems he was in pain from the kick but, Tora did not say it hurt and unleashed an attack.

“Seriously, you are all so restless.”

Lilith said it in a tired voice and was still showing a leisurely smile even though she was in this overly disadvantageous situation of 3 vs 1.

But even so, the momentum for victory was slowly leaning towards us.

While we were attacking from all directions, Lilith had to be constantly conscious of all 3 of our movements and could only maintain a defensive stance, thus slowly cutting her breath away.

“Eat this!!”

Even though Tora crouched and made a spin kick, it hit nothing because Lilith dodged it easily with a back step.

---But. The moment she landed, *Kurun* she folded her knees.

The fatigue finally reached her legs.

“This is the end………..!”

It was a once in a lifetime chance and Julie sliced down to finish her but--------

Lilith smiled in an instant.

“It’s a fake.”


She went for the finish but since it was a large swing attack, it got dodged again with a back step.

“Too bad, Julie=Sigtuna.”

A big opening would appear if a big swing was performed, and she shot at that part.

*Giin*!! But, I got between the girls and deflected the bullet with the >.

“That too bad goes for you too, Lilith. The > won’t work at this distance!!”

“…………Not bad, Kokonoe Tooru. But------”

Lilith swiftly rotated the > in her hands.

“Don’t think the same trick will work forever!”

In an instant, I focused on the gun’s direction and placed my > in the shooting line.


The moment it shot-----I saw it.

That the gun slightly lowered and the shooting line changed.

I was able to see through the gun’s direction because of the distance until now.

But for this time, due to it being close, my body could not react in time to the sudden change of the line of fire.


I shouted at the pain at my right thigh that felt like a nail had pierced through it.

“The tables have turned huh.”

I fell to my knee and Lilith said it happily.


“Don’t come!!”

I stopped both of them with my hand.

“If the 3 of us gather at one spot, then we won’t be able to win even though we can win.”


“Oh my, are you still planning to win in this situation?”

*Kurun* she rotated the Rifle and the gold girl smiled.

(It’s just as I thought………….)

Not limited to this fight, and even during the >, Lilith would definitely show that habit once the > shoots.

I then found out there was something that could be guessed from that.

That, Lilith was unable to continuously fire the >.


So I thought, Lilith had to reload too by using the rotation movement of the >.

And more importantly, it would be very clear that she would enjoy the fight more if she was able to fire continuously, and there was no way she would not fire continuously without a reason.

“Tooru, are you okay?”

I did not avert my eyes from Lilith and listened to Julie.

“………Moving like normal looks impossible huh.”

Although the pain was gone already since this was a > attack, the part that got shot felt heavy.

(It would have been great if the three of us cornered her then………..)

“You all look beaten up but, are you all still going to work hard?”

I lost my legs; Julie lost her shoulders and Tora’s ribs are probably hurting.

Even if we continued fighting, forget cornering her, we would probably just be waiting to lose.

(……………Which means, there is only one thing left to do.)

I made my determination and looked straight at the Sapphire blueblue gemstone eyes and answered.

“That’s true…………Let’s end this already.”

“Yes. It is a little regretful but--------everything must have an ending.”

The gold girl prepared the >------

And I prepared myself too.

I pulled back my fist like I am going to shoot a bow and charged up.

Julie and Tora jumped to the left and right respectively at that signal.

“Just now, you asked that was I still planning to win right? Aah, that’s what I am planning to do. We will------Win!!”

Together with a roar, I released my strength.

Towards my own feet.

*Pikiiiiiiii!!* The MjolnirThunder G.o.d’s strike released with the >’s strength making a crater.


Small and large fragments flew around and Lilith jumped back in reflex.

The moment I confirmed that, I looked upwards and shouted.

“Now, Miyabi------!!”


A loud shout echoed in the building.

Coming from the stairs heading towards the roof on top of the Sora plaza, Miyabi was holding the > and was charging-----no, was jumping down.

“------!! You’ve thought of that!!”

The MjolnirThunder G.o.d’s strike was to limit the directions Lilith could run away to.

Next off would be Miyabi who was standing-by performing a lance charge downwards for an ambush but, the plan I prepared did not end here.

Rather, I was convinced Lilith would not let this end and continued the plan.

Lilith responded to my expectations by dodging the lance charge and------

Almost at the same time, Julie and Tora charged at her.

“This timing………..! I can’t evade!?”

