All About Coffee

Chapter 68

FrenchCayenneCayenne, m_In general_:GuiananSimilar to(Cayenne)Martinique. Theproduction islimited andcommerciallyunimportant.

=============+============+==============+=================+================= GrandCountryShippingState, orTrade Values DivisionPortsDistrict,and CupMarket NamesCharacteristicsand Gradings-------------+------------+--------------+-----------------+----------------- SouthBrazilBrazils, m n_In general_: The Americancoffees of Brazil, (Cont"d)which are generallyknown in the tradeas "Brazils" (todistinguish themfrom "Milds," thehigher grades),are the "price"

coffees of theworld. Brazilproduces about 70%of the world"ssupply.

SantosSo Paulo, dThe largest coffeedistrict, producingbetween 50% and 60%of the world"ssupply.,Small bean,Santos m nresembling Mocha,but making ahandsomer roastwith fewer quakers.

In color it variesfrom dark to lightgreen, and fromyellow to a palestraw, often witha red center. TrueBourbons are firstcrop beans. In thecup they are smoothand palatablewithout tang.

Flat BeanSmooth surface,Santos m nsmall to large,pale green andgreenish-yellow topale yellow. It isa sixth year cropof Bourbon Santos.

Good full smoothbody. Used straightand in combinationwith all milds.

Mocha-SeedA grade of BourbonSantos m ndesigned as asubst.i.tute for trueMocha on theEuropean markets.

Campinas, dThe oldest coffee& tdistrict in SoPaulo. There are136 others.

_Gradings for All So Paulo_:1--Fine 4--Regular2--Superior 5--Ordinary3--Good 6--Escalba+-----------------+-----------------Rio deMins GeraesVarious shades ofJaneriroRio, m ngreen, medium tolarge. Peculiarpungent flavor andaroma.

_Gradings for All Rios_:(N.Y. Coffee Exchange)1--No imperfections2--6 imperfections3--13 imperfections4--20 imperfections5--60 imperfections6--110 imperfections7--About 200 imperfections8--About 400 imperfections(On Havre Exchange)Washed--Inferior and ordinaryUnwashed--Superior, 1st good, 1stregular, 1st ordinary, 2nd good,2nd ordinary.

=============+============+==============+=================+================= GrandCountryShippingState, orTrade Values DivisionPortsDistrict,and CupMarket NamesCharacteristicsand Gradings-------------+------------+--------------+-----------------+----------------- South AmericaBrazilVictoriaEspirito SantoLarge, dingy-green (Cont"d)(Cont"d)dor brown beanVictoria, tmaking a roast freeCapitania, mfrom quakers butnbut muddy in thecup.

BahiaBahia, d, t, &Low grade, having am npeculiar smokyflavor.

Chapada, t &Light-colored,m nfair-sized bean;attractive roast,but no cupcharacter.

Caravellas, tSimilar to Chapada.

& m nNazareth, t &Small bean, fairm nroast, undesirablecup.

Maragogipe,A variety oft & m n_Coffea arabica_;large bean,elephantine roast,woody in the cup.

CearaCeara, tSmall, flinty, greenCuaruaru, mbean; value likenSantos of the samegrade.

EcuadorGuayaquilEcuador_In general_: TheEcuador coffee beanis small, pea-greenin color, and nothigh grade. Itresembles Ceara,and when old makesa bright roast. Itis poor in cupquality and usefulonly as a filler.

Not an importantcommercial factor.

PeruCallaoPeru_In general_: TheMollendoChoquisongo, dgreen coffee beanCajamarca, dof Peru ranges fromPerene, dmedium to bold inPaucartambo, dsize, and fromChauchamayo, dbluish to yellow inHuanuaco, dcolor. The highlandPacasmayo, dvariety has beencompared with thehigh-gradeMexicans, but thelowland growths arenot favorablyregarded.


BoliviaBolivia_In general_:La Paz, dBolivia"s coffee,Apolobamba,though of superiortquality andYungas, msometimes comparednfavorably withCochabamba, dArabian growths, isSanta Cruz, dan unimportantSarafactor inVelascointernationalChiquitoscoffee trading.

