Absolute Duo

Chapter 35

“There is one last…….thing I want to say”

Miyabi said it silently under the crescent moon floating up in the night sky.

Going back a little into the past.

Today too, after 2 days from the fight in the mansion; Julie was still hospitalized and I would pa.s.s a peaceful time by talking or watching TV with her, since I was accompanying her.

There is that problem about > getting loose but, nothing occurred in this 2 days and the emptiness made it feel like those peaceful days has come back to the surface.

Even without that problem, it’s not like those normal days returned.

That’s because, I still couldn’t talk to Miyabi.

Miyabi and Tachibana came to see Julie today and yesterday too but, there’s no way I could talk about something that important here.

However, it was the evening and-----

(It’s almost time………)

My heart was in chaos enough to make me look at the clock several times.

“Can you come to the school gate at 6pm?”

During the afternoon, Miyabi told me that when she was about to head back from coming over.

“……..Tooru. You look restless since just now but, is there something wrong?”

“Eh? Ah………..i am going to meet Miyabi after this”

“Is that so. Then you should go now. It’s starting to turn dark and please go there while being aware of your footsteps”

“Y-yeah. I’ll do that”

5:40pm. it’s still a little too early to head to the school gate now.

But, rather than pa.s.sing time in chaos in this medical room, I think it might be a better idea if I quickly head to the meeting spot to wait for Miyabi.

“Kokonoe. Are you about to head to the school gate?”

After getting out from the medical building, I met up with Tachibana.

Looks like she knows that I am about to meet Miyabi; and came here to talk to me just in case.

“Yeah, it’s earlier than the promise time so, I was wondering if I should take the long road around”

“Then you don’t have to worry. Miyabi is probably there already”

“Eh, really!? Then, I have to go straight there. Thanks for telling me”

“Umu. Be careful while getting there. Watch the time to avoid coming back late”

With that weird farewell in my head, I ran under the sky which was slowly turning indigo.

(It’s true that, it will become the time when the footing will be dangerous if we had a long talk)

There were outdoor lights installed around the premise but, it doesn’t change the fact that it will become dark after the sun sets.

(Talk huh………..)

We will probably talk about the >, about the confession, and about the future.

If that’s the case then the possibility that everything ending early will be low.

At the same time, I think it’s probably going to be an important talk.

That’s why; I have to make up my mind inside my heart quick.

I soon pa.s.sed the guard station and the front gate to find----

She was over there.

“Go-good evening, Tooru-kun. How are your injuries…….?”

“Yeah, I talked about this during the afternoon too but, It hurts just a little-----wait, Miyabi, what’s with that outfit?”

I opened my eyes in reflex when I was half-way through my words.

That’s only normal; that’s because Miyabi was wearing a yukata.

“Ah, Thi-this? Errr------how should I put this, it’s like making memories, err………..i bought this together with Momo-chan and Tomoe-chan during the afternoon------or are you saying that it doesn’t look good on me……..?”

“Tha-that’s not true. It really cute on you”

“Cu-cute………!? Yo-you don’t have to be so polite…….”

“-----? No, I am not being polite, I just said what I felt though”

“Ah………i-is that so…errr, th-thank you, Tooru-kun………”

With her face slightly facing downwards, Miyabi thanked me.

“But why are you wearing a yukata-----ah, forget that………..you wanted to tell me something?”

“U-un………..but before I tell you; can I take some of your time?”

“Eh? Ye-yeah, I don’t mind but……..is there something going on?”

“……….a-actually. I thought of wanting to go to the fireworks contest being held nearby, today. Then, if Tooru-kun is okay with that then………….s- so I thought if I could go with you and, err, well I am saying----“

“Fireworks contest……….?”

I replied back by reflex when she gave out a weird word.

Miyabi nodded.

“I-I wanted………to go on a date with you………..”


I opened my mouth blankly and replied back with a dumb tone.

