Absolute Duo

Chapter 34

Has 1 hour pa.s.sed since the chairman entered the mansion?

Since the full-time guards were standing guard in the premises, we received orders to be alert without disturbing them.

“How should I say this……….We feel out of place here”

While looking around the surroundings; the reason why I brought that topic to Tora, was not because of the gorgeous scenery.

After seeing the people visible in the premises, I compared them to myself.

Including the many guards standing guard, there were female and male Ethnarch members wearing personal security clothes. On top of that, a bodyguard probably brought by a guest invited to the banquet-----(what’s more a foreigner with a scary face), was wearing black clothes like it was normal.

Compared to them, we were clearly feeling out of place since we were in our usual Kouryou uniforms.

“We feel like students on a field trip, here to observe society………”

“Fuun, I don’t care. Looks and skills aren’t related anyway”

“I think so too but-----wait, Julie…….?”

After looking around one more time, I saw a silver hair girl surrounded by several people in black clothes at the fountain in front of the mansion.

“I’ll go take a look!”

“Ah Tooru!........seriously, you’re over protective”

Tora’s tired voice could be heard behind me when I ran towards Julie.

Worrying about an > who has abilities beyond normal humans----

(It’s true that I" am overprotective…….)

Nevertheless, inside her was a normal---- (She’s a little blank but)-----girl so, it was only normal for me to worry.


It seems Julie noticed me getting close and after receiving something from a man in black clothes, she took a bow before running over to me.

“Are you okay, Julie. Did they make you do something weird?”

“Nai. They were surprised that I was an Ethnarch-trainee…………they thought I was a child that got lost here”

I was about to laugh out loud at the latter half of her sentence, but I managed to suppress the urge.

“Ah, now that I think about it, you received something from them?”

“Ja--. They gave me candy, encouraging me to work hard for this training.”

I was close to bursting out this time when I heard how she was treated like a child.

“………..By the way Tooru. What were you talking about with that person?”

Julie directed her sights at Lilith, who was standing still while looking up at the mansion again.

“Hnn………….It’s not like anything happened. But, I felt that she was acting weird when we reached here. I tried talking to her just in case, but she just played it off”

“…………….I’m amazed you noticed that she"s acting weird.”

“That’s because she’s been worried about me recently.”

A few days ago, Lilith planned a birthday party for me because she got worried about me being depressed.

Because of that, it’s my turn to cheer her up if anything happens to her, or at the very least, to ask what she was concerned about.

That’s the reason why he noticed Lilith was acting weird, but he felt a little lonely since it ended up with her just trying to play it off.


Just when I felt something pulling my body, it was apparently Julie pulling my sleeves.

Adding on; at a level where only people close to her would notice,------(Of course, I could notice)------her expression was clouded.

“What’s wrong, Julie?”

“…………………I wonder what’s wrong?”

*Chirin* the bell rang as she tilted her head.

It seems that Julie unconsciously moved her body and doesn"t know the reason why she pulled my body.

After shrugging my shoulders telling her that nothing is wrong, I went back to the front of the mansion with Julie.

The Ethnarch captain called us to gather when we were standing guard.

The reason became clear when the captain started talking to everyone.

“There’s going to be an attack!?”

“Yeah. An emergency call came from Mikuni-san. He told us that there will be an attack from those > people in exactly 20 minutes so get everyone into position to protect the mansion from the attack”

“Captain. It’s the same with this attack, but how do they know the exact time?”

The captain made a troubled face at that question.

“Sorry but I don’t know. But, it seems that the enemy’s commander will definitely aim to break through the mansion’s front gate”

After saying that, the door that the Chairman pa.s.sed through was pointed at.

“There is a hall behind that door and there are stairs leading towards the 2nd floor inside. If the enemy commander reaches the big door after climbing the stairs-----we will be the loser. And, if we defeat the commander or prevent the enemy from reaching there in 30 minutes, it will be our win”

“…………..Losing and wining conditions; what’s more there were several of them----it’s like a game”

I felt the same way at Lilith’s mumble.

(What intentions do they have? Did something happen between the Chairman and the >?)

However, there’s no way we could know the situation inside the mansion, no matter how much we think about it.

During that time, the Captain ordered us to separate into a 4 in 1 group.

We were teamed up with the usual members and were told to stand guard at the back lines because we were trainees.

“We will now begin our mission! Our enemies are people that caused big damage to Kouryou Academy a few days ago during their attack. All members, and trainees, there might be weird conditions in this but, please get to position with the determination suitable for the actions that we are about to have right now. This is—war!!”

Everyone there felt nervous at that strict announcement.

We went to our stand-by point------

While we were standing at one corner of the terrace spread out to the left and right from the mansion’s front entrance; I thought this while looking at each team scattering to several spots in the premises.

(………….What would happen if we lose)

We were not told that by the captain.

Judging by how > tried to s.n.a.t.c.h the chairman away during the last fight; the possibility for the same thing to happen again is enough.

(We can’t lose this……….)

However, even though we are having this satiation, the only > within our group-Mikuni-sensei was still in the mansion. It seems that he can’t move recklessly, meaning that the only the Ethnarch and us- the Kouryou students will be the only ones that can counter the >.

There were a total of 29 Ethnarch who are > like us and the battle potential we have now will overpower a normal opponent. However, all the members of the > will be wearing > so in terms of physical abilities, we are probably equal in strength.

