A new day starts as Grey came out of his room with Ahri and Nidalee following. "Just once, can you wake me up with your clothes on," The Abyss Watcher grumbled.

Ahri, who already teased him this morning, just chuckled. "Admit it, you like it."

Grey rolled his eyes. Honestly, he thought that he lost s.e.xual interest a long time ago, but with Ahri… he isn"t sure anymore.

"Just don"t tell my sister," the Abyss Watcher said. "If you think she"s mean to you now, wait until she knows we"re sharing a bed."

Ahri just shrugged. Honestly, she had half-mind to gloat to Tiara about how she and Grey have been sharing a bed, but the last thing she wanted was Tiara to be more annoying.

They ran into said woman who was just standing outside her door. "Morning, Bro," she greeted before looking at his other roommates. "Fox, Cat," she greeted.

The two Vastayan just glared at her while Grey sighed. "Morning, Tiara. So, are you going to join me in the garden?"

"Sure, why not," The Dancer replied shrugging her shoulders before they all started heading to the garden. "Is anyone else joining?"

"I wish I could get Annie to join, but I don"t know where she is," Grey replied.

"I don"t think it"s a good idea for her to spend much time with the fox. What if she takes after her choice of clothing," Tiara said motioning to Ahri"s kimono.

"Do you want to know why I dress like this?" Ahri asked crossing her arms.

Truthfully, Grey was curious, but he learned that he should never question a woman"s sense of fashion unless he wants to get hurt.

"Because you enjoy men staring at you?" Tiara guessed motioning to the few summoners who were doing that.

"No," The Fox Vastayan gave a glare at the men making them look away. "It"s because I used to be a Fox," Ahri said making Tiara confused. "I used to walk around naked with just my fur covering me. That"s why I don"t wear many clothes, it"s because I"m not comfortable with them."

Nidalee raised her hand. "Take it from someone who turns to an animal. After you spend time walking with just fur on you, you start feeling uncomfortable wearing any kind of clothes."

Tiara looked confused, then looked at her brother for him to confirm Ahri"s story of being a Fox.

"Grey, explanation?" Tiara asked.

"She used to be a Fox but turned human after taking life essence. She"s a one-of-kind Vastayan, and we couldn"t find anything on someone like her." The Abyss Watcher replied.

Tiara deadpanned before shaking her head, "Like I said. Weirdos," she grumbled.

While walking towards the garden, they ran into Solas. "Good morning. Where are you going to?" he asked.

"We"re going to the garden," Grey replied.

"Then do you mind if I join you? I have some business there," the First Born asked and Grey shrugged as he joined them.

When they entered the garden, the first thing that Solas and Tiara did was look around. "Wow, you don"t see this much nature back in our world," the Dancer said.

"There were many places like this at the beginning of the age of Fire," Solas sighed sadly. "But now, you can barely see any."

Zyra made her appearance as usual. "Good morning," she greeted before looking at the two new appearances. "You just keep bringing interesting people, don"t you, Grey?"

The Abyss Watcher nodded. "Yes, these are Solas and Tiara, my sister."

The carnivore woman raised an eyebrow. "You have a sister?" she asked.

"Don"t worry, we didn"t know either," Ahri informed her.

Grey looked at Solas and asked, "So, you said you had business here? Then, you"ll have to discuss it with Zyra, since this is her garden."

The First Born nodded. "Very well, I was wondering if you would allow a friend of mine to stay here since I don"t know of any other place." he requested.

Zyra looked at him suspiciously. "And who is this friend of yours?"

Instead of answering, Solas raised his hand creating a giant lightning spear and hurled it into the sky.

Nothing happened for a few moments before a roar could be heard. Suddenly, Storm, Solas" dragon companion appeared and entered the big garden through the open roof.

Zyra, Ahri, and Nidalee all jumped in shock of the Dragon that just showed up. Solas just walked towards it and started rubbing its head.

"It"s good to see you again, old friend," The First Born said as the dragon growled. He then turned to the rise of Thorns. "This is Storm. He is the friend I told you about."

Zyra understood what he meant and looked at him in disbelief. "You want me to keep a FIRE BREATHING dragon in my garden, near my children, who are very flammable!?"