I came here after making up mind, thinking that this was an important talk but, now she tells me that she wanted a date-------

There’s no way I wouldn’t get dumbfounded from this.

“I, can’t?”

“------! N-no, it’s okay! Errr, okay!”

The moment I saw the end of her eyebrows dropped with a troubled look, I quickly nodded-------

“Aha, I am so glad”

A flower known as a smile bloomed on Miyabi’s face immediately.

“Ah, but I look like this and I didn’t bring my wallet, also I didn’t send out an application for outing…………..”

T-shirts on the top and jeans for the bottom is still acceptable but, I won’t be able to get through the station’s ticket gate without applying to go outside.

“I-if that’s the problem then, wait for a moment……!”

After saying that, Miyabi pa.s.s through the main gate and went into the guard station while making *Karan**karan*sounds with her wooden clogs------she then talked about something with the security who attended before coming back after a while later.

“I sent an application for outing”

From what I heard from her, it seems that I can send an application of outing through the guard station.

“I thought there was no other way to apply other than through the housemaster or the office……….”

“*Giggle*. It’s written in the student memo, Tooru-kun”

……..Sad to say, of course; I didn’t look through it.

“Okay then, Tooru-kun……….L-let’s go for a date”

“Eh, Y-yeah, okay………..”

After saying that once more, my thoughts finally were able to catch up with the events after it was being half-dragged around.

I am going to a fireworks contest now with a girl that likes me.

Going on a date.

After hearing those words, we headed towards the station while harboring a small fear -----unbearable shock, confusion, and also embarra.s.sed in our chest.

(Uwah, I am red until my ears………)

We got on the monorail, and I noticed that fact the first time when I got under the electric lamp which was incomparably brighter than the outdoor lights.

I found out that I wasn’t the only one nervous and felt a little relieved.

---but even so, I don’t know what I should be talking about in this situation, and just kept silent just like that.

There aren’t many students coming out at this time so, there were only us and one group inside the train. The group looks like they are having a date too but, unlike us, they were having fun talking to each other.

No matter; I tried making a conversation in order to fix this silent situation.

“W-we’re almost there”

“U-un, that’s right……………”


Conversation over.

(Uaaaah, we could talk normally before this………)

But, I just can’t remember how I used to talk to Miyabi.

When I was troubled, Miyabi looked downwards while talking to me.

“I-it’s my------first………..”


“It’s my first time going for a date with a boy, err…………..i-I don’t know what I should talk about and-----“

(I-is that so………….)

I pat my chest in relief………….i was thinking too much.

Anyway; I was the one that felt apologetic when she apologized to me while slightly looking up at me.

“If that’s what you say then, even I am also really nervous too since this is my first date and I have no idea what to talk about. That’s why, sorry for making you put up with such a boring date”

“Eh…….? It’s Tooru-kun’s…..first time too?”

I replied “That’s right” at that surprised look.

“Bu-but; you dated Julie-chan many times already right? And, for Lilith-san; I heard that she dated with Tooru-kun before………”

“I and Julie don’t go out with those intents in mind, as for Lilith; I was kind of forced to go out with Lilith so I think that’s different”

“I-is that so…..bu-but, how about before entering Kouryou?”

“Completely none. From before with my childhood-----ah, it’s a guy by the way. I, he and my sister would always pa.s.s the time together. That’s why, I think this is my first date”

“I, took Tooru-kun’s first…………”

After a mumble that sounds like chewing, Miyabi smiled happily.

“Fufuu, I feel kind of happy. My first time is with Tooru-kun and Tooru-kun’s first time is with me so-----both of us are experiencing our first time”

After seeing that smile, I felt my shoulders relaxing a little.

“That’s true. So, isn’t it fine if there’s a little failure in it? ……..rather, I would be happy if you could forgive me for any failures”

While finally making a wry smile, I naturally let out my words.

I was wondering what to talk about until just now but, it’s like that event was a lie.

