Amaku Yasashii Sekai de Ikiru ni wa

Chapter 7: Gray Von Majesta (Prince) POV

Amaku Yasashii Sekai Ikiru ni wa – Chapter 7: Gray Von Majesta (Prince) POV

 “When I was sick and felt close to my death, I thought long and hard for the meaning of this ceremony and the meaning of inheriting the Aghinis name. I am now prepared to accept the weight and responsibility of the name Aghinis. I was scared and was always running away from the weight of the name. I was scared of disappointing everyone who had high expectations on me, but I am now fully prepared to accept the name. I am prepared to live proudly with my head held high and my chest out front. I will make sure to not disappoint the name of the [Grandson of the Holy Lance], [Son of the Hero and Inheritor of the Holy Lance] and the [G.o.ddess chosen Saint], with these names on my back I will live with pride.” (Doyle)

What is this? I never heard about this. I have never ever heard about this Doyle!

Even though this was the start of the entrance ceremony and we had all grown up, I had this hot feeling that had been dormant for the last 5 years attack me again. I felt my mind dying and my eyes becoming red. It is the feeling of anger that I had so long forgotten, the time when Claire would be bullied by Doyle when she was always telling him she loved him. I got severely angry at Doyle who did not accept Claire and teased her instead.

However, Doyle did not know I was angry at this moment and quietly returned to his seat after he had finished swearing. Doyle right now was giving off this air and aura that was completely different from the one I had felt during our middle school graduation. This air and aura he was carrying was filled with dignity and honor. This was the type of aura I feel from my mother and father. From his oath and aura he is giving off, he has now decided to live a hard life, filled with turmoil and difficulties. This aura has attracted all eyes to you, this is the aura elderly people who spent living on the battlefield have and also the heroes of a legend. I could not take my eyes off from Doyle who had such an aura. After a while, our eyes finally met but he just naturally looked away without giving any sort of reaction.    

I felt my anger boiling up inside from seeing the att.i.tude of Doyle. If this place wasn’t the entrance ceremony and some other place, I would have gone to him right now and would tell him so many things until I was satisfied.

I can clearly see the change in Doyle. He was sitting upright and straight, while ignoring everyone who were surprised by his change.

Hey Doyle, you better be ready later! While waiting for the ceremony to end I silently curse him in my heart.

For me, Gray Von Majesta, the boy named Doyle Von Aghinis was a childhood friend that was always looking ahead into the future. My cute and adorable little sister Claire, who is his fiancée..oh G.o.d I almost hurled, was always sticking to him back then.

When we were young, My adorable Claire would always chase Doyle, the boy who she loved and Doyle would always tease her. I would always challenge Doyle to a duel, saying “If you can’t beat me, then I will never give you Claire!” Of course even though I said this, I have actually never won a single time against Doyle.

After the duel he would always brag and then bring the first aid kit to heal my wounds. That was our daily lives, He would tease Claire while she would always chase him, then I would challenge him to a duel which was exactly how he would tease to fight me and then I would get beaten up. This life and my friend Doyle were both good, I after a while started to think that giving Claire to him would be probably fine.

When I was little I had a problem with my temper which many people reprimanded me for. I was told to develop a façade and create the image of a “gentle and kind prince”.

Because I had a short temper, the adults would scold me but whenever I was with Doyle, he would always tell me to get rid of the “gentle and kind prince” image and somehow tried to make me angry. When I got angry afterwards he would always say “See, this is how the Crown Prince Gray should be.” Hearing that made me feel relieved, I was saved due to him. I did not want continue the “gentle and kind prince” image everywhere and wanted to be Gray. This was the main reason I felt he would be perfect for my sister, also the fact he would become my aide and if he did marry Claire. When he became that, then she would always be by my side.     

But soon after, Doyle for some reason started to act weird and started to impose this domineering att.i.tude to everyone. At first, I thought it was something he was doing to make me angry but soon after I saw that he still didn’t change. I felt disappointed to see him like this and stopped being involved with him altogether.

Even so, my sister Claire never stopped believing in him. My father and I soomehow convinced her to stop chasing Doyle, but she never let go of the fact that she was his fiancée. No matter how much we tried to persuade her, she wouldn’t budge. We tried to apply pressure to them and tried to split them up. But this worked in reverse for her, Claire’s feelings only deepen further. She even started saying things like: “If I am going to marry anyone other than Doyle, I will kill myself!” (Claire)

My father and I only thought that she was putting on airs, but we were terribly wrong. Claire jumped right off of the balcony in her room and almost kill herself. I broke her fall along with my father but after seeing how far she was going to go, we finally let the engagement continue.

In the end, I was just spoiled by Doyle. I ran away from him to keep myself intact. I didn’t know why he had changed so much…I was afraid of the reason why he changed so much, so I never really asked him. I was so frightened that my heart just decided to distance itself from Doyle.

I could not believe in him as faithfully like my sister Claire.