"Zyra, calm down, I don"t think Solas would have suggested that if he didn"t think this through," Grey tried to rea.s.sure her.

The First Born nodded. "Indeed, because I believe that this will benefit both of us."

Zyra just looked at him unconvinced and waited for proof. Solas nodded to Storm and the dragon raised his head spreading his wings.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky suddenly, surprising the four onlookers. Then, rain started falling down.

"He"s a Storm Drake," Grey noted impressed. "I heard legends about them, but never thought I"d see one." his sister was equally surprised.

Silver hid inside Grey"s cape, Nidalee enjoyed the rain, but Ahri didn"t share her opinion. "Great, this will mess up my hair and clothes," the fox Vastaya groaned.

Suddenly, the rain stopped falling on her. Ahri looked and saw that Grey was holding his cape above her for protection.

"Thank you," Ahri smiled while Grey nodded.

Meanwhile, Solas was looking at Zyra. "This can help your children, right? And I a.s.sure you that Storm won"t breath fire unless given a reason."

Zyra simply looked around. She had to admit that this rain is beneficial for the garden. The rain was far more pure and natural than the water that the Inst.i.tute provided.

The Carnivore woman looked at the Abyss Watcher. "If anything happens to my children, I"m blaming you," she threatened.

The Lord of Cinder nodded. "I promise I"ll take full responsibility."

With that, Zyra turned back and vanished into the garden. Tiara turned to her brother. "So, where is it?" she asked unaffected by the rain.

Grey knew what she was talking about. "This way," he said but stopped remembering Ahri was using his cape for cover.

Ahri noticed that and shrugged. "I"ll just walk beside you."

The Abyss Watcher nodded and walked towards the garden with Ahri and Tiara. They walked deeper into it and Ahri recognized the place.

Grey stopped when he was in front of Vordt"s rose. Tiara and Ahri were standing beside him. The Fox Vastayan was curious about what"s going on, but judging by the expression on Tiara and Grey, she decided to stay quiet.

The Dancer looked at the rose for a few seconds and sighed. "That mutt was always too much into his job."

The Abyss Watcher nodded. "True, but he was loyal if anything," he said.

They stood there for a few moments before Tiara decided it was enough. "Well, I"m done brooding for one day, let"s get something to eat. I"m starving," she said as they turned around and started walking out of the garden.

Solas said his goodbyes to Storm before following them, and Nidalee was waiting for them by the gates.

They entered the hallway and were heading for the dining hall, but stopped when they crossed Maia.

"Well, well, Look at this," The Tengu said standing in front of them. "I heard rumors that Grey"s sibling is here, I suppose it"s you?" she asked looking at Tiara.

"What do you want, you lunatic?" Ahri asked harshly.

"I"m not here for you, Fox," Maia replied glaring at her. "I lost interest in hunting you, so go charm your way into some random guy"s pants," she smirked.

Tiara looked at the glaring match between the two Vastaya before asking, "I guess you two know each other?"

"It"s… complicated," Ahri grumbled.

"No, it isn"t," Grey said catching Ahri by surprise. He then looked at his sister. "She"s a hunter who lost herself to the hunt. I stopped her before she got Ahri."

"And you let this psycho live?" his sister asked surprising Ahri that she understood.

"Political reasons," Grey replied making his sister roll her eyes.

"Wait, that"s all it took for you to get what happened?" Ahri asked surprised.

"I"m an Ashnex," Tiara simply replied. "There are no better hunters than us."

"Well, I can"t say you look as strong as your brother," Maia said looking over Tiara"s thin figure.

"I don"t remember that I care about your opinion, bird brain," Tiara replied as she walked past Maia.

Suddenly, the Tengu turned around swinging her gauntlet at the Dancer. But her attack didn"t succeed.

Maia found herself then slammed onto the wall with Tiara"s hand on her neck. Solas, Nidalee, and Ahri were surprised and jumped on guard.

Grey didn"t do anything, he knew his sister was more than enough to deal with whatever Maia throws at her.

Tiara tightened her grip on the Tengu. "Dealing with your kind is always annoying because they don"t know when they"re outmatched."