“Un, so give me a break if i made any failures okay”

“Haha, of course”

And of course, we immediately reached the station.

We stood up when the train was about to stop-------and I extended my hand towards Miyabi.

“Ah……Thank you, Tooru-kun”

Miyabi timidly placed her hand on my hand before standing up too.

But, our conversation didn’t end there.

“……….E-ermm, Tooru-kun. Can we stay like this?”

“Stay like this?”

“Keeping our hands connected……..”

“Eh? A……..aah, okay. It’s a date…after all”


Even though I was a little shy about it, I gripped the hand connecting my hand a little tighter.

It was really embarra.s.sing and it made my heart beat but------I felt a tinge of guilt.

After switching trains, we got closer to our intended station, and the number of people heading to the fireworks contest increased. We then got out the station we arrived at and saw guides standing everyone, who will lead us to the event, we then followed the people at our surroundings who were heading towards the event hall.

“There’s quite a lot of shop huh”

“Should be buy something to eat first?”

“That might be a good idea. It’s weird that we might have the leisure to buy anything from the stalls once we reach the hall”

Normally, we would eat dinner steadily but our opinions match regarding eating early.

We let our hands go at that point; after i went to buy a hot dog and grilled corn while Miyabi went for tuna salad crepe, both of us also purchased Imagawaki for both of ourselves before heading to the hall while eating.

Incidentally, Miyabi was the one that bought all this since I didn’t bring my wallet but, even though this is something unavoidable because on how the events ended up to a date; I felt really pathetic from the bottom of my heart…………..

“Ah, Tooru-kun”



Miyabi saw my face and the moment she looked like she wanted to say something----

“There is a corn on you”

After saying that, she extends her hand to my cheek and took it off.

---What’s more, she then ate it.


“E-errr……….th-this is embarra.s.sing……..”

“Yo-you’re right………….”

Maybe we felt the same so; both of us looked down without looking at each other face.

And, at that moment-----

*Doon*just when I thought I heard a loud sound and the air shook, there was a giant flower blooming in the night sky.

“Waaah, it’s beautiful…………it’s also so big………..”

When we got closer to the launching spot; Miyabi and also i gazed at the fireworks because of its intensifying size.

“It’s so big. It’s my first time seeing fireworks this close”

“Fufuu, that goes for me too. It has a strong intensity”

“Aah. It’s dangerous to look while looking so, bear with it until we reach a spot where we can take a good look”

“Un, that’s true”

We threw our rubbish to the garbage bin prepared at the roadside and started heading to the hall again before-----

I shyly placed my hands on Miyabi’s hand.

“Th-there’s so many people here and we have to be careful not to separate”

I said that to hide my embarra.s.sment by holding Miyabi’s hands-----

“Un. Thank you, Tooru-kun”

Miyabi made a smile and held back.

Soon later; we reached the bank which was the hall for the fireworks contest but-----

What awaited us was a great ordeal.

We were lucky until the point when we could start watching the fireworks after we found a s.p.a.ce where we could stand and watch.

However, the hall turned more complex as time pa.s.ses. The s.p.a.ce naturally closed in because of the large numbers of people and I started getting closer to Miyabi; but that was still in the safe.

After that------things went to a weird direction when Miyabi’s overly voluptuous breast touched my arms. People cramped us in as time pa.s.sed by even though we tried to move to another spot and the commotion was no longer at the point where we could move anymore. Miyabi’s breast were pushed onto my arms as time pa.s.sed by and the shape changed-------as a result of trying to move my body; the situation turned into my arms getting stuck.

---rather; my arms are stuck in between her breast.

(M-m-m-my musculus brachioradialis, musculus flexor carpi radialis, extensor digitorum muscle, and all those muscles that make my arm stuck. Between. Melons(*Figurative Speech)!!)

360 degrees of my arm was completely covered with a softness comparable to a marshmallow and my mind fell into panic.

Until now; there were times when her modest breast touched me when I was sleeping with Julie.