Lilith guessed our intentions in an instant and the leisurely smile disappeared from her expression.

Even if she defeated one of them, the remaining person would definitely bring her down by attacking the opening due to the reload.

This is what we aimed for……..!!

“I won’t……….be defeated!!”

The gun was pointed at Tora.

Even though Tora dodged the bullet immediately, it scratched his head and broke his balance before falling down.

Julie then slipped into the gap.

She aimed for this instant that Lilith had not finished reloading yet.

“It will finish with this………!”

In that moment-----Lilith smiled.

“…………You are the one that will be finished, Julie=Sigtuna.”


The moment Julie swung down her >, Lilith thrust the > which was not reloaded yet towards Julie’s chest-----

Almost the same time the blade was about to dig into her upper arm, she pulled the trigger.

*Zutaan*………..!! A dry sound echoed throughout and Julie’s small body got blown away before----

She fell to the floor.

“How regretful, it was a fake. Did you think I need to reload?”

Lilith sent a sidelong glance towards me while making a smile.

It was a trap from the start.

She skillfully prepared a sweet lie by making us think that she reloaded by rotating the > starting from the >, and made us aim for that chance.


“I predicted that possibility too.”


Lilith showed an outwitted expression when she saw me lifting the side of my mouth.

“I am saying that I saw through the lie and disclosed the truth!!”


*Chirin* the bell rang.

Lilith turned around and------her Sapphire blueblue gemstone eyes was filled with surprise.

She saw the silver girl flying in the sky with one black wing.


*Zan*!! The brandish got through faster than Lilith pulling the trigger.

“With this……….it’s checkmate.”

The > left the gold girl’s hand-----and dropped to the floor.

“N-no way……….I"m sure I shot through your chest-----…………!! That’s!!”

Lilith noticed.

She noticed the existence of the > making a dull glow inside the hole she made on Julie’s uniform.

“No way, you wrapped that around your body…………so that’s why your movements got duller.”

Lilith said that while touching her cut right arm with her left hand.

“So there are 2 ambushers huh………..even I will fall for that.”

Lilith moved her sights towards > that fell to the ground, and made a sigh of admiration.

Yes, it was just as what Julie said just before the fight, we were fighting together with not only Miyabi but also with Tachibana too.

“Tachibana’s hard work profited.”

The > would disappear if she faints-------and that’s the reason why I told her to work hard.

“……………Fuun. Don’t forget I went along with your plan.”

Maybe it was from the impact from getting grazed from the bullet; Tora was placing his hand on his head while saying that.

In order to make Lilith shoot continuously and to make her get deluded that I was deceived, so we had him take up a role to do it.

Similarly, although it was great that the ground got destroyed by my MjolnirThunder G.o.d’s strike but, the skin on my fist tore because it was not able to withstand the impact and was stained with the blood that spurted out.

“………………I really thought you got deceived.”

“It’s true that I was deceived at first………….but I recalled back. That last time, I saw Lilith shooting the > in A La Mode.”

That time, Lilith pulled the trigger without any gaps in between.

Then why did she start that action at the >.

It’s obvious. She started it to fight me in this >.

There was a reason why she did not fire continuously.

The reason why she did this was to flip the table, right before the moment I"m convinced of my victory.

“Lilith. Continuing this anymore now that you can’t hold the > is unreasonable.”

It seems Lilith was having a hard time lifting her arm because it got slashed by Julie, so if we kept fighting like this, there was no chance for her to win.


“Lilith. It’s over-----”

“I won’t say it twice.”


Those Sapphire blueblue gemstone eyes shot towards me-----and she made her move.

“………….Not yet.”

There was a strong will of light coming from her eyes.

“I won’t give up!!”


The gold girl kicked up the >.

Her right arm could not move because it got slashed.

But even so she still grabbed the >, even though it is going to be hard to move her left hand because of the damage in her upper arm.


I immediately pulled back my fist stained with my blood and took a stance.

(I can scatter the rose with the MjolnirThunder G.o.d’s strike impact wave if it is in this distance!!)

Lilith put strength into the finger pulling the trigger and the moment I was about to release the power stored in my fist------

*Bannn*!! A different dry sound from Lilith’s > echoed and at the same time, I received an impact on my shoulders before dropping to my knees.


It was slightly late but, a scorching heat and pain attacked.

“Uu, Guh, aah……….Wha-what……..?”