A cough can be heard and Kayle appeared beside her. "As much as I want her dead, I can"t have you killing another champion, at least not inside the Inst.i.tute," she said.

Tiara chuckled looking at the angel. "How cute. You think you can actually-"

"Tiara," Grey said firmly drawing his sister"s attention. "There"s no reason to cover this place in blood."

Tiara stared at her brother for a few seconds, but he held his ground. "Fine," she said as she dropped Maia on the floor… harshly. "But if she tries something like that again, I"ll turn her into fried chicken."

The Abyss Watcher sighed before looking at the Righteous. "Sorry about that, Kayle," he apologized and the angel nodded before leaving.

Maia stood up and chuckled while rubbing her throat. "You might make a good hunt after all," she said.

"Ha! Let me tell you something," Tiara the glared at her intensively. "Against an Ashnex, you"re not the hunter… you"re the prey."

With that, she turned around and proceeded to enter the dining hall with the others following. They took their food and started looking for a table.

They found a table that had Ezreal, Lux, Brite, and Aki sitting together. They all sat in a table beside them with Grey giving Silver his food.

"Good morning, everyone," Grey greeted and everyone else said their greetings.

They started eating in silence until the First Born remembered something. "Oh, I just remembered, I have my first match in a few moments," Solas informed them while eating his breakfast.

"I have a match in an hour," Brite said. "I guess it"s after yours."

"I think I"m in that match, too," Ezreal told Brite.

Ahri put a hand on her chin. "Come to think of it, I"m pretty sure I"m part of that match as well," she said.

"That"s probably because of the new group skin," Aki said getting their attention. "There"s a new group skin that came out a while ago, and it"s gotten pretty popular. It"s mostly girls but Brite and Ezreal were an exception. I think the summoners want to try it out." she started scratching her head. "To be honest, I"m playing in that match as Ahri, and I wanted to see how she looked."

"That"s great," the Fox Vastayan said. "It"s been a while since we fought together."

Tiara and Solas looked confused. "What are you talking about?" the Dancer asked.

"Skins are different costumes that champions wear for Matches. It changes your clothes, hair, eyes, and even the way that your weapons look," Grey explained shrugging his shoulders. "They don"t affect you, however. The only thing they do is change your looks."

Solas and Tiara were intrigued by the idea. The thought of wearing different kinds of armor for battle without any kind of negative side effect sounded somewhat amusing.

"By the way," Grey noticed that Lux was alone. "Where"s Garen?"

"He went back to Demacia," Lux replied before glaring at Tiara. "After your sister held the king hostage, he started giving every guard extra training."

Grey his sister a tired look. "Seriously? The first thing you do here is to hold the king hostage?"

"So it"s my fault that their guards are lousy?" Tiara chuckled before giving Lux a smug smile. "Seriously, all I did was walk on a few rooftops before jumping behind him. Even the Hollows at Lothric castle are better guards, and that"s saying a lot."

The young Crownguard just glared at the Outrider Knight harder, and Tiara simply ignored her.

The Abyss Watcher sighed ma.s.saging his forehead. "I"ll have to apologize to Prince Jarvan when I see him, and probably king Jarvan, too."

"So what? I kidnapped some royal idiot, what"s the big deal?" Tiara asked as if it was nothing.

Lux"s glare intensified. "Probably the fact that he"s ROYALTY!" she yelled her voice getting higher.

The Dancer just scoffed. "Newsflash, Blondy, I"m royalty, too," she said making everyone look at her surprised.

"You expect me to believe that," Lux said unconvinced.

"It"s the truth," Grey said making the others look at him. "Tiara comes from a royal bloodline in Irithyll. In fact, Tiara is a direct descendant of the Boreal Valley"s G.o.ds."

Everyone just looked at the Dancer shocked, then Solas realized something. "Wait, you"re a descendant of the Boreal Valley"s G.o.ds? That makes you from Gwyndolin"s bloodline, doesn"t that make me… your great uncle," the First Born guessed.

Tiara rolled her eyes. "No, it doesn"t. I guess that makes us… distant cuisines is the correct term."

Solas" body started being covered in light. "I guess it"s time," He said before he vanished.

The viewing orb appeared in the middle of the dining hall, and they managed to find Solas" name in one of the teams.