The difference in strength will probably be our equipment.

Since the > will be equipped with a.s.sault Rifles, we are extremely at the disadvantage at long-range combat.

The Ethnarch’s also had guns but, since they are practice mainly for stopping the target and has low killing firepower, the possibility that it would be blocked by the >’s defense was high.

For our side, our thinkable option was probably to reach a distance close enough for us to swing our >.


Standing beside me; Julie beside me suddenly lowered her head.

When I moved my sights to that direction after wondering why she lowered her head; I saw a black clothes man getting into a car.

For this attack; the guardsmen’s were ordered to stand by inside the mansion while the black clothed group was ordered to stand by outside the war zone.

“What’s wrong Julie?”

“It’s the person that gave me the candy”

“Aah, it’s that person.

His face looks stern but, he might be a very kind person.

“It seems that he has a child that’s around my age”

That was probably referred to her height.

“He told me that, I must take care of my life even though I picked a dangerous job”

“Yeah, we have to do that”

There was also the promise to Miyabi that we will all go back safely.

That’s why I will definitely,

The disaster occurred right after I made my vow again in my heart.

*Dozuuuunnnnn*!! A loud explosion echoed and shook the atmosphere.

That was the signal-----of the beginning of the fight.


Flickering flames rose in the dark night.

The origin of that flame and smoke----was from the car that the black clothed group rode in.

Afterwards; the cars heading outside the premises started to explode and the flames scorched the night sky.


I mumbled blankly.

They were killed.

Even though they were just alive a minute ago. “This is war”

The captain’s words re-appeared in my mind.

But even so, I can’t believe the scene in front of me.

I couldn"t believe that they lost their lives from a fight completely unrelated to them.

The silver haired girl standing beside me felt the same way too.

She only stared with her words lost just like me.

But, we regained ourselves when he saw him.

Even though he was at a distance where we can’t visibly recognize him; we definitely knew it.

Standing straight at the gate lighted in fire; a man in battle suit.

Within the echoing gunshots and explosions, his hair was swaying from the heat wave----

Like leading an army of enemies, the young man was leisurely walking-----

He was sneering at us with his sharp-eyes directed at us.


She moved the same time I shouted.

The silver girl standing beside me pounced out with the > in her hands but----

“Don’t move!!”

The gold girl used the >’s body and blocked Julie’s path to stop her.

“Don’t leave your post!”

“-----! But, that person said he has a child that looks around my age……….and was waiting for his return in his mother country……..! But even so…..but even so…..!”

“But you still have to calm down! We are now in a battle………leave the sadness for later after everything has ended. Or else---you’ll die”

Persuaded by Lilith; Julie directed her sights strongly at > in regret.

With miserable feelings inside her chest, the silver girl placed her hand on my hand.


I don’t know what I should tell her.

That’s why I held her hands that covered mine.

“Thank you very much, Tooru”

Julie clenched back my hands.

I felt my chest squeezed tight when I saw the side of her painful and sad face.

Even when we were doing that; the echoes of gunshots and sword clashes did not stop from the garden.

Strong light together with the sound of explosions would sometime occur and unlike the smoke that comes out fire; it’s probably the flash grenades and smoke grenades used by the Ethnarch.

To us, who have no means to attack from a distance in the back lines; we had no choice but to only look at the battle from afar.

However, the gold girl was not one of us.

Unlike the pistols in the Ethnarch"s hands, Lilith’s > was the reason why she’s called the > and has the firepower to pierce through the > even though there’s a distance in between.

The gold girl placed her elbows on the terrace handrail and pulled the trigger.

*Zutaan*!! A > collapsed after receiving a head shot.

“As expected from you. It’s amazing how you can fire accurately at this distance and what’s more in this poor visibility”

“Fufuu, thank you. Once this is over, I will shoot Tooru’s heart this time”

“………….I’ll pa.s.s on that”

“Eh What? I couldn"t hear you!”

Lilith shouted when her firing and my reply mixed together.

“Leave your chatting to that much, I told you to focus”

When I replied that while looking at another > falling down, Lilith puffed her red lips in dissatisfaction.

“I think I am maintaining my calmness since I have enough leisure to chat around though”

That’s a comment fitting Lilith’s usual leisurely actions.

Her determination to maintain her calmness in order to win and survive could be felt and it made her look trustworthy.

*Zutaaan*!! Flames burst out from the gun and caused an > to stagger as his shoulder was. .h.i.t.

Even though he wasn"t defeated, it was enough just to stop the enemy’s movements for an instant. Taking that chance; a soldier jump out from the shadows and swung the > to defeat the enemy, could be seen.


“………………Honestly, I don’t think it’s a situation where you can say alright you know. They are slowly closing in the distance”

As if to agree with Lilith’s words; her face turned stern the more she saw the captain’s face when he was giving out orders to his subordinates through wireless at the front gate.

Panic, anger, shock, fear----all types of emotions disappeared.

Although the Ethnarch were putting up a good fight, the battle situation was gradually tilting.

The main reason for the happening of that situation----was >.

The action he was taking was simple and clear. He was openly walking through the road which leads from the gate to the mansion. This overly obvious trap was being executed by him-the commander.

However, > who was wearing the > did not even take one step back nor did he stop as if a big amount of mock battles were slammed into him. Forget that; the Ethnarch that shows up instead will become the target of the enemy’s a.s.sault rifle.

