Amaku Yasashii Sekai de Ikiru Ni Wa – 14 POV Jin Von Spiez

Doyle Von Aghinis

There is no one in this country who has not heard this name.
The only son of the Duke of Aghinis, he is the childhood friend of His Highness Gray, who recently became my master, and the fiancée of the third princess Claire. He is also the [Grandson of the Former Hero of the Spear], [Son of the Current Hero of the Spear], and the [Son of the G.o.ddess-Chosen Saint]. His results in academics were always top-cla.s.s, and his skills with the spear were impressive.
However, I heard that he bullied people and used the influence of the Aghinis family to order people around.

The reason I said “I heard” is because I had not met him yet. The first time I saw him was during the entrance ceremony for the academy. I still had not had the opportunity to properly talk with him. 
Therefore, my impression of him mostly came from others, and were quite awful. Even from the soldiers, of whom my father is the captain, talked poor of him. Thus, my impression of Doyle was actually quite bad in the beginning.

And right then, a pa.s.sing street name was given to me, the [Spear’s Child]; I even heard people calling me this instead of using my name.
I was actually quite confidant with the spear, and was sure I would be able to beat any person in the Army corps except the top soldiers. 
I knew it was obvious for me to inherit the position of  captain of the spear unit because my main weapon is a spear. 
Also, my another aim was to inherit the [Hero of the Spear] t.i.tle from Master Doyle; I hoped to fight him soon so I can prove myself in this regard.

Soon, I met a person who made me revise my opinion of Master Doyle. It was at my middle school graduation.
I had the opportunity to meet the Third Princess Claire.

Her Highness was exactly a textbook description of a princess. Clever, beautiful, gentle, and sometimes strong. She also looked fragile, but in reality, she was a very pa.s.sionate lover.
Her Highness often talked about Master Doyle with me. From their first meeting to the time the three childhood friends spent together, and even about the recent Master Doyle. 
Her expression was always happy, but near the end it turned sad.

Her Highness often said that Master Doyle was her partner of destiny.
She said that she was born only for that person and wants to be by his side all the time – only this would lead her to true happiness.

I have spoken to a lot of people about Master Doyle, but for some reason, the one Her Highness speaks of seems to be the most real.
She told me that the recent Master Doyle had lost something very important to him.
She said that some event had made him very sad, and that he was currently suffering.

I always asked why she thought this way and always obtained the same response.

“It is because I love him.”(Claire)

She always said this with such conviction and resolve that I could not help but believe that my impression of Master Doyle was wrong. 
Thus, I decided to do this: I would meet and talk to the real Master Doyle, and then decided with my own heart and mind who he truly was.

I finally met him at the entrance ceremony.

“Thus concludes my Oath, I thank you all for listening to this one disappointing but truthful and heartfelt Oath.” (Doyle)   

I had just witnessed Master Doyle finish giving his oath. He was a very elegant and beautiful person, just like Her highness had described.

He was worthy of being the [Son of Hero of the Spear] and [Son of the G.o.ddess-Chosen Saint]. He had a dignified
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appearance, a smile that would calm anyone and eyes full of resolve. This appearance itself had informed me that Her Highness was correct and all the rumors were false.


I went with His Highness Gray to visit Master Doyle in the dorm lounge.

“This is why I cannot let anyone else bear this burden, I have to become someone who is able to carry the burden with his back straight. I have returned to the path I once saw with you, Your Highness, but I am still not as far down the path as you. Thus, please continue waiting; I will be next to you in no time.”(Doyle)

The Master Doyle I finally met face to face was exactly like the one in my imagination. His words rang true in my heart: only you can rectify your mistakes in life. His will and resolve stood with him as he faced His Highness, determined. 
Master Doyle’s eyes never strayed from His Highness’s, and he seemed relieved to see His Highness angry. I found this strange, as I was quite afraid at the moment. 
Master Doyle even slightly laughed when he saw His Highness angry. I definitely do not have the confidence and ability to do this.


The morning of the academy selection matches.
I saw that my opponent would be master Doyle, and thus asked His Highness Gray to come along with me to greet Master Doyle. He was quite happy about this.