After I turned behind while withstanding the pain, there were 3 guys standing there with Body suitsbattle suits on.

The guy in the middle was holding a pistol and there was gunpowder smoke coming off the muzzle.

(This guy……….shot me……!?)

“That was too close for comfort huh. Lilith=Bristol.”

The guy called Lilith’s name in a cheeky voice.

“Lilith…………..who are these people……..?”

Even though I asked while pressing my shoulder which was twitching in pain, she swung her head.

“I don’t know. Who are you all? What do you all want!?”

*Kii* Lilith glared at them while demanding the group of men to reveal their ident.i.ty.

“The >-dono’s subordinate------you should understand if I answer that right? We came to pick you up as ordered by sir.”

It seems Lilith got an idea from the man’s reply and was taken aback for a moment.

But she immediately reverted her expression and pointed the gun at the group of men.

“………..I refuse. I don’t have the duty to follow someone who rudely stepped into my dance party with those dirty feet. And if you wanted to escort me in the first place then, start with sending an invitation first.”

“Ya-re Ya-re…………that’s your answer after having me walk all the way down here.”

“I don’t remember asking you all to pick me up.”

“……………Hey you guys. What did sir ask us to do in this type of situation?”

“If she resists then, we give her a beating as long as she doesn"t die before bringing her up, was what he said. Kehihii.”

The guy behind made a nasty laugh.

“-----Looks like it.”

Faster than his words, the guy pulled the trigger.


*Jigiinn*………!! The leader guy raised his eyebrows, when the bullet got deflected by the >.

The guy asked in a p.i.s.sed manner when I stood in between Lilith and him.

“………..What are you doing, brat.”

“I don’t know what’s going on but, Lilith is our cla.s.smate. More importantly, I will be troubled if you bring her away before our battle is settled.”

“Kokonoe Tooru………”

“You’ve said it, Tooru. I will not forgive a victory from a time up because that woman got dragged away.”

“It is just as Tooru says. That’s why------we will protect this person.”

Julie and Tora stood beside me.

“You brats. I will have you know the price for acting like a hero.”

Gunshot’s echoed one after another.


Even with all that, I blocked it with the > and the guy was surprised.

“Unfortunately, I got trained quite a bit by Lilith today.”

“………….Even if you all are brats, you all are still > huh. But………..how about this!!”

The guy prepared an a.s.sault rifle this time instead of a pistol.

“------This is bad!! Julie, Tora, get away!!”

It’s okay if it was a single shot but, it was impossible to block random shooting like I thought.


I immediately carried Lilith and jumped to the side and Julie and Tora jumped away too.

[Tora, I leave the left to you……….!][Fuun, I know!!]

Almost at the same time they regained their posture, Julie and Tora jumped towards the guy.

But the 2 guys standing-by behind the leader stood in front of Julie and Tora and------

Blocked Julie’s > and Tora’s> with a knife.

“Not even a budge……!?”

It was not surprising for Tora to be surprised. Different from our looks, our physical strength enhanced by the > could not even be compared with normal humans.

“Kuku………did you think you that were the only existence that transcends humans?”

“What did you say……..!?”

The moment he felt shaken at that devastating statement, Tora was kicked away and Julie got grabbed on the arms before being swung around and got slammed to the ground.

However, the shocking part of the guys in Body suitsbattle suits had only begun.


Julie’s expression changed.

That’s because, Tsukimi was the only person faster than her until now.

Those guys had speed that could not be caught up by Julie, even if her body was at her top condition.

Having their speed and powers exceeded, the guys freely attacked with their a.s.sault rifle and knife quickly cornering the both of them into a predicament.

“Julie!! Tora-----!!”

“Oooto, I am your opponent.”

The moment I directed my senses towards the both of them, the leader stood in front of me.

Although I was going to immediately use MjolnirThunder G.o.d’s strike, the shoulder that got shot started to hurt and I couldn"t put any strength into it.

“Ku, ah………!!”

I drove my fist in like that but, it got blocked with one hand easily.

“Is the > only this level?”

*Mishiri*…………..He put in strength into his fist to crush mine and I raised a shout from my throat.

The guy showed his teeth and laughed.

“I’ll teach you this, brat. This is how you punch someone……….!!”

*Doboo*!!My stomach got crushed from the impact he punched up to my stomach, and I throw up the air in my lungs.


