EASTLAND, _adj._ Belonging to the east.


EASTLIN, _adj._ Easterly, S.


~Eastlins~, _adv._ Eastward, S.


A. S. _east-laeng_, oriente tenus.

EASTILT, _adv._ Eastward, _westlit_, westward; p.r.o.n. _ea.s.silt_, _wessilt_, Loth.

A. S. _east-daele_, plaga orientalis.

EAT, _s._ The act of eating, S. B.

A. S. _aet_, Teut. _aet_, food.

EATIN BERRIES, Juniper berries, S. B.

V. ~Etnagh~.

EBB, _adj._ Shallow, S.


~Ebbness~, _s._ Shallowness.


ECCLEGRa.s.s, _s._ b.u.t.terwort or sheep-rot, Orkn.


ECHER, ICKER, _s._ An ear of corn, S.

A. S. _aecer_, _aechir_, id.


ECHT, _s._ Ought.


EDROPPIT, _part. pa._ Dropsical.


EE, _s._ Eye.

V. ~E~.

~Ee~ _of the day_, Noon, mid-day, S. B.

~Ee-list~, ~Eye-list~, ~Eye-last~, _s._

1. A deformity, an eye-sore.

_R. Bruce._

2. An offence.


3. A break in a page, S.

_Gl. Sibb._

A. S. _eag_, oculus, and _laest_, defectus.

~Ee-stick~, ~Eistick~, _s._ Something singular or surprising; q. that which causes the _eye_ to _stick_ or fix, S.


~Ee-sweet~, ~Eye-sweet~, _adj._ Acceptable, S.


~Ee-winkers~, _s._ The eye-lashes, S.


~Een~, ~Ene~, _pl._ of ~Ee~, Eyes, S.


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