Adolescent Adam

Chapter 58

A place could look very different betweenday and night.

If asked for examples of such places, aschool would probably be on anyone’s list. There was a large gap between theenergy of daytime and the stillness of night.

Megutono Academy’s cultural festival wasfinally beginning the following day. The school was covered in decorations andthat enhanced the odd atmosphere.

The s.p.a.ce changed even more for Schwarzethan anyone else.

During the day, she walked through theschool building as the teacher named Katsue Subaru, but now she was her trueself. Walking here as Schwarze Katze made it all feel quite different.

“…Heh heh.”

This was the best place to relax on herown. She stepped inside her cla.s.sroom.

Her true age was less than 20. She had beenraised without any kind of non-combat education, so she had been hesitant whenfirst told to work as a teacher. But at some point, she had grown accustomed tostanding at the lectern like this.

In truth…she had wanted to be a student.


With that thought, Ren and Machina, the two who had been sent here as students,came to mind.

She had not wanted to remember either ofthem. That was why she had fled here instead of staying in their FeTUS hideout.


She forgot all about enjoying the nighttimeschool and breathed a long sigh.

Miss C, aka Schwarze Katze, had been bornin the Schwarze Laboratory. The lab had been attempting to isolate the elementsintroduced by the Fruit of Wisdom as part of what was now known as the HolyGrail Plan.

Originally, they had been researching a wayto artificially create a Witch, a human who showed especially strong signs ofthe Fruit of Wisdom. Naturally, only one Witch would appear in a group ofseveral million or even dozens of millions.

The project had been suggested by a witchfrom 300 years ago: Miss Elisabeth. The research had begun with producingclones from her genes. Due to the Cold War’s influence, a bodily reinforcementexperiment had been carried out in parallel and it had resulted in Schwarze’screation.

The project had been absorbed by FeTUSafterwards and become a part of the Holy Grail Plan. Instead of using a clone,they had calculated back to Eve who bore the original Fruit of Wisdom andcreated her. That was Machina. Completing the perfect womb had been deemed asuccess, so the plan would be gradually brought to an end from here.

…But besides FeTUS, the research team thathad joined Kurosaki was making progress with their Bioroid Plan which wouldreinforce the human body even further. A human with demonic elements had shownup recently and she had to be the result of that.

Schwarze smiled thinly.

“A failure like me…hm?”

This was the first time in her life she hadexpressed self-deprecation.

Someone with even greater bodilyreinforcements had made an appearance. And the position of Eve had beenofficially taken by Machina due to the greater presence of the Fruit of Wisdomwithin her.

Schwarze could tell the rest of the worldwas making progress.

But she was being left behind…

“Yes, you are a hopeless failure.”


Sudden and vulgar laughter broke out.

Even if she had grown careless, she shouldhave noticed something before now. Schwarze frantically put up her guard.

Because she immediately recognized thisvoice.

“But that is no reason to feel down. Even ifyou are a failure…no, because you area failure, disciplining you is so much fun.”

Someone else inexplicably stood in the roomwith her.

It was a large but elderly man. He wasbulky and had some fat below his black suit, but the breadth of his shouldersand thickness of his pecs gave him a very solid look.

“Isn’t that right, Elisabeth?”

“Kurosaki Keigo…!”

She recognized him. She instantly extendedher metal claws from her hands and prepared for battle.

She was willing to take off his head noquestions asked.

“Heh heh… Why the scary look? I created theSchwarze Laboratory. So you could say I am the father who raised you.”

At the moment, FeTUS saw him as a greaterthreat than the angels or demons. He was the head of Kurosaki, an old j.a.panesefamily and an organization that had rebelled against Miss A and attempted tohold absolute authority over the hidden side of the world.

“Now, Elisabeth, come to me. I can pat yourhead for the first time in a long time.”

“! Sh-shut up!”

But when he defenselessly held out hishand, she pulled back instead of moving in to attack. And yet she could havetaken off his head then.

The man continued chuckling.

“You are so rebellious, Elisabeth. Butfine. A pet cat that loses its wild side would be a bore.”

His behavior remained entirely calm andcomposed.

For some reason, Schwarze felt herselftrembling due to a strange tension rising from within her.

“Don’t call me Elisabeth… I am Schwarze. Iam FeTUS Witches Miss C. I am Schwarze Katze!”

“…A black cat, you say?”

The warrior threatened him with baredteeth, but the man was unfazed.

“Do not be ridiculous. You are indeed ascapricious as a cat, but the name on your collar is Elisabeth.”

He only held out his hand and he was entirelyopen to attack.

“I should know since I put that collar onyou.”

“Sh-shut up…shut up, shut up!”

The mention of a collar made her self-conscious about her throat which ofcourse had no collar.

She was painfully aware of how dry herthroat was.

“Heh heh. You’re breathing heavily. A truetestament to the Schwarze Laboratory. Your sense of smell is remarkable if youcan detect my scent from this distance.” The man approached. “You’ve heard fromMiss A, haven’t you? Every single homunculus created by the Kurosaki Laboratory– including you – has a safety installed, preventing them from defying me.”