"Well, this should be interesting," Brite said crossing his arms.

Inside the Match:

Solas appeared in the team"s base along with the other champions. They were Shen, Azir, Kindred, and Nasus.

The first to speak was Shen. "Ah, a new champion, I suppose?" He asked.

"That"s correct," Solas nodded as he readied his Sword-Spear. "I am Solas, The Sun"s First Born."

Wolf groaned. "Great, just what we need. Another aspect of the sun," he said.

Lamb hummed. "You have the curse," she said looking at Solas. "Like that Lord of Cinder."

"Yes, like Grey, I am not of this world, and I am also cursed," the First Born said as they got ready.

Azir stroked the tip of his peak. "Your aura resembles that of Leona, the current Aspect of the sun, however, yours is stronger."

Nasus hummed in thought. "Grey said that the Lords of Cinder are the reason the sun shines in your world, do you have a connection to them."

Solas chuckled. "More than you can imagine."

Before any more can be said, the sound signaling the beginning of the Match was heard over the Rift.

Azir and Nasus went to the middle lane, Shen went to the bottom, Kindred the jungle, and Solas the top.

The Sun"s First Born kept going and pa.s.sing the turrets with the minions following him. They then the very top where the two teams met.

The enemy minions appeared with the champion. The champion was a red, demonic Warrior that actually matched him in size. He had two horns coming out of his head, his eyes were glowing red, so was his chest, and in his hands was a demonic Greatsword that looks like a combination between flesh and metal.

The champion looked at Solas and scoffed. "I wonder, would you be a good challenge or just another disappointment."

Solas didn"t answer, instead, he raised his weapon and attacked the enemy champion. The demonic Warrior blocked with his sword and was a little surprised after being pushed back slightly.

The demonic Warrior grinned. "Perhaps you would be a worthy opponent," he said as he pushed back.

Solas was surprised by the strength the champion had but he didn"t falter. "I was not called a G.o.d of War for nothing," the First Born said. Both of them pushed harder making the other one jump back to make some distance.

The demonic Warrior started laughing. "Well, G.o.d of War," he said as he pointed his sword at Solas. "I am Aatrox, the Darkin Blade. Prepare yourself, for I am the G.o.d Slayer."

Aatrox raised his sword as it started glowing and swung down sending an energy wave at Solas.

The Sun"s First Born used his Sword-Spear to block, but that didn"t stop him from skidding back a few feet.

Solas regained his balance and raised his hand creating a giant lightning spear. He threw it at Aatrox who used his Sword to block the attack, but like Solas, he was sent back a few feet.

The Darkin Blade stood back up before he and Solas entered battle again. Aatrox"s sword was glowing demonic energy, while Solas" Sword-Spear was covered in lightning.

Each clash gave off a strong Shockwave. Both warriors didn"t let up, but eventually, Solas managed to get the upper hand.

The Sun"s First Born pushed the Darkin Blade away from him. He raised his hand creating another lightning spear, but instead of throwing it, he smashed it on the ground.

The spear created an explosion of lightning the stun Aatrox. Solas too his chance and reeled back his Sword-Spear before dashing towards the enemy champion.

Aatrox was stabbed in the chest. Solas raised his weapon with the Darkin Blade stuck on the tip. Suddenly, an explosion of lightning struck Aatrox"s body finishing him off. The Sun"s First Born swung his weapon, throwing away Aatrox"s now dead body.

Solas took a few seconds to catch his breath. He had to admit that the Darkin Blade had power and knew how to use it.

Shaking his head, Solas put those thoughts in the back of his mind for now. He had a match to win after all.

Time skip: (brought to you by chibi Solas standing in the rain with his hair getting wet and it starts covering his face.)

The match has gone for almost an hour. Solas" team had the advantage most of the time. The Sun"s First Born also kept encountering the Darkin Blade, and it always leads to a fierce battle.

Right now, Solas was helping Azir destroy the Nexus. The Sun"s First Born was covering for the Emperor of the Sands as he was attacking the Nexus with his sand soldiers.

Solas was clashing weapons with Aatrox again. So far, both of them had won and lost some of their encounters.