Even if they try to challenge him with their > in hand, they were quickly defeated before even closing the gaps because they were handling an a.s.sault rifle. Even if they managed to dodge the bullets and slip into his chest area, they would be defeated by his specialty-his knife skills.

“Oi! Can’t you snipe that man!?”

“I have been shooting at him from just now. The reason why he"s dodging all of it, enough to p.i.s.s me off, is because he hasn’t released his awareness from my sniping”

Lilith replied back with a slightly strong tone at Tora’s irritation.

(He really is in a different cla.s.s…………)

But, it seems there are some strong > other than > around and was giving our soldiers in-battle a harder fight.

Even though it was a good fight, one person after another was getting defeated.


Death was swallowing the Ethnarchs and the figures of them being defeated were subst.i.tuted with my comrades who were defeated at the dojo on that day.

The scene which I never wanted to ever see again was once again repeated in front of me after 2 years.

I was at my limit from folding my arms doing nothing while looking at that scene.

“Captain! Let me go to the front lines! I can’t stand still any longer----“

“You idiot!! How can I send you trainees to the dangerous front lines!! Leave them to my subordinates and focus on defending here like you were ordered to!!”

“Who’s the idiot!! As long as we are in this place, we are your comrades before trainees!! That’s why I am saying I can’t see my comrades getting killed!!”

“………….I think we would be his subordinates instead of comrades in this case. So shouldn’t the subordinate listen to the higher up’s orders?”

“-----!! That’s……………..”

Lilith jumped into the conversation while snipping.

“But, Captain-san. I personally agree with Tooru. Honestly speaking, things are looking working worse as it goes. Rather than losing our strength, I think it’s better to send as many people to the front lines as possible you know? Especially Tooru and that girl-----“

Half-way through her sentence, her sights ran towards me and Julie before she slightly raised her eyebrows in dissatisfaction.

“I think I won’t lose to anyone in your team if it’s this >. It’s the autograph of the >-me”

It seems that Lilith’s name----no, the name of the > was big. It’s probably because she showed the abilities fitting her >, the > in this fight.

The captain kept silent for awhile----before answering.

“It’s just as you all say…………….I’ll leave my comrades in the front lines to you all. Help them as much as possible”

“I understand! Julie, you heard him so; it’s going to be dangerous but-----will you follow me?”

“Ja---. I am the > who will protect your back”

She nodded with a strong answer before I looked towards Lilith.

“I want to say me too but, I will stay here. I don’t want this but, going all-out support is my job now”

Lastly, I looked towards Tora who looks as if he was thinking something.

“Tora, come with us. We need your power”

Tora coming with us is rea.s.suring. The range of battle variations will increase greatly compared to me and Julie alone but, the most important part is that he can cover with my lack of offence.

It’s frustrating but, the possibility that I can defeat an enemy with the > other than using MjolnirThunder G.o.d’s strike, is quite low.

“Fuun. It won’t be a > anymore if I go and that woman’s autograph or whatever will probably be meaningless----but, I will prove that your choice is the correct one”

It was a long annoying way to put it but, it looks like he’s going to follow us.

“………….Also, I can’t help it if I hesitate in this situation. Use---this”

The moment Tora pulled out an unknown cylinder from the holster at his waist; the thicket around the terrace moved.


The instant we looked over there, the thicket rustled and a shadow----> jumped out.

“Kuh!! An ambush!?”

The > that jumped out from the thicket swung his blade and attacked Tora.

2 rays of light from the blades clashed-----Tora’s > sliced the >’s chest.

However, the enemy did not end like that.

Even though he collapsed, he used all his remaining strength to attack Tora.

Tora back-stepped to dodge the attack too but-----

“Tora, behind you!!”

The moment Julie’s warning flew, another shadow jumped out from the thicket.


With his timing slightly off, Tora took a direct kick from the attacker since he could not handle the second ambush.



Tora slammed and broke the mansion’s wall before getting buried under the rubble.

“Going for an ambush; not bad!!”

After the 2nd > attacked Tora; he pointed his blade towards Lilith without any hesitation.

The ambushers" goal was our sniper-Lilith.

Even though she blocked the swung knife with the gun’s frame, she got overpowered by his strength.

But as expected from Lilith. She did not try to fight back and rolled back towards the terrace before kicking upwards with a form that’s like overhead throw. The > that got kicked away flew over the terrace’s handrail and fell to the ground but, he immediately stood up. It seems that the damage he received wasn’t much at all.

But, we did not just look quietly at the scene.

Me, Julie and the captain moved to support Lilith but------

2 more shadows jumped out from the thicket.

“Kuh!! There were others around!!”

I blocked one knife thrust out from the 2nd enemy but----

The other knife was blocked by Julie who came in to cover me.

“Sorry Julie!!”

“Nai. I am Tooru’s > after all”

Me and Julie, each took on one attacker while the captain took on the man who attacked Lilith and Tora.

In this situation where allies and enemies were mashed together; they probably won’t use their a.s.sault rifle.

In this situation, we could focus on the enemy in front of us.

The attackers and I looked at each other and slowly closed in the gaps----the enemy was the first one that moved.

While making *Hyuu**Hyuu* sounds; even though the knife moved with we dodged the blade filled with hostility and performed a low kick. However, that was a feint and the moment the enemy respond to my kick by attempting to block, I filled in the gaps with one step.