She had not heard that, but she had guessedas much. That was likely why her job as Fujita Mutsuki’s bodyguard had beengiven to Miss B recently.

“This is that safety.”

He approached only slowly, but Schwarzefound herself unable to attack or flee.

An instinctual part of her was interestedin that outstretched hand.

––Iwant to smell it.



The slowly approaching hand slowly grabbedher mouth.

She breathed on his palm and he had herinhale the scent of his sweat. Particles of his bodily fluid entered her nose,pa.s.sed through her windpipe, and reached her lungs.


Not even she could believe how sweet hervoice sounded.

“Heh heh. That worked better than Iexpected. Even your vomeronasal organ must be more effective than a human’s.”


Black Cat could not even move anymore.

Like a drug addict, she could not stopsniffing the man’s hand.

Most of what is commonly known as a “sixthsense” refers to a sensation coming from a mammalian organ that has degeneratedin humans.

But with all of her organs reinforced,Schwarze was not like your average human.

The vomeronasal is a sensory organ thatstill exists in cats and horses.

It is primarily used for the detection ofs.e.x attractants and the transmission of arousal substances. In other words…

For the detection of pheromones.

“And yours is special since I injected youwith my cells during early childhood.”

“Gh…nn, nnhhh♡”

“As you grow, your brain shuts offinformation from the vomeronasal organ, but due to the so-called dormitoryeffect, my cells had embedded themselves deep inside your s.e.xual senses. Soinstead of shutting out everything, it refuses to accept anyone but me.”

Black Cat was so focused on the man’s handthat she could not hear what he was saying.

“How many times have you had s.e.x, Elisa?Have you experienced o.r.g.a.s.m?”


She felt dizzy and incredibly intoxicated.

“Heh heh heh. Then this will be even harderon you. All of your arousal is brought by my cells…my pheromones. Everythingyou feel when having s.e.x and o.r.g.a.s.ming is inextricably attached to my scent.”


The intoxication was joined by euphoria.Her mind grew distorted and was filled by a baseless feeling of happiness.

Just as he had claimed, simply smelling hishand brought all the s.e.xual pleasure and climaxes she had ever experiencedrushing back into her mind.

From her first time to her most recent timewith Mutsuki.

And all of those sensual feelings were tiedto her memories of this hand…this scent.

Her memories were being rewritten to sayall of that pleasure had been brought by this hand.


She gathered her focus and brushed aside the hand.

Kurosaki Keigo’s eyebrows twitched.

But Black Cat wrinkled her brow even moreas she jumped back. They pressed together in an upside-down V and she looked onthe verge of tears.

(Blood…there’s blood.)

Her metal claws must have touched himbecause three wounds ran across the man’s hand.

She had attacked the enemy. That was all,but she shuddered like this had been a horrific act.

The same unnecessary guilt felt whencrushing an ant rushed in at her like a surging wave.

She just about apologized. She just aboutprostrated herself before the man who owned that hand and that scent.

“Not to worry. The Bioroid tech that formsthe foundation of your body has already been applied to me as well.”

The wounds instantly vanished. Thesurrounding cells wriggled and sealed them.

He reacted just like Lucia who could shrugoff being bisected. The man already had demon cells residing in his body.

This was clearly the power of Kurosaki…ofthe enemy, so Black Cat felt a new wave of hostility rising within her.

“But I suppose a disobedient cat needs tobe disciplined.”


It happened in a split-second. The man’s next action filled her with yetanother mysterious feeling.

He threw a slap at her. He struck her cheekand she fell onto her b.u.t.t.

She had seen it coming, but she had beenunable to dodge it. She did not know why. The best explanation she could managewas that she had not felt like dodging it.

(Wh-why not…ahh.)

“How dare you raise a hand against your father.”

The man grabbed her black hair, violentlyyanked her up, and slapped her again.

“You belong to me! You have from the momentyou were born!”


She wobbled and her kitten hair clip fellaway. Her silky, waist-length hair flowed down.

He slapped her cheeks again and again.

She could see every blow coming, but shefound herself unable to dodge or even brace for them.

She felt a sharp pain deep in her nose. Thenext thing she knew, tears were dripping down from her angular eyes.

(Ah…ah, ahh.)

She was crying. She could not understand itfor the first few seconds.

From the moment of her birth, Schwarze hadnever consciously cried.


The tears dislodged her contacts and theimpact against her cheek sent them flying from her face.

The hidden golden color of her true eyeswas revealed. Keigo stopped when he noticed.

He must have remembered that she was indisguise. He grinned, reached for her chin, and peeled back a thin layer of skin.

It was a layer of foundation on which sheapplied her makeup. Female Teacher Katsue Subaru had to disguise her race andage, so she used a special foundation cream that let her change her skin color,reduce its l.u.s.ter, and add an appropriate amount of wrinkles.

Once that was peeled away…

“Heh heh. You’re so beautiful.”

The unique milky-white skin of a whiteperson seemed like the perfect mixture of elegance and s.e.x appeal. The mansmiled when he saw the alluring face of someone on the borderline betweengirlhood and womanhood.

(Kh… Calm down. Dammit, dammit.)

Meanwhile, Schwarze felt something far more unpleasant than makeup trailing down her cheeks, so she desperately tried to wipe them away.

