Amaku Yasashii Sekai de Ikiru Ni Wa – 15  

The selection match between me and Master Doyle ended with His Highness giving a shocking blow to Master Doyle’s head.

His Highness Gray presided over the closing ceremony of the Selection Matches. The ceremony ended, and Master Doyle, who is still unconscious at this moment, was being looked after in his room by the Healing Unit. We were not allowed to enter the room due to His Highness being the cause of Master Doyle being unconsciousness.

“Your Highness, here is your tea”(Jin)

Sitting on the sofa in the dormitory lounge is His Highness Gray. He does not make a single movement. It is my job to prepare tea as His Highness’s aid, but I am not very good at it.

I push away my insecurities about this and still try to make His Highness tea. I put the tea in front of his highness, but His Highness does not make a move yet.

“Your Highness, Master Doyle is a wonderful person. I thought he may have been going easy on me with a sword but I was very wrong. He did not even try with me when using a sword…if such a person uses a sword seriously, I do not think even the head of the Sword unit will be able to defeat him right now. Princess Claire was right all along about Master Doyle. He is kind, gentle, coo-“(Jin)



“You know?”(Gray)

“I have not won once against Doyle in battle.”(Gray)


His Highness Gray who has been looking down, raises his face and looks at me.

“When I was young, I had always said this line ‘Only a man who can beat me will be allowed to marry Claire.’ I often challenged Doyle to a duel because of this reason.”(Gray)

“Yes, I had heard from the princess.”(Jin)

“It has been 6-7 years since then, I was maybe 7-8 years old….The weapon Doyle used then was a spear, and I always lost.”(Gray)


“I always lost Jin. I could not even throw him to the ground and put dirt on his shirt.”(Gray)

His Highness Gray who keeps saying “I could not do it” nonstop, seems like he wants to cry but can not. It is very painful to look at it.

His Highness Gray is one of the country’s prominent mace users. From a young age, he has been regarded as a genius in using the mace. When he was 5 years old, he defeated an that was out for his life and broke all of the bones in that’s body. I a.s.sume the did not die. When he was 10 years old, he went around the kingdom to help break large boulders that were blocking the paths used by the people. Many adults actually cannot stand up to him when he uses a mace.

Thus it is quite surprising that His Highness was not able to throw Master Doyle to the ground.

“Even when I drove my mace at him with all my strength, he easily repelled with his spear. He also did that so easily, I was always so angry at him for showing me that att.i.tude but I knew he was dependable. I seriously thought that if it’s him, Claire will be happy. If it’s him, then he will have the strength to protect Claire forever.”(Gray)

“Your Highness.”(Jin)

“I did not think that someone who won so easily against me could not use any skills with a spear. I used all my might when using my mace in my duels with him, but I never reached him! So I never thought he did not have the apt.i.tude to use a spear! I did not even dream that he could have this problem! I always thought the reason he did not use attribute spears was because he did not want to
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injure me carelessly!”(Gray)

“Your Highness.”(Jin)

“Why! Why! Why does he never say anything to me! I cannot understand your problems or help you if you don’t say anything to me! I don’t care if you can use a spear or not! You are Doyle! My friend! I would have accepted you all the same! I would have accepted him as my friend, as Claire’s Fiancée and as my right arm! Why does he never rely on me!”(Gray)

“Your Highness Gray!”(Jin)

I call out His Highness’s name to calm him down.

“ . . . Why does Doyle never say anything to me? Why does he try to hold everything himself . . . Why . . .”(Gray)

I cannot say anything to him right now. It is hard to imagine that this is the same person who came down from the stands and delivered that blow to Master Doyle in the stadium. 
After seeing His Highness deliver the blow to Master Doyle’s head, the crowd was in an uproar. Master Doyle had actually not lost consciousness yet. He lost consciousness a few seconds later. His Highness tried to deliver another blow seeing Master Doyle was still awake but was stopped by the leader of the Healing Unit. The Supreme Commander also came down to the stadium to quell the and bring His Highness back to his senses. 
I could not do anything during that time. I was too shocked from seeing that His Highness was also crying at that moment.
I am such a failure as his aide.

I think even if they were separated for 5 years, His Highness Gray still considers Master Doyle to be one of his best friends. 
I, who was brought tears after hearing Master Doyle’s confession, have only known Master Doyle for a week at most.
I cannot imagine how much of a shock the Supreme Commander and His Highness Gray must have received.

However, I think I do know what Master Doyle would say if he saw His Highness in this state.

