MOW, (p.r.o.n. _moo_) _s._

1. The mouth, S.

_Maitland Poems._

Fr. _moue_; Su. G. _mun_, Teut. _muyl_, id.

2. A distorted mouth.


3. Used in pl. in the sense of jest. _Nae mows_, no jest, S.

_Chr. Kirk._

_To_ ~Mow~, _v. n._ To speak in mockery.


~Mowar~, _s._ A mocker.

_Palice Honour._

_To_ ~Mow-band~, _v. a._ To mention, to articulate, S.


Teut. _muyl-band-en_, fiscellam ori appendere.

~Mow-bit~, _s._ A morsel, S.


~Mow-frachty~, _adj._ Palatable, S. B.

From _mow_, the mouth, and _fraucht_, perh. a lading.

MOWCH, _s._ A spy, an eave-dropper.

Fr. _mousche_, _mouche_, id.


MOWE, _s._ Dust, S.

_peat-mowe_, peat-dust.


MOWE, _s._ A motion.


MOWENCE, _s._ Motion, or perhaps dependance.

Fr. _mouvance_, id.


MOWSTER, _s._ Muster.


MOZY, _adj._ Dark in complexion, S.

Isl. _mos-a_, musco tingere.

_To_ MUCK, _v. a._ To carry out dung, S.

Su. G. _mock-a_, stabula purgare.

~Muck-fail~, _s._ The sward mixed with dung, used for manure, S. B.

_Statist. Acc._


V. ~Midden~.

MUCKLE, _adj._ Great.

V. ~Mekil~.

MUD, _s._ A small nail, used in the heels of shoes, Loth.

Isl. _mot_, commissura, a joining close.

_To_ MUDDLE, _v. a._ To overthrow easily and expeditiously.

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