Why was she crying? Why couldn’t she stopit? She did not know.

That warrior was confident she would notshed a tear even if a bullet pierced her heart, so she was hopelessly shaken bythis.

The man in front of her grabbed her chinand pushed it upwards. She could not stop herself from facing upwards. The dampcorners of her eyes clearly rose as she glared at him.

“Don’t cry, Elisabeth. I did not hit youbecause I hate you.”

“Shut up. Don’t call me Elizabeth! I am…I am Schwarze Katze. I am FeTUS WitchesMiss C!”

“Miss C? Heh heh. Enough of that. You are my daughter.”

She shook off the hand on her chin andstood up. She tried to move away from him, but her legs tangled together andher back hit the wall.

“Now call me father. Do it.”

Kurosaki Keigo was not concerned. Heapproached ever so slowly, like a father playing tag with his child.

“You know the truth, don’t you?”


He stuck his hand in her suit and tightlygrabbed her left breast through her blouse.

“Every drop of blood flowing though thisheart should tell you: You must obey me. Listen to it race. And all I have doneis approach you. And touch you.”

“Kh…hh, ah.”

He squeezed the sensitive piece of fleshand Schwarze grimaced from the sharp pain.

But at the same time, she noticed her pulseracing within it, just as the man said. And…


Her heated pulse sent something horriblysticky throughout her body.

Her body heated up from her blood vesselsand the first part of her to react was her legs.

The long legs extending from her tightskirt pressed together so that the thighs b.u.mped against each other.

She could not help it when she felt anintensely odd feeling running through the base of those thighs.

“…Heh heh. You can barely stand it, canyou?”

The man laughed with confidence and then changed how he applied his strength.

He lovingly kneaded the bowl-shaped bulgespushing out against her white blouse.

“Ahh, kh…stop. U-uuuuh, let go.”

He tightly grasped the b.r.e.a.s.t.s as he ma.s.saged them, and Schwarze found herselfunable to escape and brush off his hands.

All she could do was allow an endlessstream of tears to flow from her eyes.

“There is nothing to worry about. You aregetting worked up in reaction to this, but the one smell your vomeronasal organcan detect will calm you. Once you are used to it, the calm will come.”

The man gently embraced her as she sniffledand wiped away the tears with her wrist.


Her forehead hit a surprisingly muscular chest for such an old man and she wasunavoidably surrounded by his scent.

And she could not stop the extreme sense ofcalm rising within her.

(Wh-what is this feeling?)

Alarm bells rang in her mind. She had topush his arms away right this instant. She needed to defeat him or at least runaway.

But despite those thoughts, her body wentlimp and she leaned into the man’s chest.

“Ah…hahh, hh.”

A sweetly ticklish pulse came from herb.r.e.a.s.t.s as he continued to ma.s.sage them. It was carried by her blood whichraced around her body at an increased rate thanks to her pumping heart.

She was in the enemy’s hands, but she couldnot put up a fight and simply rubbed her thighs together.

“Heh heh. Aroused? Even if they were toensure your loyalty, they were originally a type of s.e.x pheromone.”

Her pure white hills of flesh bounced and a plumply sweet softness filled thealready soft skin. Despite his age, the man breathed heavily and squeezed theb.r.e.a.s.t.s in both hands.

“Oh, oh. Groping them with both hands istruly incredible.”

“Ahh… L-let…go. Don’t touch me.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I can see that lewdlook on your face as you enjoy having your b.r.e.a.s.t.s groped. As your father, itis my duty to fulfill your indecent desires.”

He was clearly enjoying the heated softnessand the firmness pushing back at his fingers.

But he was not entirely lying.

“A lewd…look…nkh.”

His fingers arrived at her nipples andtoyed with them.

Schwarze wrinkled her brow and endured thehumiliation. He might have taken her ability to resist, but she still had herpride. Or so she thought.


“Ah…ah, ahhhh…♡”

With a single stroke of her nipples, astrange pulse raced from her heart to every cell in her body.

She moaned, her face was sweetly heated,and the corners of her eyes were obscenely damp. If she had seen herself in amirror, she would have thought she looked like s.e.x itself.

“You are clearly trying to seduce a manwith that look. It makes me ashamed to be your father.”

He laughed happily and must have feltfreely kneading her bust was not enough because he lowered one hand.

The lines of her slender waist was apparenteven through her suit, so he rubbed down along the sensual curve of her hip andthen touched her b.u.t.t.

“Uuh…ahh, stop…stop that.”

Schwarze had the ideal model’s figure. Herhips were positioned high and everything was perfectly tight. But her fleshitself had the unique milkiness of a white woman and seemed to absorb yourfinger like cream when you touched it.

The man smiled even more vulgarly as hetouched her sweetly plump b.u.t.t through her skirt.

“Let’s see what we have here. I need toknow how much my daughter has grown since I last saw her. I need to know howlewdly my future slave’s body has been polished.”


When he gave her a shove, she was unable toreact and fell over.

She now lay face up on her belovedteacher’s desk. Her knees were up on the desk as well, so her feet had left thefloor and she felt like she had completely lost control of the situation.

