Adolescent Adam

Chapter 57

FeTUS headquarters existed 2000 metersbelow Megutono Academy. It had as much s.p.a.ce as several baseball stadiums, butmost of that was used for labs and storing weapons.

There were no entertainment facilities andthe Witches were only given a few 12-square-meter rooms each.

Although that was plenty of s.p.a.ce if theywere living alone.


Witches Miss B, aka Shirohara Ren, leaned back in her chair and sighed from theexhaustion of reading through quite a few doc.u.ments.

She used this room for studying and workand the interior design was quite high society and not what you would expect fora student. She sat at a heavy wooden desk in a deep-seated wide chair. Thewooden bookcase lined with textbooks glistened from its lacquer finish and aless-than-practical yellow lamp illuminated a pure white quill on the desk.

“Excuse me.”

A maid stepped in. She was wearing an ap.r.o.ndress that seemed to fit the interior much more.

“Miss D. Yes, perfect timing.”

Daima Makoto, a fellow Witch who waited onpeople as a hobby, carried in some tea.

“You could really stand to decorate yourroom more cutely.”

“A knight must never be lacking in dignity,even if it would help encourage her studies. I must keep up appearances.”

Ren sounded proud of herself.

For better or worse, she was a proud girl,so the maid chuckled while handing her the tea.

After preparing her own, the maid sat down.The floor rose up to support her b.u.t.t.

Springloaded ran through the walls andfloor of the room and they would change form to suit the Witches’ needs, sothey did not need a chair to sit.

In other words, the entire dignifiedinterior was Ren’s own choice.

“How go the cultural festivalpreparations?”

“It’s the day after tomorrow…so I have tofinish it all today.”

Ren sounded exhausted and looked down ather desk.

It was covered in Student Council doc.u.mentsrelated to the cultural festival. This was all work to be done by PresidentRen.

“It just piles up like this.”

“There’s no helping that.”

She had only completed half of it, but sheheld her eyelids to fight the weariness.

“I mean, you were busy all week with theKurosaki issue.”


Kurosaki. Their expressions darkened at themention of that name.

Even if she was only attending the academyas a camouflage life, it was unthinkable for someone as diligent as Ren toneglect her Student Council work. She never would have let it build up to thisextent.

If not for all of her time going intoinvestigating Kurosaki as they showed signs of approaching Fujita Mutsuki.

“We are doing everything in our power toinvestigate this, so you can focus on school, Miss B.”

“I know that. But…”

Ren in particular was working on her own toinvestigate this.

–Her personal grudge against them fortaking away the cousin she saw as a little sister had only deepened recently.

“Then why not get someone else to help?”

When the atmosphere grew heavy, Makoto quickly avoided that subject.

“Miss C and I are teachers…and you hadFujita Mutsuki-kun help you before, didn’t you?”

“I only had him help as a punishment. I can’t restrain him for longer thannecessary.”

“You really are stubborn. Just ask him forhelp and you’ll get it.”

“That’s not the issue.”

Ren replied coldly, but the topic had beensuccessfully changed. Her expression softened as soon they began discussingthat boy.

“Then…what about Miss E?”


Although it quickly became troubled again.

“Machina…Miss E is out of the question.”

“I suppose so. This is an important periodfor her.”

Makoto had suggested it, but she smiledbitterly as if this was the obvious result.

What Miss E, aka Machina, was doing now wasthe most important thing for FeTUS as a whole, so as irresponsible as it was,it took precedence over the cultural festival.

FeTUS’s final proposition was reliant onMachina’s current actions.

Miss D tapped her heel against the floorthat had become a chair. The Springloaded reacted by activating a holographicvision of some text in the air.

“The Holy Grail Plan. …We’ve finally madeit this far.”

The text really only looked like letterswritten neatly on some kind of doc.u.ment, but it was better called a pattern. Itwas as disorderly as graffiti, but the whole formed a geometric shape.