The Darkin Blade laughed pushing Solas away. "I applaud you, G.o.d of War, for you proved to be a truly powerful advisory."

Solas gripped his Sword-Spear tightly. "I can say that you are the second-best swordsman that I have met."

Before Aatrox can ask what he meant, Solas ran his hand over the blade of his Sword-Spear as lightning covered it.

Solas raised his weapon to the sky sending a giant lightning polt upwards. The Darkin Blade was confused by his actions, but he dismissed those thoughts and was about to attack.

Suddenly, lightning fell on him from the sky, but far more powerful than the lightning spear. This stunned Aatrox long enough for Solas to make his move.

The Sun"s First Born raised his lightning covered weapon, but to his surprise, the Darkin Blade recovered quickly and blocked with his Greatsword.

Aatrox pushed Solas away and raised his sword covering it in demonic energy. He smashed it on the ground sending a demonic wave stronger than the ones before to Solas.

The energy wave hit Solas, which stunned him. Aatrox dashed to attack, but, like him, Solas recovered quickly and blocked the attack.

The First Born the Darkin away and they both regained the stance. They were ready to fight again, but then, "VICTORY, Blue team," the announcer"s voice boomed through the rift.

Both Solas and Aatrox look to see that Azir had finally managed to destroy the Nexus. The champions were covered in light before they were all pulled out of the rift.

The champions found themselves in the summoning chamber. The winning Summoners were celebrating, while the losers were disappointed.

Aatrox scoffed putting his sword on his shoulder. "It seems the battle today is over," he then pointed his sword at Solas. "But make no mistake, we shall fight once again, G.o.d of War," he said turning around to leave. But he stopped and looked over his shoulder. "You said that I"m the second strongest swordsman you met. Tell me, who was the strongest?"

Solas just stood silently for a second before answering. "It was the man who walked through the Abyss… Artorias the Wolf Knight."

With that, Solas took his leave and headed to the dining hall to find the others. He entered and headed to their joined tables.

"That was pretty good, Solas," Grey complemented as the First Born reached them.

"Yeah, not many can keep with Aatrox like that," Ezreal added remembering that the last time he fought the Darkin Blade he received quite the beating.

"I expected nothing less," Brite praised with his usual proud voice.

"I"ve seen better," Tiara said shrugging her shoulders.

Solas gave her a deadpan look. "Really? Where? In the mirror?" he asked sarcastically.

"Exactly," She replied causing Solas to roll his eyes and Grey to sigh.

"Hey, there"s been a question that"s bothering me," Ezreal said drawing their attention. He then looked at Grey and Tiara. "Which one of you is the older sibling?" he asked. Truth to be told is that they also were wondering.

The Dancer scoffed. "Well, it"s obviously…" she trailed off before looking at her brother. "Grey, which one of us is older again?" she asked making everyone look at her in disbelief.

The Abyss Watcher shrugged. "I don"t know. I stopped counting my age before you did," he replied.

Tiara turned back to Ezreal. "Well, there"s your answer, we don"t know."

"That wasn"t actually an answer," the Explorer mumbled but didn"t say out loud scared of what Tiara would do.

Ahri thought of a change in subject. "Anyway, our match should begin soon. Aki, you said there"s a group skin, right? Can we see it."

The summoner of the group nodded. "Sure. Why don"t I show you Brite"s and Ezreal"s, too," she suggested and the two aforementioned champions nodded.

Ahri, Brite, and Ezreal stood up from their seats and stood in a line together. Aki started waving her hands casting a spell. The three champions" were covered in light before they appeared in the new skin.

Ahri wasn"t wearing a kimono this time. She was wearing a white sleeveless uniform with a cleavage cutout and a pink star on her chest. She had a purple skirt, gold heels with white socks that reached her thighs, and long gloves without that connected to her middle finger. Her hair had became blonde and her tails changed color to match her hair.

Ezreal was wearing a similar uniform, but with a short jacket that had blue highlights. His gauntlet took a golden look with a blue star on it. And his hair was now combed to the side with blue highlights.

Brite, like them, was wearing a similar uniform, only with red highlights, a short golden cape, and shoulder armor. His glaive had a red pole and the blade was gold, and between the blade and the pole, there was a red star.