(Kh…no, this is where…Fujita and I…)

She naturally ended up looking at theceiling, which reminded her that this was the cla.s.sroom she taught in everyday.

Not only that, it was where she had firstslept with Fujita Mutsuki and where he had changed her worldview.

The memories of that day returned to her.She had been placed on top of the desk much like this, he had lovingly caressedher, and he had gradually made her body his…


She felt an entirely different sensation inher skirt.

“So you’re already wet. You must have knownquite a bit of pleasure for someone who isn’t even 20 yet.”

He stuck his hand in her black skirt andused his four fingers to press against the crotch of her panties.

The searching movements were more like anexamination than a caress. He was seeing just how soft and puffy the v.u.l.v.abelow was.

(Ahh… ah, no. This is…too much. I can’tstand it.)

Even this mechanical movement was enough for her feminine land to growhopelessly swollen. The inside of her panties was already drenched and shecould feel her flesh bud growing.

“Heh heh. You’ve spread your legs. Hm? Iseem to have raised quite a s.l.u.tty daughter.”

“Ah, ahhh…no, nooo.”

Her legs had already been too weak to stopthe man’s hands, but now they grew even limper.

They moved to the left and right as if toaccept the s.e.xual monster’s fingers.

“A would kill for flesh like this. Heh heh.I need to enjoy it for myself.

It was not just the type of caress thatdiffered from Mutsuki. This man only observed her reactions and gave no thoughtat all to whether she was enjoying it. He abruptly unzipped his pants.

He got up on the desk, adjusted theposition of his hips, and brought his hideous c.o.c.k next to the woman lying onher back.


Schwarze grimaced at her first sniff of theaged and matured male hormones.

The manhood she saw to her side wasgrotesqueness itself. It had discolored almost to a purple, it was enormous,and it had a few large b.u.mps that may have been what was known as pearling.

This was not an organ meant to impregnate awoman. It looked more like a tool used to violate and enjoy a woman.

“You can start by sucking it. Heh heh. Butmine is pretty big, so make sure you don’t dislocate your jaw.”

“Go to h.e.l.l… I-if you don’t want me to biteit off, you’d better keep that nasty thing away from me.”

Schwarze twisted around and growled at him,but…

He mercilessly slapped her. She was lyingdown, so the back of her head hit the desk, increasing the pain.

He grabbed her black hair and forced herhead toward the p.e.n.i.s.

“Don’t talk back to your father.”


Just like before, that one hit caused tearsto well up in the warriors’ eyes.

It was not the pain; she was afraid. Shewas hopelessly afraid of making this man angry.

And he seemed to know exactly what state ofmind she was in.

“C’mon, Elisabeth, start licking it. I knowyou’ll like it. Your DNA was designed to accept mine.”


Just as his tone grew soft, he pushed theprec.u.m-oozing head against her lips.

A film of tears covered her angular eyesand she was horribly confused.

The kind tone so soon after the violencesoftened her heart. But even more frightening was what she felt instead ofnausea when the p.e.n.i.s head touched her mouth. Her lips and flesh did not rejecthat slightly salty flavor.

(Th-this flavor…is the same as the smellfrom before…)

The softness in her chest spread to her head, and in no time…


She swallowed its extra-large size thatpushed her jaw to the limit.

“Yes, yes. Ohh, so you can swallow it.”

The man looked satisfied as Schwarze’s softb.r.e.a.s.t.s jiggled within her suit and she desperately moved her head back andforth.

The faint moonlight was enough to see thel.u.s.ter of the straight black hair that fluttered behind her. He likely enjoyedthe gap between that silky beauty and the raw sensation of his vulgar thingshoved inside her mouth. Keigo’s lips twisted into a grin.

(U-uuh… Bite it, bite it… B-but…)

No matter how much her warrior’s instinctsdemanded she fight back, she only obediently pleasured him. The pride remainingin her mind had already succ.u.mbed to her fear.


“Nh, nmh, hn, nn, nn.”

The hard c.o.c.k moved in and out of her softred lips with warm saliva rubbed all over it.

“Is this your first time sucking one withpearling done? Fun, isn’t it?”

“Nn, nnn.”

“Enjoy it while you can. Once a woman hasbeen penetrated by this bad boy, the feel of the pearls is enough to get themsoaked, so a b.l.o.w.j.o.b is enough to drive them insane. Before long, this won’t besomething new and fascinating to you.”

The man narrowed his eyes when he felt herwrap her tongue around the bottom to feel the b.u.mps.

“No? This is already more than justfascinating for you.”


The hand still on her panties sensed thechange there and his smile grew.

“You’re even wetter than before. You wh.o.r.e.Seeing the pearling made you more h.o.r.n.y than scared, didn’t it?”

“Gh, kh, khhhh.”

The flesh between her shamelessly spreadlegs grew hotter and dripped with more nectar. Schwarze groaned at having herembarra.s.sing secret pointed out.

But she could not resist with the strongscent of male hormones filling her mouth.

The male DNA she had sensed in her handearlier was now setting a fire in something built into her body. Her foggy mindhad decided she must not defy this man.

“Heh heh. How does my c.o.c.k taste? You seemto be enjoying it.”