I diverted the knife he thrust at me with my > before pulling his arms and landing an elbow blow when he lost his balance.

The power was enough to destroy a normal person’s internal organs but, the attacker only groaned.

(d.a.m.n, even though I felt the resistance………!!)

The moment I wondered if I should use my MjolnirThunder G.o.d’s strike----

“Tooru, dodge this!!”

Lilith’s order flew.

A gunshot echoed almost at the same time I dodged and the > collapsed while making noises.

“That was a great help, Lilith!”

“Fufu it’s a nice wife and husband combination I guess”


(Wait, how’s Julie and the captain………!?)

From what I could see; Julie defeated an > with a diagonal slash down his shoulders.

For the captain------

Just as expected from someone who was a.s.signed a team; he’s quite strong.

With the > in his hands, he utilized its reach to prevent the attacker from entering his special range. With his sharp stabs; the > slowly suffered more and more wounds. Soon, the enemy lost his patience and charged into his chest area but the captain used the b.u.t.t end of the spear to counter him and finished him off with a stab.

After stabbing the spearhead of the > into the ground; the attacker fell to his knees before collapsing.

“Fuu, I heard the stories but; the > are quite strong”

The moment the captain exhaled-----

*Hyuu* 2 rays glowed and sliced the air.

The glow turned into blades and attacked the captain.

Together with a dull sound; 2 knives deeply sliced his back.



The Captain groaned before crossing over the handrails and fell to the ground.

(Kuh!! Another team----no, this knife, don’t tell me….!?)

“Fufu, all the ambush team could do was cause you all to fall into disorder huh”


He probably reached us when we were disordered in the ambush.

In front of the mansion-------standing at the fountain at the hall; > was making an eerie smile.

“However, they accomplished the mission given to them. Their role was to disorder the back lines and allow the team to advance forward”

I understood what > words meant when 5 shadows stood behind him.

Shadows------the > evenly pointed their a.s.sault rifle at us.

The sound of sword clashes and gunshots could no longer be heard from behind.

The only thing that could be heard was the sounds of patrol cars and fire trucks from far away.

“You…….bas-tard; how dare you…….my subordinates…………”

Even though the captain lifted his face in anger while still on the ground; he lost all his strength and lost consciousness.

“d.a.m.n……! > you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!!”

“It’s an honor to meet you tonight too after that day a few days ago, Kokonoe Tooru. Did that girl have a healthy life after that?”

“What healthy, don’t screw with me……..! Why- why did you use Miyabi?”

“……….when we were on the boat; do you remember the time we called that operation the >?”

“What is that related to Miyabi”

“Fufu, don’t be impatient and listen closely. That operation, was something to show the higher-ups of the organization I am affiliated about how much the > can take on the >, who are known throughout the underworld------yes, we used you all to let them evaluate the >. However other than that; I received specific orders by the >-dono to evaluate the students”

“Our evaluation?..........now that I think about it, the guy that attacked Miyabi was acting as if he was observing us-------“

“Yes. Including the time for our plan; I had several > slip into the island to take data from all of you during the time you all are in the island. >-dono picked up a weak minded student within you all. After a few days, we tried approaching you all when one of my accomplice brazenly from the school”

“So the girl was Miyabi huh……….however, why would you do that!?”

“We wanted to inform the > on how powerful an > would reach after gaining the >’s power. It was annoying to me but, this was something >-dono requested. Better than words, it’s much easier and more effective to show her.

“……………I can’t forgive you. You guys hurt Miyabi for such a dumb reason!!”

“Hahaha, it’s not like I want you to forgive me………but, I am interested in how you won’t forgive me”

“I’ll let you taste Thismy fist one more time!!”

“…….Tooru, calm down!”

Lilith stopped me the moment I was about to jump towards the hall.

“I understand your feelings but, even if you dash in with anger; you’ll only get defeated before you can do anything! That’s why, be calmer even if it’s little…….!”


Lilith was right.

The 5 guns were pointed at us whole time I was talking with >.

I would probably become Swiss cheese if I made a reckless move.

“Thank Miss Bristol, Kokonoe Tooru. It won’t be interesting if you die right away before I could repay back what you done before”

“Not interesting? It’s like you’re having fun with this……”

“Fufu, this is a game after all”

“A Game…..!? Don’t screw with me!! What game is this after you killed!!”

“I am not s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g around. You all know that there are rules in this fight right? Then, how can you not call this a game? ………….although, this is a game that takes other lives- the game called >”

After hearing his screwed up words saying that this was a game, Julie who was quiet until now, opened her mouth in anger.

“……..even if this was a game, why would you drag unrelated people into this fight? Your opponent should be us……!”

The silver girl pointed the > at > while her flames of anger were flickering in her Ruby eyesred eyes.

“It’s the signal to start the game. In order to let you know our >, we have been notified to make it flashy”

“For such a reason…….!!”

“Hold your horses there. No matter how fast you might be, it’s impossible to dodge all 5 guns”

Julie glared at > and clenched her teeth which was loud enough for me to hear the creak.

> moved his sights from Julie to me.

“Well then, Kokonoe Tooru. Do you know what situation you are in right now? Now let’s hear something in this situation. In the previous fight, you said that you would “Protect” Julie Sigtuna right?........however, can you still say the same thing in this situation.