Another existence transcending humans other than >.

After I got to my knees from that tremendous power, my chin was kicked upwards.


I got blown away and fell to the ground pathetically.


“Do-don’t come here, Miyabi………! Run away………!!”

Even though I shouted to Miyabi who was running towards me, the leader’s moves were faster.

He grabbed her arm, and Miyabi got caught.

“Kyaaaa!? L-let go!!”

“Kuku…………..This is a > even though it’s like this. Looks like she’s quite strong but, she is no different than a little girl to us.”

The leader twisted Miyabi’s wrist to restrain her before pushing the pistol to her head.


“It’s noisy so stop shouting………….alright, the other brats stop resisting!!”

The battle concluded at this point.

Julie and Tora who were still putting up a fight, saw Miyabi getting captured before throwing their > away.

“Wasting my time, squirming around like that!!”

Tora got sent flying by the guy he was confronting.

The other guy again, raised his fist at Julie.



The one that stopped that fist, was none other than Lilith.

“…………….I will go with you all quietly. That’s why; I will have you stop laying your fingers on my cla.s.smates any more than this.”

“What if I say no?”

“Your goal is to bring me back without killing me right?”

After saying that, Lilith took the fragment of the ground------and thrust the sharp part to her own throat.

“Release your dirty hands from that girl.”

“Okay okay. I’ll do that if you come with us quietly. But-----”

The leader pushed Miyabi aside to release her.

However, the guy remained pointing the gun at Miyabi while walking closer to Lilith----

*Paan* a dry sound was produced when he slapped the gold girl’s cheek.

“You have to calm that mouth of yours too, Bristol’s Ojou-san.”

“I’ll leave it at that.”

Lilith made an angry glare at the guy that was *Niya**Niya* smiling happily.

“Okay then, we will have you go up like this.”

He pushed to the gun to Lilith’s back and the group of men were about to leave the Sora plaza.


When I called her name, Lilith stopped and turned over to me.

“…………………Sorry I did not finish the match, Kokonoe Tooru.”

After saying only that, Lilith left the place with the group of men.

“d.a.m.n………..!! Those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds….!!”

I could not do anything.

I got irritated at my own incompetence and slammed my fist to the floor.

“So-sorry…………i-if I did not get caught……U-uguu………..”

Large teardrops were flowing off Miyabi’s eyes.

While Miyabi was breaking down crying, Julie patted her on the head.

My chest hurts badly at that scene.

“Tooru. I think this is not possible but, you are not going to say this will end right?”

“……………Aah, of course.”

After nodding to Tora, I encouraged my creaking body and stood up.

“Miyabi stop crying.”

“B-but, but………I…..Uuu……..”

“It’s okay. No one will blame you. Also, I will save Lilith so stop crying. It’s going to be okay.”


Miyabi looked up at me with wet eyes and nodded back.

“I will go too. I am Tooru’s >, I will be together when you fight.”

“Fuun. Don’t forget me too. I won’t be able to settle down if I don"t give them a payback.”

“I see………Thanks you two.”

In spite of being inferior in the last battle, the fact that the both of them did not have their hearts broken made them trustworthy.

“But, what are we going to do? It is annoying but, those guys are stronger than us. There is no chance of us wining if we fight straight on.”

It was just as Tora said.

We had to make a clever plan for victory, using a surprise attack.

(Think…………! Is there any plan that could make use of each of our distinctive characteristics……..!?)

I looked towards my fist stained in blood and thought------


Immediately, the giant hole made by this fist entered my sights.

“Tooru. Did you think of something?”

“……..Aah, tentatively. It might work if I add a little arrangement to it. And----”

I knelt down with one knee in front of Miyabi before saying.

“Miyabi wait right here.”

“Eh…………..? Bu-but……….I also…….”

I swung my head at Miyabi who looked troubled.

It was because I noticed Miyabi’s body was trembling in small intervals.

Even though Miyabi was released, she was seized by fear.

That is why, I swung my head.

“I promised this before right. I will come back for you. The situation is kind of different from that talk, but I will definitely protect that promise. I will save Lilith and come back to pick you up, so please wait here.”

After I said that I *Pon**pon* lightly hit her head.

“And greet us with a smile when we get back, Miyabi.”


This was the second floor of the Nagisa plaza located at the furthest east of the A La Mode northern block.

Immediately after I reached here, Lilith and the group of men came up the escalator.