There was a time when my elbow touched her large breast and it went *Pyon**pyon* when we joined arms.

There was a time when I lost to Tachibana’s pinning technique and her breast got *Funyon**Funyon* pressed onto my face.

There was a time when I grabbed hold onto Imari’s shapely breast in an accident.

However, all the memories of those events got blasted away in front of this overwhelming power. *Temporarily though.

Or course, Miyabi also knows what situation she was in.

Adding in shyness; Miyabi looked up at me with her cheeks blushing from the heat while breathing wildly because it was stuffy.

“Hnn,haaa………Fu-haa…….So-sorry, Tooru-kun. i………..Hnn………..Hnnn!”

“Nnnnooo, there’s nothing to apologize. It’s an accident, this situation can’t be helped, how should I say it; honestly speaking, it’s like heaven and h.e.l.l………….”

(Wait, what the heck am I sayiiiiiinnnggggg………..!!)

I shouted in my heart while I was under the night sky filled with giant round flowers blooming.

---Nonetheless; this might be too late to say this but, the names of all the muscle parts were gained from Tatsu.

In the end, the collaboration of heaven and h.e.l.l continued until the end of the fireworks contest.

It got closer to the end; and once our body finally separated because people started taking the road back, we scuttle away from the spot by riding the wave of moving people.

We got down the bank, and about the time we entered the route heading towards the city; we finally got a chance to take a breather.


“Errr…….l-let’s go back”

“U-uun, okay………….”

Without feeling the urge to walk towards the stalls, we decided to take the road back.

There weren’t many conversations in the train because of the awkwardness during the fireworks.

Soon; by the time we got on the Kouryou academy’s personal monorail, both of us were conscious about the end of the date and the atmosphere got heavy.

Even though we reached the monorail in front of the academy; we only limited the conversation to its minimum like [We’re here] or [Let’s get off].

We pa.s.sed through the giant door which was standing out from the outside light and was in the middle of walking to the dorms silently before------

“Hey, Tooru-kun………….can we take a detour for a while..…?”

Miyabi said that at a fork road.

I felt her intentions and suggested the course leading towards the garden which has no one there at this time.

She did not reject the suggestion and we started walking on another road which wasn’t heading to the dorm.

After we approached the garden, Miyabi opened her closed mouth.

“The fireworks were beautiful. Many spread out in the sky………..things turned out weird half-way but, It was fun today”

“It was fun for me too. It was really interesting to see fireworks that close”

“Fufu, that’s true. *Don**Don* It was really amazing that each shot would echo in the core of the body”

“Aah, that was amazing. I can still feel the shaking deep inside my body. It’s a rare experience so I won’t be forgetting tonight’s event for a while”

“Un……..ah…………..P-please hurry and forget the part that happened half-way okay?”

“O-of course………”

Even though I answered that, it’s impossible to forget that fast.

Because we recalled back that event, the small awkwardness returned and we started walking again quietly. In the garden beside us, the 4 seasonal flowers floated inside the light. Maybe because the visibility was bad at night; the scent felt stronger compared to when I usually pa.s.s through this road.

Not long later; Miyabi stopped near the fountain which was light up and I stopped too after walking forward a few steps before turning to her.

“Can we have a small chat here……..?”


After hearing my reply, Miyabi nodded silently------and started talking after waiting for a while.

“Today-----uuun, I am really thankful from the day of enrollment until today. Tooru-kun would come to save me whenever I got into trouble, I was really happy for that……….and really sorry about it……..”

Not only was the fountain was lighted up, Miyabi’s depressed expression was lighted too.

“Whether it’s the time from the >, or the seaside school; Tooru-kun might have lost your life if there was any mistake………….like the time before, I was almost close to killing you because of my stupidity………”

“…………It’s already something that pa.s.sed. I am alive as you can see. It’s alright”


Without any reply, I asked the question that has been in my mind the whole time.

“Miyabi……..are you going to quit school?”