“O-of course…..!! I-----“

“Are you serious? Do you really think that you will be able to protect Julie Sigtuna, Miss Bristol and the Captain-dono? Even in this situation where all this guns are pointed at you!?”


Protect, I want to protect them------

I have the will for that but I can’t reply back with words.

Even I know this.

It’s probably just some kind of pipe dream, even if I say I want to protect them in this situation.

But, even so------

“But even so, I will still protect them!!”

I roared.

No matter what situation it may be, I can’t lose my will to protect no matter what.

“Kuh…………ha-hahahahaha!! How foolish! Looking away from reality and only talk about your ideals; how truly funny is this. Hahahaha, Ha---hahahaha!!”

> laughed.

He was making fun of the foolish me.

But I still won’t give up.

I can’t give up since I roared.

(Think! Think of what I can do now!! There has to be something, there must………!!)


Although I was grinding my teeth while he was laughing loudly in front of me; Lilith whispered to me when I was thinking of a way to reverse this situation.

“Will you cooperate with me?”

“………what are you going to do?”

“Even if it’s a small one, can you make a chance for me? If you do that, I will stop that stupid laugh”

Those were trustworthy words.

It’s true that if it’s Lilith then, it’s possible to reverse this situation if I just make a moment for her.

Then i-----

“I understand, I’ll do something!!”

I just have to use all my strength to make that chance.

“I am counting on you, my husband♪”

Leaving that last word aside, I once again jumped into thought.

I started thinking about how we should act, what weapons we have, anything usable; as long it’s something that can be done here-------

I thought of one possibility.

(----! Oh yeah, if I am correct……….)

I looked towards that and confirmed its existence.

(Found it!! If I use that……!!)

The problem is how to get there.

The moment I moved to get that, > will probably mercilessly order them to fire someone.

Whether it was a stroke of bad luck or good luck; judging by his words, it seems that > has not noticed Tora who is collapsed under the rubble.

If that’s the case then, the person with highest possibility to get shot will probably be the captain who was lying face down.

Even if the captain wasn’t the target, it will be my loss if anyone of the people here dies.

I just have to think of a way to reach that in order to avoid that.

(------! If it’s that way……no, it’s just too dangerous……..)

The captain before myself.

It all ended there, even though I tried thinking once more for another way.

> stopped laughing.

But, a light smile was still stuck on his face like usual.


“Aah, you’re really a weird one. What “I will protect you”………….to be able to say that under these circ.u.mstances------“

His smile then disappeared.

“How irritating and annoying that is, Kokonoe Tooru!!”

> shouted angrily.

This was the first time > showed his raging emotions.

“Okay then, I will kill them one after another and will repeat the same question each time!!”

Julie and Lilith lowered their hips at >’s announcement.

No matter how high their physical abilities may be, the possibility to dodge the a.s.sault rifles shot by 5 people at the same time is low.

And i------

(Kuh……..! I, have to make up my mind!!)

I released my stance.

“………….what are you doing, Kokonoe Tooru”

“Who knows; I wonder that too”

I shrugged my shoulders and slowly walked forward without making a stance.

“I remember telling you that you’ll turn to Swiss cheese if you move right?”

“I can’t punch you if I don’t move right?”

It’s going to be alright.

> was for some reason fixed on breaking my mind.

That’s why he won’t shoot immediately.

I walked forward believing that.

I slowly walked pa.s.s the terrace while harboring the weird feeling of believing the enemy; and got closer to the main door.

I done that while limping my hands down and was defenseless.

What I am doing now was close to what > done tonight.

Walking brazenly turned into one plan just like that

In order to grasp my thoughts, > stood at the door and stared at my every move with those sharp eyes before warning me once more when I faced him face to face.

“……………..this is my last warning, Kokonoe Tooru. My subordinates will kill your comrades the moment you take another step. Especially since the person over there has no way to dodge; he will definitely die. If that’s okay with you then----come”

“If so…………..”

In response to his warning, i-----

“Let’s go……..!!”

Made a stance.

I spread my legs, lowered my hips and pulled my fist like pulling back a bow.

There’s around 7 meter to reach >. That distance is enough for me to reach in a breath with my physique now.

“I think this is unlikely but, are you planning to jump from that distance there to punch me? Or to my subordinates? I acknowledge the power of that move but, I think you should understand that pulling the trigger is faster than jumping over her to swing your fist”

“I understand that! But------I have already achieved my goal the moment I got to this point!!”

I shouted and kicked the ground.

The group of > pulled the trigger without warning just as what > said.

2 were aimed to Julie and Lilith each while the remaining one aimed at the fallen Captain.

While i-----stepped towards the position below the captain.

Unlike the terrace which has an obstacle known as the handrail, there are no obstacles towards the captain from the front door.

It was possible to reach the front of the captain slightly faster than the storm of bullets.

I lowered my body and prepared my >.

I moved, while bullets I couldn’t block with my > graze my body.

The reason why I jumped under the captain was not so that I could protect him.

It was so that I could use the item used by the Ethnarth.

While protecting the captain, I forcefully pulled the pouch equipped on his hips and threw it at the group.

The bullets they fired pierced through the pouch before it could reach > and the group.

---including the smoke grenade inside.

An explosion occurred and a smokescreen was set up in front of > and the group.