Because I distanced myself from him, I didn’t notice that he was suffering from the burden of the Aghinis name. Even though he was the one who saved me from the burden of the Majesta name. I could not even notice my true friend who was in pain. What a stupid prince I am. But if you had ever said even a single word of help, I would have given everything to do it.

“Bro—, Brother, Brother! What is wrong, why are you shivering!? Please pull yourself together, we have go back to the room!”(Claire)

I came back hearing the voice of my sister Claire. This is the Aghinis family waiting room, we have arrived, well even though I say that, it is not that far off from the royal family waiting room.

“Brother, tell them to open the door.”(Claire )

Claire, her face was full of smiles with slight pink on her white cheeks, keeps pushing me to the front. Well it was not like I didn’t understand the reason she was like this, it has been quite a few years since she has last seen her beloved Doyle. My mother, father and I all banned her from meeting Doyle a few years ago and since then, this smile of hers had disappeared. She always used to smile like this when were little, when it was just the 3 of us. Thinking that it was me who robbed her of her smiles like this, because of our stupidity just maked this all the more painful.

My mother and father also had complicated expressions in the waiting room when I told them we wanted to go see Doyle and her face brightened up in an instant.

“We have something to talk about with the Aghinis Family, open the door.” (Gray)

I said this to the soldier guarding the Aghinis family door who was looking at me with a complicated expression.

“What is wrong? Open the door, did the Aghinis family tell you something?”(Gray)

I ask the two soldiers why they were not opening the door and they responded,

“No sire, no such order was given please wait just a moment, we will be opening the door soon.”(Guard)

The guard informed the Aghinis family that we have come to see them and afterwards they had been told 3 words by someone in there and opened the door slowly.

Why is the Head Butler of Aghinis here? In case something were to happen to the territory while the head is away, the Head Butler would a.s.sume the position and lead the servants into action.  Even if his grandchild is attending the ceremony, I do not think he would come, especially since both the master, Grandmaster and Head Butler, along with the Head Maid were away, handling the affairs.

While I was surprised at the fact that the Head Butler was here, I just concluded as the family being really close together and even if the other person did not want him here, he would still come.

While I was thinking of how to call Doyle, who I have not exchanged words with for a few years, we were greeted by the Aghinis family.

“Raise thy Face.”(King)

The faces of the Aghinis family raise with my father’s word, however there was no appearance of the person we came to see. I saw Doyle’s mother crying, while Doyle’s father Alan and the maid had their eyes tinged with a bit of red.

Claire, who felt something was unusual by not seeing Doyle here, asked the Aghinis family the question of where Doyle is.

“—–Where is Doyle?”(Claire)

“Doyle did not come here.”(Alan)

“Did not come?”(Gray)

I considered a unpleasant possibility when Duke Alan said that with a somewhat of a lonesome and happy look. Claire who had realized the same thing as me already started to make a sad face.

“My dear Doyle did not come here because he had already said goodbye…during…the oath…”(Serena)

“Had already said goodbye?”(Gray)

The d.u.c.h.ess who was wa trying to speak, had a voice that was trembling and started to cry at the end of the sentence while saying,“Doyle”. The Head Maid and the Duke tried to comfort her.

“Madam, Young Master Doyle successfully became an adult today, you must show that you can still smile or the young master will be sad as well.”(Meryl)

“Honey, Doyle said it himself, he wants us to wait for him at our home, and welcome him with a smile.”(Alan)

“Your highness, I will explain on behalf on the Master and Madam.”(Sebastian)

“Please do.”(Gray)

We asked for an explanation from the Head butler, and Claire who was already expecting the answer and had tears filled in her eyes.

“While it may be presumptuous of me, please allow me to explain. Young Master Doyle did not come to this room, my grandchild who is serving by his side came to our room to deliver a message the young master had. He had told us that the young master has already returned to the dormitory.”(Sebastian)

“What was the message?”(Gray)

“It was, “I promise to be a man that can carry the burden of the name Aghinis. I will not see you, dear mother because I feel that the next time you see me, it will be the greatest moment of your life. I will make sure to return to the land of Aghinis with my head held and when that day comes, please let me see your smile in full bloom. I love you both very much, please take care of yourselves.”-So I am sorry that you had to come all this way to visit but young master Doyle is not here.”(Sebastian)



Claire who heard Doyle’s message finally bursted into tears and our mother gently hugged her to comfort her.

We were taking Doyle’s determination and underestimating it. Not saying anything for the next 3 years to your family, and even though this actually could be the final farewell you have with your family, it takes much more than just half-baked determination to do that especially for Doyle, who had always loved his family the most.

There were many training camps in the forest of the demons and expeditions to forts or mountains in the later years. Even if the school says that they are doing everything in their power to keep the students safe, you will have 2-3 deaths in a year. And sometimes when were are out at the forts, opposing countries will attacks us.

Doyle is truly trying to start his life over,  and rectify the mistakes he has committed.

“Father, I will be heading to the dorms as well, right now is the perfect chance to talk to Doyle and I will not have another opportunity like this.”(Gray)


“….Alright, then take care son.”(King)


“Yes I will, please take care of your health father.”(Gray)

I say my farewells to father and then head to where my mother was.