Just like what I told her just now; I no longer care about the > problem.

However, the surroundings are different.

Even though they don’t know the situation in detail, Miyabi wearing the > spread throughout the school and she probably had many odd sights directed to her.

It’s fact that Miyabi feels heavy from all those sights. She hurt many students with the > of the >. Even though there wasn’t any danger to their lives; they suffered broken bones like Tachibana.

Although she was controlled by the >, that was an undeniable fact.

If Miyabi made her decision because she couldn’t bear the guilt anymore then it can’t be helped.

And one more thing; the reason why I wondered Miyabi would quit the school was-----

The word she said right after inviting me to a date.

Miyabi said that it was to make memories.

Thinking about the meaning those words display, I could only come up with one answer.

That’s why I made this question----and it was also for confirmation.

After a silence that feels like eternity-----

Miyabi gradually opened her mouth.

“On that day………..on that day I hurt everyone with the >………….Tomoe-chan was beside me when I woke up. At that time, Tomoe-chan apologized to me. Even though I should be the one apologizing………..”

Her expression turned painful because she recalled back those painful memories; I felt that too and it made my heart hurt.

“Tomoe-chan told me everything about her feelings while apologizing……….and she said this at the end. Let’s become stronger…………..”

“…………Did you come up with the answer?”

I asked my question and Miyabi nodded.

“I won’t quit”

Miyabi replied with a soft but strong answer.

“I think it’s shameless to say this after causing so trouble to Tooru-kun, Tomoe-chan and many people in this incident……………”

“No-no way………..shameless is just------no, there might be people that think that but…………….however, at the very least----I am happy”

“Ah………..Fufu, I am happy that you told me that”

“I told you this before. I will feel lonely if Miyabi isn’t around. That’s why, I will obviously be happy if you told me that you were staying”

Un, Thank you---------Miyabi continued while making a small smile.

“I was forced to know about my feelings in this incident; It was just plain self-hatred........I kept telling you that I wanted you to see me strong, remember?”

“Yeah, you said that”

While nodding, I noticed that Miyabi had some memories of the time when she was controlled.

“But like I thought; that was just my desire. I wanted to become strong and show you…………that hasn’t change and is still inside me. That’s why----“

Miyabi looked at me with earnest eyes and told me her wish.

“I want to become strong. I want to become stronger in the true way……….! Not only strength, I also want to gain the heart that won’t get bewitched by a fake………..I want Tooru-kun to look at me------who succeeded in changing even though I have no talent”

She agreed with the desire inside her and moreover, she carried a strong determination towards her goal.

I could tell the seriousness from Miyabi’s eyes and tone.

“If I run from that now then it will never happen so--------that’s why, I will never quit Kouryou academy, and will work hard here”

Miyabi smiled after finishing her words.

Miyabi was different than before; that smile was filled with a strong will.

After seeing that smile, I leaked a smile in reflex.

“I understand. I will look forward for it. I look forward to see Miyabi becoming strong”


“If you are going to work hard then, I will work hard too and help you by pushing your back”

“Eh…….? Together with Tooru-kun too………?”

I nodded and talked towards Miyabi, who opened her eyes in surprise.

“Yeah, of course. Tachibana also said to become stronger together right? Then, it’s natural for me to be included in that together too. That’s because I am greatly related to Miyabi’s goal so I will take the responsibility to look after you”


“Yeah. Is that shocking?”

“N-noo. Errr, erhmm, I am just happy, ahaha……….”

I tilted my head in my mind when I saw Miyabi fl.u.s.tered for some reason.

Miyabi took a deep breath several times to fix her breathing-----

The atmosphere changed when she lifted her face.

Her smile disappeared and she stared at me with serious eyes.

“There is one last….thing I want to say”

Miyabi said it silently under the crescent moon floating up in the night sky.

“I said this before but, I want Tooru-kun to listen one more time. I want to hear your reply regarding that time……………I won’t run away this time”

“………..i understand”

She told me what she was about to talk and I nodded.