The > quickly tried to spread out but------


“Yes, it’s enough!!”

We were a moment faster.

The moment their sights were slightly blinded by the screen, was my answer to Lilith’s order for a moment.

The > continuously released flames while it was pointed at the group of > who jumps out from the smoke radius.

The > suffered headshots one after another without any mistake in aiming-----but, one managed to dodge her bullet and point his gun at her.


There was a slight gap after shooting her >.

However, it was a critical chance.


“I won’t let you………..!!”

*Giiin*!! Together with a high screech, Julie cut down the gun aimed at Lilith.

Without losing sight of the enemies movements the moment the screen was set up, she jumped off from the terrace the moment she saw a > dodge the bullet.

The 2nd slash performed by the silver girl, crossed with the path made by the 1st attack and sliced diagonally upwards at the >’s body. The > was sliced apart and the man made a small groan before collapsing to the ground.


The curtain of smoke cleared out and > made an expression of shock after seeing all his subordinates down.

“The tables have turned, >”


His shapely face distorted.

It was proof that he acknowledges the situation has turned greatly disadvantage to him.

“I’ll say this just in case, I am not like Sakuya so I will not let you get away easily after being told to let you retreat”

“……………I think the same sadness from tonight will reoccur again if we let you get away”

The girls, who have gold and silver hair respectively, took position to make > stand in our center.

“Prepare yourself>. You’re going to take a suitable punishment”

*Crack* I cracked my fist while telling my intentions.

“Fufu, it’s true that the tables have turned”

Even though his words sound like he regained his calmness, he could not hide the anxiousness coming out from his tone.

The smile he was making does not have any leisure in it.

“But, as an important member of the >, I can’t be captured this easily. If you want to defeat me then, struggle to the death!!”

“Let’s do this you two!!”

[Ja----!] [Leave it to me!]

I know >’s strength with my own skin.

The 2 girls moved at the same time I closed in the gaps. In order to avoid breaking the triangle, each of us maintained our distance-----and closed in on >.

Of course, > wouldn’t stay quiet and let us get closer. He turned towards Lilith and performed a feint. However, it’s just as expected from Lilith. She pulled the trigger twice at the same time she dodged his swift knife with ease.

While strengthening his guard, > lowered his head and dodged both the bullets but Julie continued the attack by swinging her >. The crossing white blades were guarded with his armguard and sparks were scattered with metallic echoes.

> did not use any strength to guard and just used the momentum of the blade. At the same time, he turned his body and performed a back blow to counter her. However, his hand was holding his knife.

Taken advantage of the follow through, the blade was reaching face but, I blocked the path with my > and stopped it.

“Kokonoe, Tooru……!!”

“I will protect her-----that’s what I said!!”

The body blow I performed while shouting, pierced into > and made his body bend into a くshape before he got blown away. It however, did not give much damage to an opponent wearing the unit so he stood up immediately right after.

A bullet was shot again and it scratched >’s cheeks.

I and Julie separated to the left and right side and took a triangle formation like just now.

“Oh my, not allowing me to take a rest huh, what a busy bunch………however, it doesn’t change the fact that 3 vs 1 is disadvantageous”

“So are you going to use that thing at your hips to perform a siege breakthrough, like last time?”

Lilith pointed at the grenade launcher equipped on >’s hip.

“There’s no way such a thing would hit you > unless it’s a surprise. I am feeling a little regretful for not taking an a.s.sault rifle if I knew this situation was going to happen”

Since the firing rate of a launcher was slower than that of an a.s.sault rifle, it won’t hit us unless we pay attention to it.

And because he can’t make use of continuous firing, it’s a weapon that isn’t worthy for >’s trust.

“Okay then, I only have one more knife huh. Nothing can be done anymore, was what I wanted to say but-----“

While saying that, > pulled out his knife and placed his hands on the circle storage which became empty.

“Let’s begin the overturning scenario now!!”

The same time his tone strengthened, > threw the circle storage at Julie.

Of course, there’s no way Julie would take that attack even if it’s a sudden move.

---normally that would happen.

I saw it during Julie’s dodge.

I saw the moment a red light shine on the circle storage.

“-----! Julie, Ruunnn!!”

The same time I send out a warning, the circle storage exploded with a loud bang.

Luckily, the explosion was further away from Julie, and her uniform only got muddy because the silver girl fell on the ground after jumping away.

> might have missed his timing from his anxiousness of being surrounded by us.

But, he had one plan------he managed achieving creating a chance from us.

> aimed for the moment of the explosion to move.

Even though Lilith shot her > from immediate response, > barely dodged it and performed a knee kick with the momentum of his charge to her stomach.

Having blown away; Lilith destroyed the handrails and fell to the terrace.


While she was down, the gold girl pressed her sides and made a painful expression.


“Hahahahaha, should you really be worried about Miss Bristol? Kokonoe Tooru. It’s my time to overturn the tables”

> who defeated Lilith, laughed loudly in front of the front door.

“------, c.r.a.p!!”

Yes, our situation not only was overturned.

It changed to a situation which is connected to our losing condition of this battle.

“Fufu, I wanted to choose to win by having my subordinates defeat you all before I torture and finally kill you all. Well, it’s something I can’t help with”

> swung his knife and countless glints occurred.

*Kiiin*!! The door was sliced into several parts before collapsing.