“Ok, you should really just be quiet for a second and listen. I do not care who my opponent is. In fact, I am quite glad it is Jin, a candidate for [Hero of the Spear]. It will be a fulfilling match!”(Doyle)

I did not know what kind of situation was occurring here, but the movements of Master Doyle when he s.n.a.t.c.hed the knife away from his subordinate was quite masterful, like the movements of a skilled martial artist.

I love to fight strong people.

The movement Master Doyle showed me indicated he was strong; I was very happy to hear that he was excited to fight me.


At The Selection Matches, I felt quite disappointed at the fact that Master Doyle would not use a spear.

“Of course, it will be during this match. I will completely overpower you with this sword.”(Doyle)

When Master Doyle said this line, I felt that it would be a great fight.


The selection match ended with my loss, a complete defeat.
I did not even injure him.

On the contrary, he helped me.
When my spear broke, I was fully prepared to die, but I saw he had held back. Only the top layer of flesh was cut, and I fainted from the shock. Master Doyle lowered the impact of my fall with his ice magic and froze my wound so I would not bleed out.

I woke up a few minutes later.

“Are you satisfied with my answer?”(Doyle)

Master Doyle who said that looked very cool if I had to say. 
I felt that against him, no enemy would stand a chance.
I lost against him completely, both as warrior and as a man.


I thought, “If he is this strong with a sword, with a spear, he must be even stronger,” but these were words that hurt Master Doyle very deeply, and I wish I could retract them even now.

“Do you have any idea of how I felt when I learned that? My father and grandfather are both [Heroes of the Spear], but my apt.i.tude for my Spear and Staff techniques are non-existent! It is not like I am not suited it for or have low skill…… I have none! Nothing at all! I have trained for ten years! Ten years! Even if I keep swinging for another ten years, I will still get nowhere. How can you, who has been given everything with the spear, ever understand my feelings or have the right to talk to me like that?!”(Doyle)

I was convinced that this was the problem that Her Highness was talking about: this was the thing making Master Doyle suffer. 
At the same time, I remembered the words His Highness spoke when we were walking towards the boys’ dormitory.

“No, Doyle is a fool, who grits on my every nerve, and I wish he would stop trying so hard to be cool.”(Gray)

I was sure that Master Doyle is both kind and gentle, and thus could not speak of this to anyone until today. He did not want to disappoint his surroundings and family, and had kept it within him, kept swinging that one spear for the last 10 years. I felt that if it were me, I would have given up after a month and changed to another weapon. 
He is exactly the person Her Highness had said him to be.

“……….Still, sooner or later, I have to accept my reality – not for me but for those who followed me and trusted me, for my loving parents who tried their very best to protect this stupid son who became a nuisance. For the one who is still waiting for me and loves me regardless of reason. I have to accept my reality not for my sake but for theirs!”(Doyle)

I felt he was awe-inspiring at this moment, his painful appearance and powerful demeanor was brilliant. Master Doyle had a mind stronger than anyone; he proceeded to stand up and admit it was time to move on by himself and proceed forward.

“So no matter how much you ask or beg, I will not fight you with a spear Jin….. I cannot go back to that me. So I am sorry, but I will also not be competing for the t.i.tle [Future Hero of the Spear]. I will never succeed that t.i.tle.”(Doyle)

Master Doyle ended his speech without any power in his voice; I felt that I had asked Master Doyle a terrible thing; I felt like crying, but no tears would come out.

Master Doyle, even after shouting and taking his suffering out on me, did not leave me dazed, but approached me and apologized. Master Doyle’s heart is as big as the ocean is what I thought at this moment.

I knew Master Doyle had done nothing wrong.
I wanted to say these lines, but I could not bring out my voice.
I felt horrid and inexplicable guilt at my cowardice.
But even then, Master Doyle squatted down and tried to help get up with a warm smile.

I could not take such kindness from Master Doyle anymore and cried as if I was a baby.
However, Master Doyle did not retreat or become fl.u.s.tered here; rather, he became more caring and handed me a towel for my tears.

Her Highness Claire was right; her version of Master Doyle was the true Master Doyle and has always been the true Master Doyle.
Your Highness, Claire.
Jin finally understands Master Doyle. 
It is as you say – Master Doyle is stronger than anyone, more gentle than anyone, cooler than anyone. He is the most wonderful man in this world!

I should not have doubted Her Highness Claire; she has the [Blessings from the G.o.ddess of Love].

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