It was a language not found anywhere in theworld. Each of those runes contained as much data as 1024 letters of the alphabetand only the FeTUS Witches could decode it in modern civilization.

The simplest part was the portrait photo inthe top left corner, like it was a resume.

“Eve ex Machina. If we humans truly cancreate divine genes, I would honestly feel more frightened then proud as afollower of science.”


They both viewed the photo.

The rune-covered doc.u.ment contained as muchdata as an encyclopedia, but it still only contained the bare minimum ofrecords.

To those two Witches, that expressionlessface of FeTUS Witches Miss E, aka Ibekusa Machina, reminded them of far moredata.

“I used modern genes to calculate out whatthe Fruit of Knowledge had to have provided, recreated the genes of Eve, andmodeled the missing portions off of that boy. After following Adam’s genes torecreate the missing data, I remade her womb for compatibility, and…justthinking about all the work is making me feel faint, but I managed somehow.”

“…Stop that.”

Ren shook her head while staring at thephoto of Machina.

“Miss E is a proper human. Do not talkabout ‘recreating’ and ‘modeling’.”

“Yes. I misspoke.”

Makoto used a bitter smile to dodge anissue for the second time that day.

As a scientist, she could not rid herselfof the dry feelings of being the girl’s creator, but she did not see Machina asa mere tool. She thought of her as a little sister or a daughter.

But she could not contain her excitementwhen she saw that daughter’s growth after raising her to be a partner to theAdam boy, Fujita Mutsuki.

Especially with Machina fast approachingher ultimate objective.

“S-so how are things between them, Miss B?Do you think it will go well?”

She was also interested in a gossipy kind of way about the relationship between the young boy and girl. Her eyes sparkled as she leaned forward.

“…What a pain.”

Ren shrugged and did not reply.

…There was no way she could tell Makotothat.

Friday was the day before the culturalfestival, so the atmosphere surrounding Megutono Academy shifted from excitedto anxious.

Student Council President Shirohara Ren enjoyedthat nicely tense atmosphere.

“President, we have some sample yakisoba,so please eat it.”

“Yes, I will stop by later.”

“Presideeent, come listen to us perform~”

“Later, okay?”

Everyone had already completed their entry for the festival, so they were inthe final rehearsal and testing phase.

The Student Council was going around to ensurethere was no trouble in this crucial stage, but the President was so popularthat people kept calling out to her.

It had only been a bit over half a monthsince she had returned to her position as President, but Shirohara Ren wasfulfilling her duties perfectly.

“Ange-chaaaan, over here, over here. Wedon’t have much time for the final rehearsal.”

“Yes, yes. …Ah.”


Except when it came to her att.i.tude towardone person.

While walking through the school, she ranacross the last person she wanted to see.

The red-haired girl must have beenpartic.i.p.ating in the play because she was carrying some things.

“What do you want?”

As soon as she saw Ren, the corners of Ange’s eyes rose sharply.

She showed blatant hostility. Ren decidedshe should ignore it, but…


She glared back.

Ren strictly, politely, and (most of all)mechanically served the school as President, but she always respondedemotionally to this one student: Jiyuuni Ange.

Ignoring the girl and moving on would bethe best course of action. Ange would never back down if Ren glared back ather. She knew this would only prevent either one of them from backing down.

Ever since they had clashed and never reacheda satisfying conclusion, Ren had felt an extreme dislike of this angel as ateenage girl rather than as a logical Witch.

“Ange-chaaan? Oh, President. What’s up?”

“Mh. h.e.l.lo.”

They were saved when the angel’s friendcalled out to them.

That distraction allowed Ren to stopglaring. Ange must have been satisfied with that because she gave a “hmph” andleft with her friend.

Ren regretted what she had done. She wasnot a child and yet she had fallen for such blatant provocation.

“Miss A is not going to be happy.”

Then she heard a chuckling voice arrive inplace of the angel.

This voice was even more blatantlyprovoking than Ange’s glare. …Ren simply gave a displeased look, but then sheturned around.

