V. ~Lufsom~.

LUSS, _s._ Dandruff, Pityriasis capitis, S.

l.u.s.tY, _adj._

1. Beautiful.


2. Pleasant, delightful.


Teut. _l.u.s.tigh_, amoenus, delectabilis.

~l.u.s.theid~, _s._ Amiableness.

_Gl. Sibb._

~l.u.s.tynes~, _s._ Beauty.


LUTE, LEUT, _s._ A sluggard.

_Gl. Sibb._

Teut. _loete_, h.o.m.o insulsus; E. _lout_.

LUTE, _pret._ Permitted.

V. ~Luit~.

LUTHE. Not understood.

_Bannatyne Poems._

LUTHRIE, _s._ Lechery.

_Bannatyne P._

Belg. _lodderig_, wanton.

LUTTAIRD, _adj._ Bowed.


O. Belg. _loete_, a clown, and _aerd_, nature.

_To_ LUVE, LUWE, _v. a._ To love.

V. ~Luf~.


MA, MAY, MAA, MAE, _adj._ More in number, S.

A. S. _ma_, id.


_To_ MA, _v. a._ To make.


Germ. _mach-en_, facere.

MA, _aux. v._ May.


Sw. _ma_, Isl. _maa_, id.

MAAD, MAWD, _s._ A plaid worn by shepherds, S. A. Renfr.


Su. G. _mudd_, a garment made of the skins of reindeers.

MABBIE, _s._ A woman"s cap, S. B.

mob, E.

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