“Nhh, hhhh♡”

And she had never experienced a manhoodthis large or with those b.u.mps in it, so as it reached her throat, she foundherself enthralled in sucking it.

It applied an almost painful level ofpressure on her jaw and it pierced her throat. Her womanly instincts reacted toit by creating a sharp throb in her womb.

Keigo gave a satisfied smile at them.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic blush in the corners of her eyes and he stuck his fingers insideher panties.

“Uuh, hhhhhn♡ Mhh, pwah…ahhhhn♡”

“You’re soaked. Your desire for me has youdripping with juices.”


Moans of obscene pleasure escaped the corners of the mouth filled with hisp.e.n.i.s and she wrinkled her brow in frustration.

He was exactly right. Her body and her wombwould not stop its female reaction to the maleness filling up her mouth. walls were loosening and growing wet to allow for a better penetration.They kept wriggling as if begging it to hurry up.


Through her tears, she saw the ceiling…the cla.s.sroom.

This teacher’s desk was the site of a fewturning points in her life as a born warrior.

In April, she had stood here and taken thename of Katsue Subaru as a teacher. In June, she had been loved here and becomeFujita Mutsuki’s lover.

But the ma.s.sive shaft in her mouth dredgedup another memory.

It was from before becoming a lover, beforebecoming a teacher, and before becoming a warrior.

From the moment of her birth, she had beena slave to this c.o.c.k.

The man pulled back his hips and removedthe large p.e.n.i.s from her mouth.

At the same time, he pulled out the fingershe had snuck into her panties. The crevice gate produced an obscenely wet soundas its contents stuck out as if to pursue the finger.


She had so despised Kurosaki Keigo’s touch,but now that it had ended, she felt so forlorn that new tears wet her eyes.

The man only waited. He could predict whatshe would do next.

He simply waited…just like a fatherdisciplining his daughter.

“Please…put it in.”

Schwarze forced out the words of herdefeat.

“Please, ahh, I can’t wait any longer.Please show my dirty body some love.”

“…Heh heh.”


She accepted it without him having to forceher.

She accepted that he was a father withabsolute power over her.

“Well done, Elisabeth.”


Like he had offered before, he reached outand touched her hair.

He patted her head.

Schwarze narrowed her eyes and accepted theticklish feeling. Hers was the look of a daughter receiving her father’spraise.

As delight filled her mind, nothing elseremained there. Not FeTUS and not Fujita Mutsuki.

Black Cat got up from the desk and placedher hands on the floor.

She pushed up her tight skirt and loweredher panties. Her round a.s.s looked like a juicy white peach and she stuck it outtoward the man.

Both her precious s.e.x organ and herb.u.t.thole were spread open and exposed. It was the completely submissive pose ofa wild cat.

“Look how wet you are. Even a virgin boywould not hesitate to f.u.c.k that h.o.r.n.y p.u.s.s.y.”

“Ahh…I’m sorry, father.”

“Not to worry. As I have been saying, youare my daughter no matter how much of a s.l.u.t you are.”

The man took his time and slowly rubbed her b.u.t.t.

“Ahhn♡ Father, don’t teaseme.”

That was enough to fill her with ecstasyand send new fluids dripping down her inner thighs. She indecently wiggled herhips to beg him for more.

“Father, please give some love to yourElisabeth.”

She lowered her hips while even her a.n.u.stwitched. Her p.u.s.s.y flesh swelled out when it touched the flesh sword.

FeTUS Witches Miss C, aka Schwarze Katze,had been reborn as Elisabeth, daughter of Kurosaki. After confirming that, theman pushed in his p.e.n.i.s head.

“Ah, ah, ahhhhh!”

“Oh? You’re wet as can be, but you aren’tloose. In fact, you’re very tight.”

“Ahn, ah, father, that’s because…you’re toobig, hyah♡ Hahhh!”

The giant thing sank inside of her with arapist’s lack of restraint.

The female flesh was warm, stickily wet,and wonderfully tight. The folds seemed to catch at the cannon barrel as theytraced across its contours. Any man would have hurried to complete the union.

But even though he was rough enough to makeher scream, Schwarze had no hint of pain on her face.

“How do you like the pearling? Intense,isn’t it? Hm?”

There were some artificial b.u.mps rubbing ather internal flesh and they transformed the man’s girth into an even morebrutal weapon.


But she still showed no sign of rejectinghim.

This was not due to a warrior’s painresistance. There was something masking the shock. The shock to her flesh wassoftened by his skin…no, it was something else.

“Heh heh. It seems my cells are affecting youmore than the pearling.”

“Ahhhhh, hahh, father…I can feel you…inside meeee♡”

“Heh heh heh. Given how you reacted to asingle hand, being penetrated must be hard to bear.”

She shook her entire body and writhed atthe sensation of the ma.s.sive c.o.c.k buried deep inside her heart-shaped b.u.t.t. Shewas already tall, so taking it from behind with her legs straightened wasenough for her every movement to be quite dynamic and provocative. The bulgesof her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in her blouse bounced around in circles.

“Have a good taste. Your v.a.g.i.n.a was born,raised, and grown to contain me contain my DNA.”