“—Gray, are you going?”(Queen)

“Yes, I have something important to do.”(Gray)

“Ok, take care son and remember to give him one for me.”(Queen)

“Yes, of course mother, please take care of yourself as well.”(Gray)

My mother strokes my head with the other arm and I bend down to look at Claire in the eyes, who was still crying in our mother’s chest.


“……Brother, why does Doyle not want to see us, does he hate us now?”(Claire)

“There is no way Doyle hates you Claire, I know for sure. You are the person he cherishes the most.”(Gray)

“…..Then why?”(Claire)

“Doyle is trying to atone for the 5 years of wrong doing and trying his very best to walk the correct path.”(Gray)

“….Yes, I understand.”(Claire)

“If so then please wait, he will surely come back much stronger and more handsome than ever before. He will for sure come for you in the future.”(Gray)

I try to wipe away the tears on her face.

“Will he truly come for me?”(Claire)

“Of course, I will make sure of it.”(Gray)

“……………….Then please tell him, I am always waiting for him, I will wait forever for him.”(Claire)

“Yep, I will make sure he sends you a letter soon.”(Gray)

“Thank you very much brother……and brother please be careful too, I will be seeing you here in a year.”(Claire)

“Yep, I will be waiting for you in a year. Please take care Claire.”(Gray)

“Yes brother.”(Claire)

I hugged the crying Claire and talk to her like when we were children. Unlike me, my sister is strong and will wait forever for Doyle like before.

…….I swear on this day, if Doyle tries to pick any other women than Claire, I will immediately make him become rust on my blade and if I lose I will have the royal army hunt him down and send him to the guillotine.

I bow to my father and leave the room to go look for Doyle.

On my way I see Jin, my attendant. I tell him where I am going and that we are headed to meet Doyle. I have to apologize to him later about this because he did not spend much time with his family.

“Your highness, what is Doyle like?”(Jin)

“I am sure you have heard rumors of him.”(Gray)

“I am not talking about rumors your highness, I am talking about what was Doyle like in your eyes and your sister’s eyes. I have never seen the princess like that before and have clearly understood rumors are not to be trusted thus I want to know what is he is like in your eyes.” (Jin)

I am fond of Jin, he is a straightforward person, he does not get taken in by rumors and is always looking for the truth of an incident. Jin’s father is a count and leads one of the top spear units in our country. He is always very proficient with a spear and is rumored to be the next hero of the spear instead of Doyle.

“It is exactly like the rumors, he is a ruffian.”(Gray)

“Oh!…Is that so.”(Jin)

However, I do not act like the person I am in front of Jin. I am the persona of a “gentle and kind prince” that he respects and has never seen the other side of me. I do not put them on the same level in my mind, Doyle to me is a special existence. I do not hate Jin, in fact he is quite easy to handle and easy to understand.

“What do you think of Doyle, of the Doyle you saw today?”(Gray)

I ask Jin, since he had said he did not believe in the rumors, I ask him for his impression.

“…..I thought he was befitting to be the son of the hero and the saint. He had a very dignified figure, a firm stance, a smile that tells you everything will alright, eyes that were filled with determination and an aura the exudes n.o.bility. I am able to see why the princess holds him so dear.”(Jin)

“Oh, is that so?”(Gray)

To be honest, many people in my surroundings tried replace Doyle with Jin. Many people tried to make him the next Hero of the Spear and I along with my father tried to match Jin and Claire. Because Doyle was still in the wrong path and began his rebellious behavior, I tried to make several situations where Claire and Jin were alone. All these attempts backfired and Claire devotion to Doyle increased while Jin started to completely support their love. I seriously held my head in frustration but now I am truly glad Jin did not fall in love with Claire.

“Doyle, until now was ruffian, but today he had regained the form of his original self and became the man he once was, my childhood friend and the person who Claire fell in love with.”

“Thus Doyle is someone who is strong, handsome, and gentle.”(Jin)

“No, Doyle is fool, who grits on my every nerve and I wish he would stop trying so hard to be cool.”(Gray)


“What are surprised about, let’s go.”(Gray)

“Oh yes….I swear I heard him badmouth Doyle, but this cannot be, he has always been gentle and kind…there is no way he would badmouth a childhood friend….but I definitely heard fool?”(Jin)


I see Jin tilt his head in confusion when he had heard my words. He chases me in panic and looks like a dog chasing his owner.

Jin does not seem to be convinced and I believe he will be shocked in a little after he founds out my true nature. I have no confidence in keeping this persona when I am in front of Doyle, I am pretty sure in about one second I will lose it. But if this brings back Doyle then I am fine with it.

I imagine both Jin and Doyle as my aides and Claire being by right beside Doyle. This future I envision is very close, I can almost see it right in front of me. I am much further than Jin and could no one will anymore. I have to do this for Claire’s sake as well, I will let not you escape this time Doyle.

Just you wait and see.

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