Losing the door separating from the outer world, the atrium hall------and the giant stairs could be seen.

Further up after climbing the stairs, a giant door could be seen too.

“Kuh……I won’t let you!!”

This fights had a rule-----losing condition set up.

We will lose the moment he pa.s.s through the big door at the 2nd floor located inside the hall.

“Hahaha, it’s useless!!”

Even though I swung my fist at >, he dodged it with a back step------and at the same time danced into the mansion hall. That specifically means that he was getting closer to the goal which was the door at the 2nd floor hall.

“Reaching this far and, losing so many comrades, how can I lose because of such a rule!!”

I stepped into the mansion to chase after >.

Of course, the silver girl also aimed to run into the mansion to follow me.

However, Julie who got dragged down by the explosion would most likely not reach >.

That’s why I will stop him.

If I can slightly lower his pace then, Julie should be able to catch up.

Both of will defeat > and defend the door.

That’s the fight we can do now.


Further inside the door was a s.p.a.cious hall that looks as if a dancing ball was opened.

> stopped his legs and turned around right in front the stairs located deeper inside.

Thanks to that, I managed to catch up to him.

Even without knowing the reason, I don’t care since I get to catch up.

Without stopping my legs, I used the momentum and jumped up to the sky-----and performed a kick.


“…………just like the scenario”

> sneered.

“What did you say………!?”

Just like the punch last time, he dodged my kick as well. > dodged by jumping up and landed half-way up the stairs. However, the one that made me lose my composure more was the words > said.

“What do you mean by just like your scenario, >!?”

“…………it’s that my wish wasn’t to fulfill the conditions for victory. My wish-----“

Those sharp eyes were pointed to someone not me.

“Is to see you unable to protect someone!!”

The person his eyes were directed to-----was my >.

It was the silver girl running into the hall with her Ruby eyesred eyes fluttering.

“I don’t remember saying that there is only one separated force, Kokonoe Tooru!!”

*Bachinn*. The same time > snapped his fingers and made a signal---------

Gashaaan*!! 4 > infiltrated into the hall by breaking through the 2nd floor windows.

All of them had a.s.sault rifles and all those guns----were pointed at Julie.

“Julie, Run-------!!”

It was almost the same time that they pulled the trigger when I shouted-----


Ear bursting gunshots became the hall’s BGM.

The instant Julie noticed that she was the enemy’s target, she changed her direction and jumped away----but, she was unable to dodge the guns firing from 4 directions.

Red flowers blossomed within the raging storm of continuous bullets.


I jumped into the storm without any hesitation.

Of course, I wasn’t safe too but, I did not bother about that and caught that small body before falling to the ground.

Immediately after, > signaled to stop shooting and the hall fell into silence.

There was no one moving-----except me.

“Uu…..Guuh……..!! Ju-Julie……..Julie!!”

While frowning my face from the scorching pain, I called out to my precious partner.

The girl covered in blood was closing her eyes but, she moved her eyelids after a few calling.

“Hn…..Too-ru?-----uh, this is bad, the blood is…….Kuh…….!!”

With her eyes opened, Julie panicked when she saw my uniform smeared in red but-----

She made a stern expression at the pain running through her body.

“Are you okay?”

“Ja--…………..few hits on the leg, one bullet in my arm and sides each. My head was only grazed. Forget me, how about you………”

“It’s nothing much”

Although my shoulders and thighs got shot, the rest were all scratches.

Even though the sting of the wounds gets harder as time pa.s.ses by; I was much better off compared to Julie.

> was making a joyful smile and ridiculing us at our situation.

“Wonderful! To think that you will jump into a storm of bullets without hesitation!! I never would have thought that you would prove to me that your intentions to protect weren’t a lie!!........however, how disappointing. I wanted to see you watch your partner die in front of you”

Preparing another team while we were in disorder from the ambushers.

Even allowing our easy reversal was so that he could dangle a bait called victory.

Even him missing the timing of the circle storage exploding, was not to defeat Julie but rather, his aim was to delay the timing for her to enter the hall.

Everything was moving according to >’s scenario.

---Except for one point.

“Seriously, a mistake happens at the end of my scenario………..if it was according to plan, I was going to ask your comment while you are in tears from failing to protect her”

“………….It’s something a monster would ever understand. This feeling of wanting to protect someone precious!!”

The hall was wrapped in silence again.

> placed his hands on his face to cover his eyes-----before slowly opening his mouth.

“Yes, I don’t understand at all. The wellbeing of oneself is everything to humans. Even though protecting someone precious is bulls.h.i.t, you are seriously trying to make that reality; even with your life on the line……..i really don’t understand. That’s why I understood something. Kokonoe Tooru, at this very spot----“

His eyes were stared at me as if he was trying to pierce through me, from the gaps of his fingers.

“I will end you”

His joy disappeared and a cold hostility was released.

Clear killing intent were inside >’s eyes.

“No matter how strong your will to protect is, you can’t overcome this situation with just feelings!! I wanted to see you fail to protect someone precious but, I will vomit if I continue looking at you any more than this!!”

> raised his right hand and the group of > prepared the guns to match with him.

The moment he lowers his hand, it was obvious that a raging storm of bullets will occur again.

We have no way to run now.

Immediately, the words of the black clothed girl floated in my mind.