“It is because Your Highness had nothing to do with it.”(Jin)


““It is not your fault. It has nothing to do you. Your Highness is not at fault. It was all because of my weak heart.” I believe this is what Master Doyle had said to you at that time. Master Doyle is kinder than any person.”(Jin)

“Jin! You cannot understand Doyle!”(Gray)

“Your Highness has told me what type of person Master Doyle is. Master Doyle is a weak fool who tries to act cool and desperately tries to seem stronger than he is.  I believe these were your words. It is because he is like this that he could swing that spear for 10 years. I could never accomplish this, I would have moved on but Master Doyle to not disappoint you and his family acted like this because he wanted to look strong.”(Jin)

“ . . . ”(Gray)

“ . . . He is that type of person, right? Doyle Von Aghinis, your childhood friend, is this type of person right?”(Jin)

“ . . . Yes, that is right. My childhood friend is a foolish man.”(Gray)

His Highness’s face looks lonely as he says this.
It seems he has calmed down. His Highness fixes the cushion and sits back down in a proper way. 
I respect His Highness who can change his outward appearance so easily despite his feelings.

His Highness has a lot of power as he holds the position as the next king. Anything that displeases His Highness will disappear. If something causes His Highness discomfort, the people surrounding His Highness will try to eliminate that thing will all their power.  This is because His Highness is the only one left to inherit the throne. 
My father had said this once; His Highness tries not to put too much emotion when out in public because he knows it will affect his surroundings.

But as I have seen, His Highness seems to be unable to hold back his emotions when Master Doyle is involved. 
During the first meeting with Master Doyle, and even this time.

I envy Master Doyle who can make his highness show so much emotion.
I can never do this.
However, this is just the difference between me and Master Doyle. It is a difference in the essence of the charm Master Doyle possesses.

“He is the most intelligent, most beautiful, kindest and strongest person there ever is. The most wonderful person there ever is in this world.”(Jin)

“ . . . is that what Claire said.”(Gray)

His Highness has returned to his former himself. He is not on par with Master Doyle in terms of heart, but he is strong as well.

“Yes, it is.”(Jin)

“Claire is always going to exaggerate about Doyle.”(Gray)

“But I actually think that the princess is correct in this regard.”(Jin)

Master Doyle is someone I wholeheartedly respect both as a warrior and a man!

“No, he is the most foolish man in this world.”(Gray)

His Highness’s eyes looked complicated, but from his expression, I can only say that there is warmth in those words.

“But Your Highness, to hit an unarmed man on the head with a mace. Is that not going a bit too far?”(Jin)

“Ha! Something like that is nothing to that blockhead. My attack probably did not even do any real damage to him.”(Gray)

“True. The seniors who were in the Healing Unit were all surprised that Master Doyle did not even have a from your blow.”(Jin)

“Of course! That guy has been through training conducted by both the Supreme Commander and the current [Hero of the Spear] for ten years without any skill for the spear or staves. My blow was nothing.”(Gray)


I did not think about it until His Highness mentioned it. It is true Master Doyle has been through far harsher training than I have because of his familial relations to the Supreme Commander and his father the [Hero of the Spear]

He has done this for ten years purely on physical ability.
A chill just went through my spine.

People with skills and people without skills.
This is a difference that cannot be filled with just pure effort.
This is a fact that the entire world is aware of and is something that can never be overturned.

I have heard of a story regarding Master Doyle. When Master Doyle was little, the Supreme Commander allowed him to partic.i.p.ate in a practice match with a rookie knight. I believe the knight at the time lost, but everyone just said that he lost because he was rookie. I suddenly feel scared. Even rookie knights have skills and Master Doyle won without any.

The more I think about it, the more I tremble.
I know the skill of a regular rookie knight, but Master Doyle was able to win against such a person without any skills.

People with skill and people without.
An absolute principle that has been never overturned.

Master Doyle could not completely overturn that principle, but he was able to bury it for 10 years.

A complete monster . . . That is the only thing I can think of when thinking about Master Doyle now.

“I must train and ask Master Doyle for a rematch!”(Jin)

“What is the matter? Jin!”(Gray)

“ . . . I cannot stay like this anymore. Your Highness! I must return to my training! Thus I would like to excuse myself for today!”(Jin)

“ . . . It is fine, but what are you up to?”(Gray)

“I have learned of how immature I truly am!”(Jin)

“Well, it is fine. I do not plan on leaving the dormitory today.”(Gray)

“Yes! I thank you! Then please excuse me!”(Jin)

I receive permission from His Highness and leave the dorms. I quickly run to the training grounds. 
The more I think about the rumors of the troops, the story of His Highness never winning against Master Doyle, and yesterday when I had actually traded blows with him make my body tremble with excitement.


I let the burning sensation in my body take hold and start my training with a spear.
I will get stronger! At that time Master Doyle, please come at me seriously!

My warrior spirit takes over my body, and I continue to train.
Please wait Master Doyle!
I will become stronger to properly face you!

“Oh my G.o.d! A fire!”

“The training grounds are on fire! Someone call the teacher!”

“Someone please help us!”


“Not ‘oooooooooooo’ start helping you fool!”

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