The talk that was interrupted in front of the sea glowing in gold; restarts again.

“I love you Tooru-kun”

Miyabi told me her feelings.

“I loved you ever since that time when Tooru-kun told me that you would be lonely if I wasn’t here. I love you very much. That’s why, if it’s okay with Tooru-kun----please go out with me”

Leaving a slight gap in between, Miyabi told me.

I raised my head in guilt again to the girl who told me her wish- her earnest feelings.

That guilt that tormented me during the time when we linked hands when we were half-way heading to the fireworks contest.

But, I have to tell her.

It is my job to give her a proper answer, for she said that she won’t run away.

“Thanks, Miyabi. I am really happy…..that you told me that you love me”

I hesitated on that day at the sea.

I, who can’t throw away the twisted thoughts of revenge, wondered on how I should reply Miyabi’s honest feelings.


But, my answer was already out in the first place.

“There is something I have to accomplish no matter what. Even if I have to throw away everything, I have to”

My road as an

However, will I be able to return back to the righteous path again with my tainted fist and after walking in darkness until that day?

There’s no way that such a person can receive feelings from a girl standing under the light.

Only sadness will await her if I accept it.

“That’s why-----sorry. I cannot go out with Miyabi”

*Zukiri* My chest hurt from a sharp pain.

Hurting a girl who have affections towards me-----

However, I wasn’t the only one whose chest was hurting.

“Can I ask what that matter is…………..?”

“………..Sorry, I can’t say”

That answer was dishonest to reply to Miyabi who threw her earnest feelings at me.

But, even if it might be dishonest, I could only say that much.

“At that time, I had a problem on what I should say…………..”

A misunderstanding was created and I hurt her.

“Is that so……..Then, It’s not like my feelings were a bother?”

“Y-yeah. I said this before just now………..i am really happy about it”

“I see…………”

Both of us stopped our words there.

The sound of the fountain was the only sound that reached my ears.

The paused time continued on before-----after a while, Miyabi lifted her face.

In the next moment; I got surprised.

That’s because even though the side of her eyes were lowered, she was making a smile.

“Then, it can’t be helped”


“It’s something more important than anything else for Tooru-kun right? If that’s the case then it can’t be helped…………….also, there is one more I want to ask”

“Something you want to ask?”

Miyabi hesitated----and talked.

“J-just now, you said that you were happy that I told you about my feelings right? Is it okay to think that you have some affection to me?”

At that question; I honestly told Miyabi my honest feelings which I had been thinking ever since the confession.

“I……………….i am aware that Miyabi’s a girl and at the very least like you. But above all that, the feelings of like is stronger as a friend now”

“Like as a friend……………..”


I could only apologize.

But, Miyabi swung her head sideways in panic.

“D-don’t apologize. I feel disappointed but, I am also relieved……….”


“Un. That’s because you said that you were conscious of me as a girl. At the very least, you like me……..if that’s the case then-----“

Miyabi slightly pulled back her chin and looked at me.

It’s probably a normal gesture for Miyabi since she looks down a lot but-----

Honestly speaking; that upward look is so cute that it’s cheating.

“T-there might be a chance if I don’t give up?”

This question came above that so; I got fl.u.s.tered.


“Th-there might be a chance that you will love me as a girl instead of a friend inside Tooru-kun”

“Eh, ah,errrr, ahhhh………w-well I guess so?”

“Ah…….Ehehe, I did it………♪ if that’s the case then, I will work hard. Not only strength; I will work hard to show you my female charm too, Tooru-kun”


Being overpowered by an unknown source, I could only nod towards the girl who said that with a charming smile.

“Errrr, Miyabi, I feel that you are really positive right now though………..”

“I-I am disappointed. But, it won’t be any different from before if I stay disappointed…………..i decided to make my heart strong too so, I thought I should work hard to be positive……….”

“I-I see……….”