CordilleraEl Beni, dChuquisca, dArgentinaArgentina_In general_:Salta, dArgentina"s coffeeJujuy, dis grown chieflyfor homeconsumption.


=============+============+==============+=================+================= GrandCountryShippingState, orTrade Values DivisionPortsDistrict,and CupMarket NamesCharacteristicsand Gradings-------------+------------+--------------+-----------------+----------------- South AmericaParaguayParaguay_In general_: (Cont"d)Altos, dParaguay"s coffeeAsuncion, dis all marketed inAsuncion, where itis sold asBrazilian coffee.

It is commerciallyimportant.

-------------+------------+--------------+-----------------+----------------- AsiaArabiaAdenMocha_In general_:HodeidaArabian, or Mocha,Maidibeans are veryLeheyasmall, hard, roundirregular in formand size; in color,olive green shadingoff to pale yellow.

The roast is poorand irregular. Inthe cup they havea unique acidcharacter, heavybody; in flavor,smooth anddelicious.

YemenMarttari, dFrom the Beni-Mattar(Mohtari)country; the best;a yellow-greentranslucent bean.

Yaffey, dFrom the Yaffeycountry near Taiz;second best.

Sharki, dA long light yellow(Shergi)bean, from theeast, "Esh Shark" asuperior Mocha witha rich full body.

Sanani, dFrom the Sanaaregion; a greenbean. A grade lowerthan Sharki.

Haimi-Harazi,A quality green beandfrom a mountain(Hemi ornear Mattari.

Heimah)Anezi, dFrom the El Anz(Anisi)country. Paleyellow and veryhard.

Sharsh, dSuperior qualitiesMenakha, dof the above dueHifash, dto differentmethods of curing.

Remi, dA poorer grade,(Reimah)reddish bean, fromDjebel Remi.

Bourai, dA poorer grade from(Bura)Djebel Boura.

Shami, dA poorer grade fromfrom the north; EshSham.

Yemeni, dA poorer grade from(Taizi)the south; ElYemen.

Maidi, dA poorer grade fromthe port of Maidi.

AbyssiniaFormerly known as(Africa)Longberry Mocha,but still shippedthrough Aden _via_Jibuti. SeeAfrica--Abyssinia.

=============+============+==============+=================+================= GrandCountryShippingState, orTrade Values DivisionPortsDistrict,and CupMarket NamesCharacteristicsand Gradings-------------+------------+--------------+-----------------+----------------- AsiaArabia_Gradings for All Mochas_: Mocha (Cont"d)(Cont"d)Extra--For all extra qualities asYaffey, Anezi, Matari, Sharki. MochaNo. 1--For Anezi, Matari, Sharki;only perfect berries. No. 1A, same asNo. 1, but with some dust. Mocha No.

2--Some broken and quakers. Mocha No.

3--Broken, quakers and dust.

Magrache--Triage or screenings.

-----------------+-----------------IndiaMadrasIndias, m n_In general_: TheCalicutIndian coffee beanMangaloreis small to largeTellicherryand blue-green inTuticorincolor. In the cupBombayit has adistinctive strongflavor and deepcolor.

Mysore, dMountain-grown,Mysore, tlarge, blue-greenbean, heavy body.

Madras, dSmall bean, solidMalabar, mand meaty; handsomen (Wynaad)roast, peculiarrich flavor.

Nilgiri, dSmall to large beanNilgiris, mwith slight aciditynin the cup;plantation Ceyloncharacter.

Madura, dNo marked(Palni Hills)characteristics.

Salem, dSame as Nilgiris.

(Shevaroys)Coimbatore, dSame as Nilgiris.

Tellicherry,A good gradedresembling Malabar;somewhat similarNilgiris.

Coorg (orA large, flat, darkKurg), dgreen bean, thin inthe cup; a lowlandvariety.

Travancore, dSimilar toNilgiris.

Cochin, dA native cherry.

Cochin, mnBombay, dCommerciallyKanaraunimportant.

Bengal, dCommerciallyChittagongunimportant.


South SylhetCommerciallyunimportant.