"It"s called the Star Guardians," Aki informed them finishing the spell. She then started walking away. "I better get going to the summoning chamber, see you in a while."

Ezreal looked over himself. "Not bad," he said.

"Sun themed, just the way I like it," Brite said spinning his glaive around.

Ahri looked at herself before shrugging. "Not as good as I usually look, but still good enough I suppose," she said earning a few eye rolls. "Wait," Ahri said noticing something, and it was that her feet weren"t touching the ground. "I can fly?" she asked as she raised from the ground a little before she darted into the air and started going in circles. "I can fly! This is amazing!"

"I heard that some skins give abilities like these," Ezreal noted as he also floated around.

Tiara just deadpanned at the now flying Ahri, "A flying fox, just what the world needed."

"Why don"t I have a flying skin?" Nidalee asked a little envious.

Ahri landed on the ground and looked at the Abyss Watcher. "Hey, Grey, what do you think?" she asked doing a little spin.

"I think it looks cute on you," Grey replied with an honest smile.

Ahri"s cheeks were tainted pink. Suddenly, a small pinkish fox with multiple tails appeared from a small light and started floating around her.

The Nine-Tailed Vastayan giggled as the fox started rubbing its head on her cheek. "Who"s this little guy?" she asked. The Fox started chirping and Ahri giggled again. "Well, it"s good to meet you, too, Kiko."

"You can understand it?" Grey asked surprised.

Ahri shrugged. "A little," she said as Kiko floated towards Silver.

The Wolf pup barked and Kiko started making noises. They started going around in circles playing together.

"Isn"t that cute, they"re getting along," Ahri said looking over the two.

Suddenly, Kiko stopped and floated towards Grey. It looked at Ahri and pointed at the Abyss Watcher with one of its paws while chirping.

"Yes, Kiko, he"s a friend of mine. His name is Grey," Ahri said apparently answering Kiko"s question about the Abyss Watcher. Kiko chirps again and Ahri nods. "Yes, a really good friend."

Kiko started taking glances between Ahri and Grey before growing a mischievous smile, the one Ahri has right before teasing Grey. Kiko started chirping again, but it was a little longer than the previous times.

When it was done, Ahri"s face turned a shade of red that rivaled Grey"s cape. "What!?! No! Bad, Kiko! Bad!" she said like a scolding parent. "Me and Grey never… how do you even know the details of that kind of stuff?!"

The Abyss Watcher just looked confused. "Wait, what did he say?" he asked.

"Nothing! Nothing at all," Ahri immediately dismissed with her face still red. She started glaring at Kiko. "You and I are going to have a talk about moral decency later."

Right after Ahri said that her body, along with Ezreal"s and Brite"s, were covered in light before they were teleported into the Rift.

Inside the Match:

Ahri, Brite, and Ezreal appeared in the rift with two other champions that had similar uniforms. They didn"t have time for introduction as the match began rather early.

Ahri was floating towards the top lane. She couldn"t get that far from the ground since it wasn"t allowed apparently.

"You know, this reminds me of the first time we met," the fox Vastayan said to Aki. "It was the first match for both of us."

"Yeah, it"s been a while since then," Aki agreed with her remembering that day.

"I think we should celebrate with how much has been through since then," Ahri said pa.s.sing her team"s turret.

"What do you suggest?" Aki asked.

"How about we go on a double date," Ahri suggested and even if she couldn"t see the Shy summoner, she could tell she was confused. "You know, me and Grey… with you and Brite."

Suddenly, Ahri fell on the ground and started bouncing while rolling like a ball. That kept up for a few seconds until she stopped and finally regained her balance.

The Nine-Tailed Vastayan groaned while shaking her head. "Ow, what happened?" she asked holding her head.

"S-s-s-sorry, I d-d-d-dropped my summoner o-o-o-orb," Aki apologized in a nervous tone. "W-What were you saying?"

"Nothing," Ahri dismissed shaking her head afraid of going through that again. "note to self, from now on, tease Aki outside of matches only."

(A/N: Thank you for reading this, please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story. Also, I know there isn"t much action in this chapter, but that"s because the new arc is going to start soon.)

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