“Kokonoe Tooru…..!!”

After Lilith and the group of men recognized me, they showed their surprise.

“…………Brat. How did you get here first.”

“There are many back lanes. I came here first when you all were taking your time walking here.”

I used the small paths instead of the main path the group of men used and overtook them.

“Also, you guys said that the Sora was “Deep” in and have her go “up”. Which means you came from the roof. And in order to head back to the roof, you have to pa.s.s through this Nagisa plaza.”

“I see. Then one more question, did you come here alone.”

Yes, I am alone. Julie and Tora were not in front of the escalator connecting to the roof.

“Of course. I came here to save Lilith. It will be a problem if you bring her away when the match is not over yet.”

Hearing my answer, the group of men made vulgar laughs and Lilith shouted angrily.

“Don’t say stupid things already and retreat, Kokonoe Tooru! Did you think you can win against these people alone!?”

“I’ll win………! I------We will win!!”

“…………Don’t make me say it twice you idiot!!”

“You don’t make me say this twice too!! We will reach you with our hands and protect you!!”

After saying that, I clenched my fist-----and pulled it like pulling a bow.

“Brat………….are you perhaps going to take on an opponent with an a.s.sault rifle barehanded?”

“Aah, that’s right. However, you guys aren’t what my fist is targeting though.”

“Don’t say stuff that does not make sense you brat! I’ll mince every other part-----other than the part hidden by that small >!!”

They pulled the triggers of the a.s.sault rifles pointed at me.

*Gagagagaga*!! The gunshots were enough to tear my ears apart. I held out the > towards the countless bullets attacking.

But of course, I could not deflect all of them and just like the man’s declaration, my flesh was getting sc.r.a.pped off and several bullets pierced through my body, arm and legs.


I groaned at the pain attacking my body and was about to lose my strength.

(Endure it! I promised to save Lilith and go back!!)

I lowered my sights straight down in front of the endless muzzle flashes.

“Go through------!!”

I used everything my body could mutter and slammed the floor with MjolnirThunder G.o.d’s strike like just now.

The only difference was that this was the second floor.

*Bishiii*!! The cracks that took an instant to spread out, reached the feet of the group of men.

The men shooting blindly were slightly late in noticing because of the muzzle flashes released from their weapons-----

And in the next moment, the 2nd floor foothold started to collapse.

“Lilith!! Come!!”

I extended out my hand to her right in the middle of the collapsing foothold.

“Kokonoe Tooru!!”

While dodging the stray bullets which had lost their target, the gold girl jumped into my arms.

“I leave the rest to you two, Julie, Tora-------!!”

[Ja---!!][Leave it to me!!]

I heard the replies of both of my trustworthy comrades standing by on the 1st floor----

The two > turned into two blades and charged towards the wreckage falling down with high-speed.

They ran through the wreckage like threads weaving its path and they slashed the men each respectively-----

“Yo-you brats-------!!”

*Zuzaa*!! Both of their sword lines crossed in an X at the leader for last.

A loud sound echoed throughout the building immediately.

Dust rose up and the group of men got buried in the wreckage.

But----it still wasn’t the end.

“You d.a.m.n brattttttttttttttts!!”

Even though his armor was sliced apart, he had been slammed against the ground, and was crushed by the wreckage, the leader still stood up.

“I will kill youuuuuuuuuuuuu!!”

After pointing his bloodshot eyes from inside the broken helmet to me, the man took out his knife and charged at me.

My fist was broken so I had no weapon that could beat the guy in one hit now.

However----this goes only for me.


I shouted to the gold girl in my arms.

“Lend me your >!!”

Everything was told with just those words.

The > danced and the > appeared in Lilith’s left hand.

“I will do the aiming!! So------you pull the trigger!!”

I nodded and placed my hand on Lilith’s thin and flexible finger------

“This is………..the endddd--------!!”

A gun shot echoed throughout.

“…………Tooru was too reckless.”

When I was right in the middle of performing emergency treatment to my crushed fist, Julie made a seemingly angry expression.

“Iya, I could only think of that during that time and……….”

“………….To crush your fist just because of that reason, are you an idiot.”

Tora silently nodded at the astonished voice flying over from Lilith who was leaning against the wall.

“But well………..”


“…………..Thank you for coming to save me.”

Although the last part was soft, those words perfectly reached my ears.

