LAGMAN, _s._ The president in the supreme court formerly held in Orkney.


Su. G. _lagman_, judex provincialis.

LAGRAETMAN, _s._ One acting as an officer to a _lagman_.


Su. G. _lag_, law, and _raett_, right.

LAY, _s._ Law.

O. Fr. _lai_.


LAY, _s._ Foundation.


Teut. _laeghe_, positus.

LAY, _s._ The slay of a loom, S.


Teut. _laede_, pecten; _leggh-en_, ponere.

_To_ LAY, _v. a._ To alloy.

_Acts Ja. IV._

_To_ LAY ~on~, _v. a._ To strike, S.

_R. Bruce._

Su. G. _laegga pa en_, aliquem verberare.

_To_ LAYCH, _v. n._ To linger.


Fr. _lach-er_, to unbend.

LAICHLY, _adj._ Perh. for _laithly_.


LAID, _s._ The pollack.

V. ~Lythe~.

LAIDLY, _adj._

V. ~Laithlie~.

LAID-SADILL, _s._ A saddle used for laying burdens on.

_Bannatyne Poems._

LAYER, _s._ The shear-water.

V. ~Lyre~.

LAIF, LAEF, _s._ A loaf, S.

_Pop. Ball._

Moes. G. _hlaifs_, A. S. _hlaef_, _laf_, id.

_To_ LAIG, _v. n._ To wade.

_Gl. Sibb._


1. Low, S.


2. Not tall, S.

Su. G. _laag_, Teut. _laegh_, non altus.

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