_Poems Buch. Dial._

Teut. _dwyn-en_, attenuare, extenuare.

_To_ ~Dwyn~, _v. a._ To cause to languish.


~Dwyning~, _s._ A decline, S.

Isl. _dwinar_, diminutio.


E, ~Ee~, _s._ The eye, S.


EA, _adj._ One.

V. the letter A.

_To_ EAND, _v. n._ To breathe.

V. ~Aynd~, _v._

EARLEATHER-PIN, _s._ An iron pin for fastening the chain by which a horse draws in a cart, Fife.

_To_ EARM.

V. ~Yirm~.

_To_ EARN, _v. n._

1. To coagulate, S.

2. To cause to coagulate, S.

Germ. _ge-rinnen_, Su. G. _raenn-a_, coagulare.

~Earning~, _s._ Rennet, S.

A. S. _gerunning_, id.

EARN-BLEATER, _s._ The snipe, S. B. _earnbliter_.


EARNY-COULIGS, _s. pl._ Tumuli, Orkn.

Isl. _ern_, ancient, and _kulle_, tumulus, Su. G. summitas montis.

EASING, EASINGDRAP, _s._ The eaves of a house, S.

A. S. _efese_; Belg. _oosdruyp_, id.

_To_ Ea.s.sIN, EISIN, _v. a._

1. To desire the bull, S.

2. Applied to strong desire of any kind.


Isl. _yxna_ or _oxna_, vitula appetens taurum.

~Eastning wort~, Scabious, an herb, S. A.


EARN, _s._ The Eagle.

V. ~Ern~.

EARTH, _s._ The act of earing, S. B.

_Statist. Acc._

Sw. _ard_, aratio, from _aer-ia_, to ear.

EASTIE-WASTIE, _s._ An unstable person, Ang.; q. one who veers from _east_ to _west_.

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