“Ahhh, ah, ahhh…yes…ahhh.”

Sure enough, Schwarze’s honeypot wasreacting differently than to any previous s.e.x she had had.

(This is…ah, ahh♡ Too good. It’s going to…change me. Change me forev-…ah, ah♡)

Her mind went blank.

She had smelled his hand, touched it, and hadit shoved in her mouth. Those devilish instincts had been enough to shake herthoughts from foreplay alone, but now they were inserted inside her v.a.g.i.n.a. Byallowing it to dock with her womb – with the core of her womanhood – it hadentered the final phase.

“Your s.l.u.tty honeypot can’t get enough ofthis, can it? Have some more.”

“Ahhhhn, ahhhh, no, don’t move somuch…ahhnnnn, father♡”

He moved around as if to show off his greatsize and he roughly dug into her stickily melted body.

He seemed to be implanting his presence inBlack Cat’s instincts.

(…No, that isn’t it.)

The corners of her angled eyes narrowed asshe had s.e.x that was mostly a violation.

(He’s…reminding me.)

He was not implanting it. Nor was shechanging.

(He’s reminding me…that I’m his daughter.)

“Ohh, you just tightened up some more.”

(I remember nowwww♡)

Her internal flesh sucked at the p.e.n.i.s moreand more. Not even Keigo could believe how incredible her p.u.s.s.y was.


While thrusting roughly into her, heskillfully turned the tip to the right and left.

Her soft v.a.g.i.n.a tried to fight the actionby latching onto the tip even more. The more he attacked her, the more shesweetly reacted. A wild look entered the man’s eyes.

“How is it, Elisabeth? Hm? Can’t stand it,can you?”

“N-no, ahhhhn♡ Father…ahh, this is…too much♡”

By this point, Schwarze was responding like a daughter being spoiled by herfather. Her black hair fluttered behind her and she looked back over hershoulder with a deeply sensual look of feminine beauty that was also somehowjuvenile.

Her flesh of course reacted as an adult. Herflushed back and her slender waist twisted as if she could not bear it. Herb.u.t.t was the shiny and milky color of a white woman and it wriggled in adesperate fashion. The way her exposed a.n.u.s twitched only encouraged the man’swild side.

“Ahhhn, no, no♡ Father, I’m going to c.u.m…ahhhh, I’m going to c.u.m!”

Even so, the look in her eyes and the tone of her voice were sweet.

“Heh heh. Is that so, is that so?”

She was roughly rubbing up against him, so he let her handle the thrustingafter burying his sword into the center of that plump roundness.

Instead, he reached his hands around andgrabbed at the bust bouncing around as it hung down.


He suddenly grabbed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s through her blouse and squeezed the tips thatwere solidly erect from the stimulation to her womb. She cried out in surprise.

“You’re grown a lot here as well. Heh heh.Look, look. When I squeeze them, you get even wetter deep inside, my s.l.u.ttydaughter.”

“Ah, ahn. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being sos.l.u.tty, father. Ahahhhh, but…but it feels so good♡”

He had stopped moving his hips, but thepearling and the girth had not changed. They rubbed at the tight v.a.g.i.n.a fromwithin to attack her.


Her s.e.xy body writhed around even with theman’s arms around her.

The ma.s.sage of her wet walls wasenough to fill her cells and DNA with the pleasure of meeting her forgottenmaster.

When he toyed with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as well, eventhe direct sensual pleasure was eaten away from her mind.

“Ahhh, ahhhhhh♡”

Her dignified eyebrows sharply bent and herlong, tear-damp eyelashes trembled.

With each rough attack from the giant stakeand with each rub from the pearls, she forgot about the sweet and gentlepleasure that had been carved into her flesh. It was overwritten.

The boy who had given her that sweetpleasure was no longer a part of her. The name Fujita Mutsuki could not befound inside her.

“Good, good. I am about to c.u.m as well. Iwill fill your womb with the cells you love so much. Let’s c.u.m together.”


He did not say so, but Keigo wasoverwhelmed by how incredible her body was.

Amid the waves of pleasure, Schwarze couldsense the trembling of the stake driven into her v.a.g.i.n.a. Sensing that proof ofhis pleasure, she opened her scarlet lips and sweetly moaned.

“Please…father. Fill your Elisabeth withyour c.u.m.”

She bent back, extended her long legs, andpressed her hips against the man’s cannon barrel.

She knew what he was about to release. Justone whiff of that scent would alter her values. This would be the undilutedversion. This would be his DNA itself.

What if that entered into the deepest levelof her s.e.x organ? What if it soaked in and implanted itself? There would be nocoming back. She could never defy him again, she could never fight the angelsand demons as part of FeTUS again, and she could never be by Mutsuki’s sideagain.

If she ran away now, she might be able torecover. If this scent could not catch up to her, she could return to her usualself. To FeTUS’s Miss C.

But she rejected that idea.

“Ahhhh, c.u.m! Spray it all inside me!”

She offered her a.s.s to the man at theperfect angle for him to thrust inside her.