“Yes, I need to do better. You have causedenough trouble yourself, so I need to avoid placing any more of a burden on myteacher.”


She turned around to find not a student butthe teacher named Katsue Subaru, aka FeTUS Witches Miss C.

This was someone else Ren was better offavoiding as President, although for a different reason than with Ange.

When Ren responded sharply, Subaru’seyebrows twitched behind her

Even if they did not get along, they werefrom the same organization. They knew the appropriate distance to keep betweeneach other.

“Inspecting the festival? Must be toughbeing Student Council President.”

“What I’m doing isn’t much different from ateacher’s job.”

They began walking side by side.

Whatever they felt on the inside, theywould be seen as teacher and President, so they continued their inspection.

“How is your cla.s.s doing?”

She naturally asked about her biggestconcern.

As Student Council President, Ren was privyto all the details of the festival events, but when it came to Fujita Mutsuki, MissC would know more as his homeroom teacher.

“There’s nothing to say. Everyone isenjoying the cultural festival. The one surprise is how much Jiyuuni is gettinginto the rehearsals.”

With a glance in the direction of the gymAnge and her friend had entered, Subaru shrugged.

“The angel and the demon in our school seemfar too casual about it all.”

Just as the two girls entered the gym, afew band rehearsal teams left. Silvia was among them. The band members all hadtheir hair dyed bright blonde and Lucia was sweaty from singing but clearly enjoyinghimself.

FeTUS had created this school as aminiature garden, but an angel and demon had joined and their hostilerelationship had entered a pa.s.sive phase. This should have been highlyabnormal.

“Gather heaven, earth, and h.e.l.l and youwill have everything. And the world was created from discord. …So they say, butI find it hard to believe.” There was self-deprecation in Subaru’s voice. “Whydo you think that is?”

“That’s obvious.” Ren smiled bitterly. “Theangels, demons, and we have all found ourselves in the palm of his hand.”

That was where the conversation wouldinevitably lead.

Fujita Mutsuki wished for no fightingbetween the three sides and that was the greatest help those FeTUS memberscould have hoped for.

Angels had an advantage over demons, demonsover humans, and humans over angels. It was supposed to work like that, butFeTUS members had found themselves left in the dust by Ange several times now.

And of course.

Having a FeTUS member in an intimaterelationship with him was ideal for the organization.



While on their patrol, Ren and Subaru wereshocked by what they found inside the gym storeroom.

The boy they had just been discussing wasthere. Mutsuki and the other two widened their eyes.

“Npwa…nh, hahh.”

Only the fourth person in the room, Machina, failed to notice Ren and Subaru’sentrance, so her eyes remained happily narrowed while she continued sucking onthe boy’s lips.

How long they had been enjoying this deepkiss was apparent from the solid flush of her cheeks and the dampness of hereyes that looked like a film of tears. Her usually intellectual features werenow solidly colored by arousal, so even the other two members of her s.e.x wereshocked.

“Ah…Senpai…and Sensei.”

Mutsuki could only smile bitterly at thefact that they had seen this.

Ren sighed deeply, regretting any thoughtsthat he was even remotely reliable.

“I believe I told you I could not allowsuch indecent acts at school.”


Mutsuki was once more called to the StudentCouncil Room and made to sit on the floor.

Machina needed to be scolded as well, butRen started with Mutsuki.

“Um, but, Senpai. This time, Ibekusa-sanwas the one who…”

The boy trailed off but still refused toback down.

This was different from when he had takenadvantage of Machina’s obedience by milking her and having her p.i.s.s. She hadasked him to do this, so it was illogical to scold him alone.

Ren disliked being illogical, but…

“That does not change that you went toofar.”

She rejected his argument.

She knew her argument was almost entirelybased on emotion, but that scene was burned in the back of her mind and refusedto go away. With this and with Ange, her greatest weakness was her inability toback down.

She could not rid herself of the feelingthat filled her when she saw those two sharing their lips like lovers.

