
MACH, _s._ Son in law.


_To_ MACHE, _v. n._ To strive.


MACKLACK, _adv._ In a clattering way.


_Mak_, make, and _clack_, a sharp sound.


1. A pimp.


2. A bawd.


Fr. _maquereau_, leno; fem. _maquerelle_.

MACKREL-STURE, _s._ The tunny, a fish.


O. Su. G. _stur_, magnus.

_To_ MAE, _v. n._ To bleat softly, S.


~Mae~, _s._ A bleat, S.


_To_ MAGG, _v. a._ To carry off clandestinely, Loth.

Su. G. _miugg_, clanculum.

MAGG, _s._ A cant word for a halfpenny, pl. _maggs_; the gratuity which servants expect from those to whom they drive any goods, Loth.

V. ~Maik~.

MAGGIES, _s. pl._ Perhaps, _maids_.

A. S. _maegth_, virgo.


_To_ MAGIL, MAIGIL, _v. a._ To mangle.


MAGRAVE, MAGRY, _prep._ Maugre.

V. ~Mawgre~.


MAHOUN, _s._

1. Mahomet, O. S. and E.

2. Transferred to the devil.


MAY, _s._ A maid, a virgin, S.


Isl. _mey_, A. S. _maeg_, Norm. Sax. _mai_, Moes. G. _mawi_, id.

MAICH, MACH, (gutt.) _s._ Son-in-law.


Moes. G. _mag-us_, a son; A. S. _maeg_, id.; also a father-in-law, a kinsman.

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