“No matter how wonderful your determination may be, the world will not guarantee you its acceptance……………that is even more so, since this world is filled with ill intents”

Those words were about to come true and those ill intents are about to peel my fangs away.

It was about to rip apart my determination into millions of pieces without mercy.

“Die-----While knowing the fact that your small > cannot protect anyone”

Just like what > said, I can’t block the bullets coming from 4 directions with my shield.

(d.a.m.n……..! At the very least, just Julie------)

I hugged Julie to hide her from the guns.

Julie sensed what I was about to do from my actions which I think might have a possibility to save her, even though it might be little.

“Nai. You mustn’t Tooru! Leave me and run away……….!!”

“How can I leave you!! I already vowed! On that day, during that time I hugged Julie like this, that I would become your strength! If I can’t achieve that then at the very least; until the end i-----“

But, I couldn’t finish my sentence.

That’s because an angry shout echoing inside the hall interrupted my voice.


My friend---- at the collapsed wall, Tora shouted in anger while pressing his head to stop the blood from flowing out.

“You vowed not to die! You said that you wouldn’t be able to protect anything if you died!! Then don’t give up!!”


He’s right; I was close to breaking the promise I made.

The promise to protect Julie and the promise I exchanged to Miyabi that I would come back with everyone.

For the girl in my arms and the girl waiting for my return; I have to accomplish and fulfill my vows.

That’s why i-----

“I will not give up…..!! I will live and protect everyone!!”


Julie held onto my clothes tightly.

“Fuuhahahahahaha, not giving up in this situation? Even though a fool like you should know that you are in a critical situation. Or what, are you bulls.h.i.tting now just to escape from the fear of death? Hahahahaha!!”

“Noo, the guy known as Kokonoe Tooru I know of don’t know the words of giving up! He’s just an idiot!! That’s why----“

Tora threw something to me.

“For you to remain as Kokonoe Tooru; use that and show him your determination!!”

The object I received was the black cylinder Tora tried to hand to me before we got ambushed-----a special shaped Jet injector.

“This is…….!”

I immediately understood what he meant when I was handed over this.

Just a few days ago; I rejected the > inside this injector.

But, right now, I gripped tightly the Injector into my chest for my clear determination----my vow.

“Yeah, I understand. I will show you him my determination!!”

I seek >.

In order to enforce my determination.

In order to protect people and in order to protect my promise.

“Hahahahaha!! Determinations won’t become power!! Just how foolish are you lot!!”

“Nooo, determinations will become power!! > I will show you our determination-----the true power of the >, the manifestation of our >!!”

“What you are saying is just useless struggling!! Well then, taste the moment of unsuccessful attempt to change your determination into power with your body!!”

The same time > swung his hand------

I pressed the injector into the nape of my neck.


“I will protect!! I will definitely protect, Julie, everyone--------!!”

The moment he swung his hands down and bullets filled with killing intent were coming from 4 directions----I pulled the trigger.

---> bursts out immediately.

The > raged and covered us as if it sucked us into a dome.

Right when countless hostile bullets were fired at us, all of it were blown aside nonetheless----


The color changed.

From red to azure-----the > changed.

Light poured out from inside and-----

Immediately, the > burst aside and disappeared.

Within the world loss of sound and only silence in control-----

> squeezed out his husky voice.


He looked at me while I carried Julie up.

“Why are you still alive, Kokonoe Tooru-----!!”

“How many times are you planning to make me repeat myself, >. It’s so that----I can protect my precious person!!”

I knew it the moment I achieved the >.

The true my >----my > holds.

And with the true > inside my >, I blocked off the storm of bullets.

“Kuh……..!! Then----I just have to keep firing until you die!!”

> ordered the group of > again.

Not even taking 1 second, the moment the group of males were about to execute their captain’s order by pulling the trigger-----

4 shots were fired with a speed that sounded like it happened at the same time.

The bullets accurately pierced into the heads of the 4 >.

“Fufuu, I have to make some appearances ♪”

Kneeling on the entrance, even though she was breathing heavily and her shoulders were shaking, the girl with Yellow Topazblonde hair winked.

“Kuh, Bristol…….!! I didn’t think you can still move…!!”

His scenario was completely destroyed and >’s graceful face distorted hideously.

“Julie, wait for me here. I will end this quick so I will tend to your wounds after I am done”

“Ja---. I will wait for you”

*Chirin* her bell rang when the silver girl nodded.

After I lowered Julie to the ground for her to sit, I looked back at >------

>. You’ve been doing what you’ve liked until now…………you hurt Julie, you used Miyabi and robbed many people of their lives……….i will not forgive you for all that. That’s why-----“

I pulled my fist and took a stance as if I was about to fire a bow.

“I will end this with this attack!!”

I kicked the ground and ran towards >.


> prepared the grenade launcher but I still charged at him without caring.

With hostility and ill intentions, > pulled the trigger-----

The fired grenade approached me.

I can’t dodge since it would hit Julie behind if I do so.

No----there was no need to dodge.

I thrust out my left hand which has my > equipped and----


“Sever the fang----

I released the true > my > with the > and created a barrier.

The grenade touched the half-transparent barrier I created around me.

A powerful explosion occurred.

The power was enough to kill an > if it landed but-----

It could not even scratch me.


> distorted his face in shock when I jumped out from the explosion unwounded.

A zone which rejects all attacks.

That’s the true > sleeping inside the >.




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