“B-besides, that is indecent. In j.a.pan, youshould only kiss someone when you…y’know, are in love. That was f-filthy.”


Mutsuki was easily pushed around, so he gradually quieted down.

The conversation brought Mutsuki’s thoughtsback to what he and Machina had been doing. They had been sharing saliva andsticking their tongues deep in each other’s mouths like they were searching outeach other’s hearts. He recalled the softness of the cute girl’s mouth and theflavor of her spit.

“I-it is true Miss E is at a fault here.”

Ren also blushed as she recalled Machina’s obscenely melted face with drooldripping down it.

“It looked like she was in an indecent moodsimply from making ou-…from kissing. I need to scold her as well.”

She made a strong statement to hide her embarra.s.sment.

She had been careless.

“Sh-she can’t help that. Kisses really getto you…or how should I put it? Once you start, it’s really hard to stop?” Mutsukifollowed his natural tendency to cover for other people. “So it’s best to notstart, but Ibekusa-san insisted.”

“What are you talking about? Just separateyour mouths and it’s over. Just pull your head back 5cm. How is that hard?”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“Enough excuses. There is a problem withthe two of you if that puts you in an indecent mood.”

Ren grew talkative when Mutsuki talked backto her. He had tried to argue and she was glad to comply.

But that meant Mutsuki was bound to talk backagain.

“A-again, you just can’t help feelingsomething…indecent when you’re kissing.”

“It is a beautiful sign of one’s love.There is something wrong with you if it seems indecent to you. Love is a purething.”

“I agree, but, um, it really does make you h.o.r.n.y.”

“For you maybe. I would feel nothing of thesort.”


“Do I have to prove it?”


Their argument was heading in an entirely unexpected direction.

Mutsuki found himself speechless and theroom filled with silence.

Ren soon realized she had said somethingweird, but…

“Y-you don’t have to do that.”

The boy quickly looked the other way.

But to the girl’s eyes, it looked like hewas dodging the issue or provoking her.

“No, I will prove it.”


She responded to his provocation by sitting on the floor in front of him.

“Um, Senpai, you really don’t have to dothat.”

“Just let me do this. All I have to do iskiss you and then pull my head back.”


Mutsuki was confused, but Ren puffed her chest out proudly. She was entirelyfocused on disproving the boy’s argument and she had yet to really think aboutthe method she was using.

“Here I go.”

While sitting on the ground facing eachother, she leaned forward.

(Is this the right way to do it?)

There were several question marks in her head, but the girl moved her facetoward the boy all the same.

Mutsuki was frozen in place with a “is shereally doing this?” look on his face. That worried look only encouraged thescolder of an uppercla.s.sman.

A kiss was the only way to prove she wasright.

“Here goes.”


She moved even closer and the boy shut his eyesas if succ.u.mbing to the pressure.

They were seated in the seiza style, so even with their kneestouching, she had to lean forward a fair bit. He did not lean forward at all,so she naturally ended up leaning over him.

Their noses brushed together and they felteach other’s breath on their lips.

Two soft pieces of flesh pressed together.

Mutsuki briefly tensed even further.

(…What am I doing?)

While Ren quickly grew calmer.

She finally realized that there was no realreason to kiss him.

(I-I’m kissing…a boy.)

She had grown up in England, but kisses of greeting there were only on the cheek.

She remembered that this was her first timeto do this with a member of the opposite s.e.x.


She quickly pulled her head back.


Mutsuki breathed a sigh of relief as if tosay “it’s over”.

Ren did not take a breath. She was stillholding her breath. The realization that this was her first kiss had made herforget to breathe.

But her rational mind quickly recovered.

“S-see? You just have to stop like that.”

Her voice was threatening to crack, so she pitched it low.

Then she took a deep breath.

It was a breath of victory. She hadjustified the position that let her criticize Machina and Mutsuki.

…Of course, Mutsuki was far calmer when itcame to kissing.

“But, um, that wasn’t what I was doing withIbekusa-san.”


She was dumbfounded to find he was acting like her first kiss was insignificant.