BurmaRangoonBurmaLarge spongy bean;Tavoy, cup. Not acommercial factor. for All Indias_:1--Native cherry (sun dried andthen hulled)2--Plantation (washed)Sizes: Nos. 1, 2 and 3; Peaberryand Triage -------------+------------+--------------+-----------------+-----------------

=============+============+==============+=================+================= GrandCountryShippingState, orTrade Values DivisionPortsDistrict,and CupMarket NamesCharacteristicsand Gradings-------------+------------+--------------+-----------------+----------------- AsiaCeylonColomboCeylon_In general_: (Cont"d)Gampola, dCeylon"s coffeesDumbara, dare no longer theKotmale, dcommercial factorp.u.s.s.ellawa, dthey were beforethe coffee blightpracticallydestroyed theindustry. Thoseleft, however,still retain muchof their originalcharacter, thehill-grown washedbeing unique inappearance andflavor. In the olddays they werecla.s.sed as native,or plain-grown,plantation,mountain, andLiberian.

Malay StatesPenangStraits_In general_: The(British)(Georgetown)Liberian, mcoffee from theSingaporenMalay States isStraitsmostly LiberianRobusta, mand Robusta and isnnot importantcommercially,although theRobusta varietypromises to becomean importantfactor.

Perak, dMost important ofthe FederatedStates coffees.

Selangor, dNative state coffee.

Negri-Nine statesSembilan, dFederation districtcoffees.

Bali, d & mFrom the island innNetherlands EastIndies (See p.

374.)Timor, d &From the island inm nNetherlands EastIndies (See p.

374.)FrenchHaiphongIndo-China, m_In general_: TheIndo-Chinancoffees of FrenchTonkinIndo-China, whileAnnamcomparatively new,Cambodiagive promise; butCochin-Chinaas yet are notcommerciallyimportant. Theoriginal arabicaplantings have beensucceeded byliberica androbusta growths.

-------------+------------+--------------+-----------------+----------------- MalaySundaEast Indies,_In general_: ArchipelagoIslandsm nIncluded in thisgroup are thebest-known coffeesfrom Sumatra, Java,Timor, Celebes,etc.

NetherlandsEast IndiesSumatraPadangSumatra_In general___:Kroe (WestIncluded among theCoast)coffees of SumatraBatavia (Java)are several thatare conceded to bethe finest theworld produces. Thegreen beans arelarge, uniform, andvary in color frompale straw to deepmahogany. They havea smooth, heavybody, the -------------+------------+--------------+-----------------+-----------------

=============+============+==============+=================+================= GrandCountryShippingState, orTrade Values DivisionPortsDistrict,and CupMarket NamesCharacteristicsand Gradings-------------+------------+--------------+-----------------+----------------- MalayNetherlandsPadangfancies possessing ArchipelagoEast IndiesKroe (Westan almost syrupy (Cont"d)SumatraCoast)richness. They are(Cont"d)Batavia (Java)graded as PrivateEstate (washed ordry hulled) and BlueBean (washed).

Padang, d &The best coffee intthe world"; alsoMandheling, mthe highest priced.

nFormerly aGovernment coffee.

Yellow to brown,large-sized bean;dully roast, butfree from quakers.

It is of heavybody, exquisiteflavor and aroma.

Ankola, m nFormerly aGovernment coffee.

Large fat bean,making a dullroast. Second onlyto Mandhelings; ithas a heavy bodyand rich, mustyflavor.

Siboga, m nA harder beanAnkola; sometimescalled PrivateEstate Ankola.

Ayer Bangies,Formerly am nGovernmentcoffee. Largeeven bean, withMandheling andAnkola; of adelicate flavorbut not muchbody.

Corinchie, mFormerly a nativencultivation. Thebean is large,handsome, brown incolor. It makes anattractive roast.

Good body, plentyof bitter acid,delicious flavor.

Interior, mFormerly allnGovernment coffee.

The true type ofOld GovernmentJava. Poor roast,good cup.

PainanFormerly aGovernment coffee.

Mixed green andbrown beans; poorroast. Heavy body,pungent flavor.

Grades next toInferior.

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