Absolute Duo

Chapter 37

“Gimle the country protected by the silver wolf-------- The beast incarnation of G.o.d, huh……..”

4 years ago in winter-----

The > with the nickname >- Valeria Carlyle saw the legend in front of her at a small country located in Northern Europe.

IT happened when she chased the traces of a criminal organization that ran to Gimle and stepped into a thick forest that looked perfect for wild animals to lurk around.

Suddenly, a gunshot echo mixed in the sound of a raging blizzard.

Next off, there was a scream.

(…………an internal dispute? Or, were they attacked by animals?)

While preparing for several cases, she ran with all her strength towards the direction where the gunshot and scream came from------

Valeria gasped when she reached the spot.

All of the members she was chasing after were all lying on the snow.

(…………what is going on?)

The men groaning on the red-smeared snow were all carved with the same type of wound.

The wounds weren’t from the fangs or claws of an animal and were clearly from a sharp blade.

The line of internal dispute would be in the likelihood, that won’t be true but as long as the whole group has the same wounds.

(What happened here………..!!)

Bewilderment instantly turned to cautiousness.

That’s because she felt someone’s presence-----or strong murder intent.

The view Valeria was looking at-----

Had an animal there.

“Silver wolf”

Even though she can’t get a fix on its appearance because of the blowing blizzard, it had the presence of a wild animal.

The reason why she mumbled silver wolf was because its fur was beautiful silver.

(This is a silver wolf……… The beast incarnation of G.o.d………)

While recalling the legend, Velaria thought of one question.

Should this be called; the silver wolf showed itself to punish the hoodlums disturbing Gimle’s peace?

Should she say that the silver wolf standing in front of her came to defeat these men because of that?

But, that would oppose Valeria’s opinion on their wounds.

(Just what is going on here……….?)

Only the silver wolf knows the answer, and its fact that it was looking at Valeria with eyes filled with hostility.

“……………….i just came to chase these men”

She raised both her hands to show that she meant no harm and told it that.

Even though she doesn’t think that words will go through, she wanted to avoid fighting it if it’s really this country’s guardian. She did not come to disturb Gimle’s peace anyway.

But----a fight wasn’t avoidable.

The silver beast splashed the snow under its feet and attacked her.

Even though she immediately dodged, Valeria looked surprised when her upper body was cut together with the cold air.

No matter if it’s an ambush with the view bad because of the blizzard; the beast was amazing since the physical abilities of a >--> Valeria was unable to grasp its movements.

(………..i knew it, it’s a divine beast!!)

Valeria turned her own > into the > to block the attack coming again from the silver wolf.

*Giiiin!!* At that moment, the sound of metals clashing echoed-----and she found out the silver wolf’s ident.i.ty.

“………A G-girl……!?”

Valeria’s eyes opened wide in shock.

What attacked her was definitely a young girl with crimson red eyes and silver hair.

And, the > was held in the girl’s little hands.

The girl’s name is Julie Sigtuna.

This is from 4 years ago, a part of the events hidden in the DawnOrganization as top secret.

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