~Laigh~, _s._ Flat, low part, S. B.

_Stat. Acc._

LAYIS, _s._ Alloy.

_Acts Ja. IV._

Fr. _lier_, id.

~Layit~, _adj._ Base, applied to money.


LAIK, LAKE, _s._ Fine linen cloth.

_Sir Egeir._

Belg. _lak_, cloth in general.

LAIK, _s._ Gift, pledge.

_Sir Tristrem._

A. S. _lac_, munus.


1. A stake at play, S.

Isl. _leik_, Su. G. _lek_, id.


2. Used metaph. to denote the strife of battle.

_Sir Gawan._

~Laykyng~, _s._ Justing.


LAIK, _s._ Lack, S.


Teut. _laecke_, id. Su. G. _lack_, id.

LAYKE, _s._ Paint.


Fr. _lacque_, sanguine colour.

LAIKIN, LAIKY, _adj._ Intermittent, applied to rain, S.

Su. G. _lack-a_, deficere.

LAIKS, _s. pl._ Perh. _laits_, gestures.


LAYME, _adj._ Earthen.

V. ~Lame~.

LAYNDAR, LAUENDER, _s._ A laundress.

Fr. _lavendiere_, id.


_To_ LAYNE, _v. n._ To lie.

_Gawan and Gol._

_To_ LAYNE, LEIN, _v. a._ To conceal.

_Minstrelsy Border._

Su. G. _hlaun-a_, Isl. _leyn-a_, id.

LAYNE, _n._ Lawn, fine linen.

_Acts Ja. VI._

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