“Hey Tooru-kun. I will work hard. I will work very very hard. I will work hard in becoming a charming girl, training and studies. That’s why-----“

Miyabi announced, while showing a shy smile.

“I am counting on you from now on, Tooru-kun”

Under the starry sky, the smile covered with the lights from the fountain was very charming.

Part 2

“……….You don’t have to come anymore”


Miyabi looked perplexed when she heard the words said by the 2nd year boy who suffered injuries from her.

“Even I know that it wasn’t truly your fault. That’s why, you don’t have to come anymore”

“Y-yes……….Err, thank you for forgiving me, Senpai”

After lowering her head, Miyabi left the boy.

Behind her, Tooru and Tomoe, Julie and Lilith, Sara, Tora& Tatsu; the whole gang followed her.

“Everyone forgives you now with this”

“Un………..thank you all for following me, even though it’s my problem”

“Fuun, seriously. Why must I, someone unrelated lower my head………..”

“Oh my, I didn’t lower my head you know”

“Why did you even follow then!!”

“Oh, calm down Tora. We are thankful that you all came together with us”

“Un…………Thank you, Tora-kun, Lilith-san”

Tora gritted his teeth to the gold girl who said “See”.

Seeing them like that, Tooru felt their normal days have returned.

There should still be students who think badly of Miyabi.

But even so, things will definitely clear out by Miyabi’s future actions.

With the turning point on the night of the fireworks contest; Miyabi’s lifestyle changed in 2 ways.

One; She started running in the morning and evening again.

The other one was regarding the running but------

“Good morning, Miyabi”

“Go-good morning, Tooru-kun”

With Miyabi’s request; Tooru promised to show up to run instead of going to morning training with Tomoe once every week.

“Miyabi, here. I’ll hand over this before I forget”

“I-isn’t this…………”

Right before starting to run, the object Tooru handed to Miyabi was a pure white heart shaped stone.

It was the stone she dropped after telling her love to Tooru.

That right now; returned to Miyabi’s hands.

“I wanted to hand this to you. But handing it over when there are people around is just…………”

The girl giggled at the young man who looks fl.u.s.tered.


“*Giggle* it’s a joke. Then, I will work hard today too, Tooru-kun”

“Yeah, that’s right”

“Yeah, that’s right”

After nodding while making a wry smile at Miyabi who turned more cheerful than before, Tooru ran beside her.


“……Now that I think about it, there is something I remembered. You said that you wanted to use the fireworks to make some memories. What was with that anyway? I thought Miyabi was about to quit Kouryou so that’s the reason why but, now that I think clearly about it, you had no intentions for that……..”

“Ah……..A-about that………”

To reply Tooru’s question, Miyabi explained while she was out of breath.

“I-I wanted to use that as energy for me to, work hard for now on………..if I have fun memories then, I can work hard during harsh times………..”

“I see. I guess I am glad that it became fun memories for you to work hard for”

“U-un. But, things turn embarra.s.sing if I remember the whole thing…………..”

“………………Miyabi, I won’t be able to forget if you keep saying that you know?”

“-------!! To-Tooru-kun you pervert! You must not remember-----!!”

“It’s my fault!?”

Even though they were causing a ruckus, both of them were running at a pace un.o.btainable for a normal human.

“Okay, last lap! Let’s do this, Miyabi”

“U-un, I’ll work hard………….but, Tooru-kun, you can go on ahead…………”

“Aah, okay. Then, I’ll go on ahead”

After hearing Miyabi’s works, Tooru raised his pace which was unthinkable for a last lap.

Tooru’s back turned small in no time at all.

(You’re so fast, Tooru-kun……….also, very far. But, I will catch up someday)

To avoid losing the back of the boy she loves, Miyabi slightly raises her pace.

Today more than yesterday----tomorrow faster than today; gradually increasing.

(At that time, I will definitely make you look at me………..!!)

The girl was changing.

One step at a time towards the ideal she wishes.

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