“You’re welcome…………..by the way, is it really okay if we don’t head up to check?”

“It’s okay. There is no way both Mikuni and Tsukimi would fall behind opponents that we can beat. And if they are currently fighting then, we would only be a hindrance if we go.”

“Well that’s true.”

I could only agree to her sentence, especially the last part; I then made a sigh.

But, there was something else I was curious about those men.

“…………….Hey Lilith. You know about their boss, the-------equipment whatever you call it right? If it is alright with you, can you tell me?”

“…………..Sorry. I can’t tell you even if I am the >.”

(Well she said that even if she is the >, so it might be related to the so-called dark side of the academy like that time with Tsukimi………..)

I gave up asking for more when I saw Lilith saying that with a sharp expression.

Soon, around the time my emergency treatment was done, I raised a lively voice to change the atmosphere.

“………Well then, let’s go pick Miyabi and Tachibana up then!”

“Ye----. Let’s do that. We made them wait for quite a long time.”

“Haha, it took us quite a while.”

But suddenly-------the gold girl suddenly stood in front of us, when we were about the head back inside.

“Wait, Kokonoe Tooru.”


The gold girl pointed at the rose at her chest and said.

“It is still not over.”

“………I, on top of my fist being crushed, I took some bullet hits you know.”

“You’re noisy. That is why I waited for your emergency treatment to end. You still can move a little right.”

“O-oi oi………..Are you serious……..?”

“Of course. In the first place, weren’t you the one that said-------It will be a problem if you bring her away when the match is not over yet.”

Lilith flicked her yellow topaz hair, before continuing.

“I also can’t use my dominant hand so, accompany me to the end. Weren’t we going to accept each other.”

“Accompany with her, Tooru.”

After saying that, Tora pulled a b.u.t.ton off his school uniform.

“………..I get it.”

I took my position while making a sigh. I can’t put in any strength but, it is probably possible to at least scatter the rose.

Not long later, the b.u.t.ton Tora flicked right up reached the summit and started to fall-------

*Kii---n*. Using the sound of it dropping to the ground as the signal, Lilith and I moved at the same time.

After a moment, the rose scattered-----

And this time, the curtain for the > closed.

---In addition, it"s a different story that both Miyabi and I became embarra.s.sed when she came hugging me when we went to pick her up, and Tachibana who looked like she could not walk was making a big rampage when I tried to carry her.

Part 2

“Fuhahaha. As expected from the >. It looks like being un-adjusted is no match.”

After looking at his subordinates lying on the floor while groaning in the surroundings, > made a laugh.

Not only was their opponent Mikuni uninjured, there was no stains on him and that showed that the fight that took place just now turned into something so one-sided that it could not be called a fight anymore.

“There is also no reply from the people that headed down.”

After the loud sound ended, there was one reply from the transmitter so > shrugged his shoulders.

“Fumu. I never would have thought they would lose to students. Iya iya…………it seems you have quite some excellent students there.”

“Thanks to us having especially promising students this year, I am really looking forward for the future.”

The faces of the people that took out the people that went down floated in Sakuya"s mind and she made a smile.

“Well then, what will you do next? If your side wants to leave, then we will not lay our hands on you all any further.”

“Hou, that is thankful. Well then >-dono, I will generously follow your words. >-Kun, order those who can move to retrieve the people that went down.”

After she told him that they could leave, the > accepted it without any shame.

Soon, the retrieval of the subordinates that got taken down by Tooru and the group ended; > and the group finished their preparations for evacuation.

“Well then, we will be leaving now. >-dono------let’s meet again someday.”

“Please, as you wish.”

It was during that time Edward got onto the helicopter after turning his heels around and > was about to follow him-----

After seeing them, > stopped and directed both his arrow-like eyes to them.

There were 3 people that took his attention.

One of them was their target, the gold girl.

Another was a small girl with Silver BlondeSilver hair.

And the black-haired young man carrying a girl standing in between them.

> made a hunch that this boy was the one that took down his subordinate.

For a short time, Tooru and >’s sights crossed.

“……….Looks like we will meet again soon.”

That was a prediction. However, it was close to a conviction.

The brief encounter reached an end just like that.

While staring at the giant helicopter, Sakuya whispered out.

“………….>-sama. We are the same and yet different. That is why our paths will never intersect.”

Her mutter did not reach anyone’s ear and got blown away by the wind just like that.

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