The pure white engraving was poured insideher madly throbbing womb.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I’m c.u.mmiiiiiiiiiiiiing♡♡♡”

Schwarze could tell how her donut-shapedcervix was. .h.i.t by the powerful stream, pried open, and forced to expose theinside of her womb. Her DNA made sure to examine and taste the DNA of the ownerwho had been imprinted into her from the moment she was born.

“Mh, ahhhh♡ Ahahhhhh, father, fatherrrrrr♡”

The s.e.xual impulse was so great that Black Cat succ.u.mbed to a corruptingo.r.g.a.s.m.

This was entirely different from what shehad experienced with Fujita Mutsuki. The pleasure did not fulfill her like ithad then. This pleasure seemed to make her vanish away. It worried hersomewhat.

But she noticed something sad.

From the moment of her birth, her body hadyearned to be melted by this roiling pleasure.

From the moment of her birth, it had beenher owner giving her this pleasure.

“…h.e.l.lo? Papa? What is it?”

The bell of an old-fashioned phone rangloudly in the darkness.

It was answered by an arm that reached outfrom below the sheets of a king-sized bed. The arm was so fat that it could bemistaken for a part of the down blanket in the darkness. The arm’s owner spokeinto the receiver sleepily.

There was more movement in the sheets andtwo girls stuck their heads out. They were both young and slender girls wholooked skinnier than the man’s arm.

One had purple hair and the smooth skin ofa white person. Overall, she was slender, but her b.r.e.a.s.t.s alone were obscenelylarge and gave a s.e.xual aura to what was otherwise just a child. Her name wasRiselle.

The other had red hair that had recentlybeen cut to shoulder length. Other than that, her face and body were indistinguishablefrom the angel’s. She was the demon created from Ange’s human body. Her namewas Enju.

None of them was wearing any clothing, sothey had likely fallen asleep after some wild lovemaking. They rubbed theireyes and scratched their heads at the sudden phone call.

“Tomorrow already? …Yes, yes, understood.”

The call did not last long and the man setdown the receiver before rolling back onto the bed.

“Who was it?”

Since they were awake, Riselle used his arm as her pillow like usual.

“Papa. He says he’s defeated BlackCat-chan.”


And also like usual, the man reached hisarm around her slender shoulders and to her chest.

Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s looked quite large, but she wasonly a child and had the small body to match, so he could fully cup one in hishand.

Gravity had pulled her bust to the sides,but her cheeks flushed as he rubbed them.

“Heh heh. That stubborn Black Cat-chandidn’t even take him a full night. Papa is quite the lady-killer.”

“Ahn…nhh. Well, he is…your father.”

Her reply was a quiet one.

Her voice was filled with m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic joy.It was the voice of a slave.

“Heh heh. Elisabeth Nee-san is prettyloose, so of course she didn’t last a full night.”

Enju lay on top of Riselle’s twitching body as if asking to join in.

She kissed Riselle’s belly and rubbed herthighs. The childish body continued to tremble and the pleasure loosened hersmall legs, so Enju slipped her body between them.


Riselle tried to close her legs, but sheonly managed to place her thighs around the red-headed girl’s belly. Sheuttered an embarra.s.sed moan.

Enju giggled at how her every reaction wasso cute.

“FeTUS is done for. I can’t wait toabsorb their weapon’s research. Kurosaki’s tool development leaves something tobe desired.”

“…They still have my sister and myteacher,” said Riselle in reference to Miss B and Miss A. “We can’t let ourguard down yet.”

“Oh? Riselle, whose side are you on?”


The two exchanged a look of challenge.

Then they pressed their lips together. Theymoved their chins to the left and right as they sucked at each other’s lips asif it was a contest.

Enju and Riselle were both less than 140cmtall, but when viewed side by side, their bodies and the personality on theirfaces could not have been more different.

Enju had strong-willed and slanted eyeswith bright cheeks. She was short, but her body already had an adult livelinessto it. As an alternative body to Jiyuuni Ange, the strongest angel, her bodyand expression gave off the selfishness of a capricious wildcat.

On the other hand, Riselle was harder todescribe. Her body did not look fully grown, her expression lacked confidence,and she oozed a childish helplessness, like she was a doll.

Their temperaments were simply splitbetween seme and uke respectively.

“Siding with FeTUS, Riselle? What a naughtygirl.”


Their kiss found its winner soon enough asEnju stuck out her tongue and unilaterally violated Riselle’s mouth.

“And naughty girls…must be punished♪”

“Nooo, nn, nhhh.”

Their kiss continued as Enju leaned overRiselle even further.

Her lower stomach had been betweenRiselle’s legs before, but now it was her hips there.

“Hh, ah, wait.”

A hot sensation pressed against Riselle’sunguarded crotch and the girl blinked her deep purple eyes.

Enju clearly had a girl’s body, but afleshy organ as thick as two fingers grew from the top of her l.a.b.i.a – exactlywhere her c.l.i.toris should have been.

As a demon girl, she could use her demonicpower to change the s.e.x of just a portion of her body.

“N-not that. I’m…I’m for master’s useonly…”

The p.e.n.i.s applied pressure to her v.a.g.i.n.alflesh and she moved her hips in protest, but…

“Heh heh. Just this once.”