But she was aware that her kiss and what hehad been doing with Machina were different.

“Th-then you do it. Do to me what you were doingwith Miss E.”

“Eh? But, Senpai…”

“Just do it. I cannot accept this until youdo.”

They corrected their seated posture.

Mutsuki was reluctant, but he was stubbornlyordered to continue. At this rate, Ren’s first kiss would be meaningless.

The hurdle must have lowered after she didit to him because the boy gave in.

“O-okay…um, don’t be mad.”

This time, he leaned forward.

(Uuh…th-this is kind of…)

This was the reverse of before, so heleaned over her.

Feeling an intimidating sort of pressure,Dame Lavriel, aka Ren, was overwhelmed.

But it was not unpleasant. In fact, it kindof made her heart race.

(Fujita Mutsuki… I thought he was small,but he’s s-surprisingly big.)

She tried to suppress her pounding heart.

Then the boy suddenly stopped.

“Um, Senpai. Could you shut your eyes?”

“Mh? S-sure.”

On his insistence, she shut her eyes likehe had before.

(Uuh…I can’t see…and wait.)

She felt somewhat forlorn now that shecould only see darkness. The instinct to gather as much information as possibleheightened her sense of hearing, so her rapid pulse sounded all the louder.

She could also detect his movements to anextent. She heard the rustling of his clothing and felt the movements of the air.

(That means he’s close enough for me tofeel those air movements. Uuuh.)



She felt a soft sensation on her cheek.

He had touched her. The warm hand waslarger than she had expected. It covered her entire right cheek.

(H-here it comes…)

Some damp air reached her nose and cheek.He was moving in closer.

(I can feel his breath. …It tickles.)

The air current licked across her lips like foreplay for what was to come.

That was enough for a sensual shudder torace down her spine.

(I-is that what…k-kisses are like?)

She had entirely underestimated it. She hadonly thought of it as “lips touching”, but each little action held so muchdepth. An impatience bordering on fear rose from her gut.

“…Here I go.”


But before she could escape, her lips were taken.

Her mind immediately went blank.

(H-huh? …What is this?)

This was no more than lips touching. Thatwas certainly true.

But it was completely different from whatshe had insisted on earlier.

When the boy’s lips softly touched hers,they puckered and pressed against hers like they were sucking. It was more likehe had “captured” her lips than “touched” them.

Perhaps because he used a different method,the feeling was incredibly raw.

She tasted the soft flavor of mucusmembranes instead of simple flesh. He was likely tasting her lips in the sameway.

“Hh, hh, hhh.”

Ren groaned deep in her throat.

Yet he would not release her. In fact, herubbed the point of contact together to deepen the girl’s feeling.

(Hyah…w-wah, that tickles.)

Something far more solid than a breath tickled her lips.

As a Witch, she had quite a lot ofknowledge about the human body and she knew the lips and mouth had a lot ofnerves, but this was her first time to be so very aware of it.

Whether due to sweat or saliva, shesuddenly found her lips were damp. The contact between their lips felt evenstickier.

(Th-this is enough. This should be enough…I need to end this…ah.)

Only about 10 seconds had pa.s.sed, but Rentried to pull back her head in surrender.

But she could not. The boy’s hand on hercheek had brushed through her hair and reached the back of her head.

It was not forceful enough to restrict heractions, so she could pull back her head if she wanted to.

But the very fact that he was touching her seemedto restrain her.

There was no real reason why. She simplycould not resist as long as he wanted to kiss.

(Wh-what is this? What is…ah, ah.)

She felt plenty of other sensations: thewarmth of his breath, its dampness, and the way its angle changed slightly.Each of those things confused the girl further.

But strangest of all was how it made her feelon the inside.

She was not sure if she should call it herheart or her soul, but she felt her very essence crumbling from somethingformless reaching her through his lips. It was warm and it changed shape likewater to perfectly surround her. It caused the girl to crumble like a sandsculpture.

(No, no. I-I really can’t…escape.)

She now knew why the boy had said it was “reallyhard to stop”.

And at the same time…

(Does Miss E feel like this too…? Oh, but evenmore.)

The thought of Machina reminded her thatshe had not at all reached the level that girl was on.

“…Um, Senpai?”

They had been doing this for 20 seconds now. Mutsuki must have been feeling embarra.s.sed because he pulled back a bit and called out to her.


But his words were quickly sealed oncemore.

The girl had filled the gap he had createdto speak.

Her instincts obeyed the pleasure. In herdesire to continue kissing, she sent her lips after him instead of avoidinghim.

“Ah…nn, Fujita…ah.”

With her mind a crumbled sand sculpture, shewas not aware how shameless she was being.

Her eyes were damp, her skin flushed, andher breathing heavy. She had scolded her undercla.s.sman for this earlier, buther own face was loosening up now.

“Senpai…nn, nn.”

Mutsuki was leading her, but that did notmean he had kept his cool.

He had kissed Micha, Machina, Ange, andBlack Cat plenty of times, but Shirohara Ren was his first love and it meant somethingcompletely different with her. He was not enough of a playboy to calmly takethe lead in this kiss.

“Ahh♡ Hahhh…♡ Ah, ah.”

Her heavy breaths were dizzyinglybittersweet.

And her lips had parted somewhat.



He stuck out his tongue and easily snuck itinside where he found so much sweet saliva.

(Ah…h-his tongue is…inside my mouth…)

Without even realizing she had begged forit, Ren’s eyes widened and she accepted it.

He was licking her inside her mouth. Thiswas of course a first for her and the feeling was even more intensely unexpectedthan her first kiss before.

“Ah…nn, nbh, nnjh…kphh, hh, hh…nhhh.”

He was only tickling near her front andcanine teeth, but Ren’s heavy breathing grew to some slight moaning.

(H-his tongue…wow…his tongue is…in my mouth♡)

Each time the intruder crawled aroundinside, a warm wetness entered her mouth and produced a spark of joy.

Pleasure burst inside her mind. Her slenderbody tensed and jerked to show the growing size and frequency of theexplosions.

(Nnhaahh♡ I…I can’t, I can’t. I’m going to go crazyyyy.)

Her spine tensed too, so her body bent backwardsand she seemed to form a half-bridge while still seated seiza style. She planted her hands behind her and raised her chin.

Her mouth was now at the top of her body,but the boy’s tongue still crawled inside.

“Nhp…hh, hhhh.”

It moved between her teeth to continuefurther in.

Unsure what to do, her tongue cowered down,but the boy’s tongue skillfully captured it like a snake and gently stroked it.

He persistently tasted the entirety of hermouth. As he licked her from the inside, the sharp lines of her cheeks bulgedout somewhat.

With each of those movements, he searchedout the sensitive flesh within her mouth.

(Ah, ah, ahhh♡ There’s something wrong with me. There’s something wrong withmeeeee!)

The continuous s.e.xual explosions blanked out her mind. She was like a mere atoy. A toy with a switch in her mouth that caused her body to jerk when touched.

Her lower stomach jumped around the most,putting her even further in a bridge pose.

(Th-there’s something in my…stomach. Somethingrising up…ahh, from so deep inside♡)

Her womb was reacting, but she could notidentify the feeling since she had barely ever m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed.

But as she spread her legs and stuck herhips out, she was aware just how shameless her pose was.

(I-I can’t take it anymore. Stop this,Fujita Mutsuki. Just stop it.)

She cried out in her heart.

But Mutsuki did not pull back because hewas working under the a.s.sumption that she would pull back if she wanted tostop.

“Nmhhhn♡ Nhhn♡ Nhhn♡ Pwahh, Fujita, ahhhh♡”

No matter what she thought in her heart,the voice escaping her mouth was rejoicing in the situation. More and more, shedesired this violation while in a shameless pose. More and more, she desiredmore of this pleasure she had never before felt.