The man helped while grinning at the cutegirls’ embrace. He spread the juvenile gate to reveal the location of the hole.

“Noooooo! Master, you dummy!”

She had sworn her love and body to thisman, but he immediately betrayed her and she screamed before she couldcomplain.

The male organ was hardly skinny, but herjuvenile hole accepted it surprisingly easily.

It was not that she was loose. She spreadopen with surprising flexibility and then wrapped tightly around the p.e.n.i.s onceit was inside her.

This man had made her his hundreds or eventhousands of times, so she now had technique that would put a prost.i.tute toshame.

“Ahh, ah, no, hhn♡”

Yet she maintained the sensitivity of avirgin, so she moaned loudly when Enju began a cruelly rough rhythm.

“Ah♡ Ahn♡ Ah♡ Ah♡”

Riselle was at her female friend’s mercy. Which meant being f.u.c.ked, in thiscase. The rubbing at her inner flesh produced enough pleasure for herexpression to melt.

“You really are a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t, Riselle. Whathappened to being for our master’s use only?” Enju remained calm as she thrusther hips. “Heh heh heh heh. How about you come out and tell the truth? Sayyou’re a s.l.u.t who will spread your legs for any p.e.n.i.s that comes along. Sayyou’re overwhelmed by pleasure as long as there’s a p.e.n.i.s inside you.”

It was cheating, but Enju had lowered the nerves coefficient in the p.e.n.i.s shegrew. That allowed her to keep her cool no matter how much stimulation itreceived and it was a lot like using a strap-on made of flesh.

On the other hand, Riselle only had her ownbody which had its most sensitive weak point mercilessly stimulated. Even now,her breathing grew heavier as she rose toward climax.


“…That’s not…true.”

There was a light in her eyes other thanpleasure.

“I belong…to our master. He’s special.”

She did not give in even as she wasunilaterally f.u.c.ked.

Briefly, Enju was overwhelmed and widenedher eyes.

“…Heh heh.”

The man got up as if to say he already knewthat.



The connected girls gasped in unison.

His hands reached toward their hips andthen moved to their b.u.t.ts. Enju’s was slender with little excess flesh.Riselle’s was soft and plump. He spread them both at once and stuck his middlefingers inside.

“Hwaaaaah♡ Ahh, wait…master, you dummy!”

“Nkh, hey, s-stop th-…hwahhhh♡”

Their red a.n.a.l flesh was tensed as theypounded their s.e.x organs together, but this surprise attack broke through andthe two girls forgot all about their fight as they cried out.

“Wait, no, no…”

Each middle finger used a skillful beat tostir up that secret garden.



The two girls reached climax before theycould prepare at all. They swung their hips toward their b.u.t.t, which twistedtheir point of union until it came apart. The flesh strap-on slipped out andunreliably sprayed a translucent fluid that was likely a girl’s love juices.

“Heh heh. Enju-chan, you can’t just playaround forever.”

The man pulled his fingers out like it hadall been nothing.

If what those girls had been doing was“s.e.x”, then what the man had done was “conquering”.

He controlled the girls by their pleasurewith the ease of someone hitting a switch.

His name was Kurosaki Shuntarou. He wasKurosaki Keigo’s only son and the heir to the Kurosaki family that had made itsfortune with research into black magic – the combination of human knowledge anddemons.

He had been developed as someone to conquerthe bodies and minds of the Witches as women.

“Papa needs you, so go help him.”


She seemed a bit miffed at beinginterrupted at the best part, but Enju brushed back her red hair and got up.Her p.e.n.i.s had disappeared and she wrapped a sheet around her crotch as she gotout of bed.

Riselle seemed satisfied that it had ended asa draw and she rested her body for a while so her heavy breathing could calmdown.


Finally, she seemed to remember somethingand her expression clouded over.

“What is it?”

The man rubbed her hair.

“Tomorrow…do we have to go to that Adamboy’s school?”

“That’s what he said. Papa can be soimpatient.”

“Even though they’re having a culturalfestival?”

“Oh…that’s right. You might end up ruiningthat.”

“And after my sister put so much effortinto it. I feel bad.”

She frowned.

No matter how much he corrupted her, thatgirl remained the cousin of Lavriel Baran, aka Miss B.

The man chuckled at how worried Riselle wasabout her beloved cousin.

“Well, whatever happens happens. As long asthings go well with Black Cat-chan, I can’t imagine the festival will beoutright canceled.”


“More importantly, Riselle-chan.”


He showed the somber girl the thing thathad grown big and swollen watching the two cute girls’ embrace.

All melancholy immediately vanished fromRiselle and she turned toward it in delight.

The aroused look in her eyes showed no signof the kind young girl worried for her cousin’s festival.

“…Heh heh.”

While she remained Miss B’s cousin, thegirl’s thoughts – no, her very worldview – valued nothing higher than thismanhood.

Ruling thoughts and overwriting worldviews.

Those were the Kurosaki methods.

Keigo, the current head of the family, didthe same thing.

He had defeated Black Cat. The phone calljust a bit earlier meant that a member of FeTUS had had her life entirelyremade.

Yes, it was just as Enju had said:

“FeTUS is done for.”

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