“Nh, nhh, Senpai, Senpai…”

Mutsuki was desperately working to restrainhimself.

He had ended up kissing his first love andboth her voice and body revealed her s.e.xual arousal. It was his last shred ofrationality left that kept him from going further than a kiss: embracing her orpushing her down.

Wouldn’t placing a hand around her slender stomachbe fine? How about embracing her waist? A hand on a breast wouldn’t hurt, wouldit? She would allow a finger up her skirt, don’t you think?

He swept aside all of those thoughts and focusedonly on kissing.

So the kiss naturally grew quite persistent.

“Nnghhh♡ Hh, hhhh♡ Hhn, nnn♡”

The wild movements of the tongue serpent broughtRen’s moans close to screams.

(My mouth, no, it feels so good. It feelsso good♡ My mind is…ahhh, I can’t go on♡)

She was nearly hyperventilating and allthought faded from her mind.

The sticky sound she heard from within herhead matched the jerking movements of her hips lifted up in the bridge pose.

This was no longer a mere kiss. It was morelike mouth s.e.x and her eyes were rolling back in her head.

“Nhhh, hhhh, hhhh♡”

Her moans were even more melted than Machina’shad been and the girl finally arrived at a feeling she had never beforeexperienced.

(Ah, ah, ah, ahhhh…what, what?)

It was like the floor was melting away. Her footing vanished and she wasenveloped by a sensation of floating.


Her mind fell into an accelerating sea ofpleasure.


Her hips leaped up with enough force to hitMutsuki’s stomach.

Even through her skirt and even with herclothing in place, he could tell the flesh inside was rejoicing. Sweat flewfrom her skin and the sweet scent of a teenage girl filled the room.

When she cried out into his mouth, Mutsukifinally pulled his head back.


A mixture of relief and joy escaped herlips once they were finally freed.

After her body convulsed a bit, it wentlimp like a supporting thread had snapped.

Mutsuki supported the collapsed girl,propping her up in a more relaxed sitting position.

And after about 30 seconds in a daze…

“…I-I understand now. It is indeed hard tofind a good time to stop.”

Her voice was cracking as she returned tothe original topic.

“Um, I will speak with Miss E too. That’senough for today, Fujita Mutsuki, so you may leave.”

“Um, but, Senpai.”

“Leave. Please.”

Unable to hide her exhaustion, she pleaded him.

Mutsuki could not dig in his heels here, sohe worriedly stood up.

“Th-then…please call me if anything happens.”

“Yes, thank you.”

They both knew that call would neverhappen, but they dodged the issue by acting like a normal uppercla.s.sman andundercla.s.sman as he left the room.

She made sure he really had left and the doorreally had shut.



Ren reached her limit and crumpled to thefloor.

She was still out of breath. Her shouldersrose and fell and she lay carelessly on the floor.

No, she was not “still” out of breath.

She had caught her breath, but she had lostit again, like it had all come rushing back. The remnants of pleasure lingeringin her body had left her short of breath.

(What was that…just now?)

She pressed her pink lips together and moved her tongue around inside whilethinking back on what they had done.

She was fairly certain the sensation insideher when he sucked at her mouth was s.e.xual in nature. She could not deceiveherself about that. The pleasure in her mind had been much like when she hadstuck her hand in her underwear while thinking about him – when she hadm.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed.

But at the very end, the sensation hadspread beyond her mind and seemed to explode across her body.

Ren had some s.e.xual knowledge, but shecould not think of a single condition that applied to this situation.

…Her textbook knowledge contained nothingabout reaching climax from a mere kiss.

(Uuh…my panties are cold.)

She did not remember getting wet, so sheonly noticed it now. While her hips had leaped around, the inside of herpanties had thoroughly melted and produced enough extract to drip out of herunderwear.

She knew she had to change, but theafterglow of that explosion left her body too heavy to move.


The most she could do now was breathe a heavy sigh.

(Fujita Mutsuki…hm?)

She was fully aware her mind was hopelessly full of him.

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