_Chr. Kirk._

Perh. a dimin. from Teut. _maed-en_, Isl. _maed-a_, secare, desecare; q. to mow down.

_To_ MUDDLE, _v. n._ To be busy at work, properly of a trivial kind, while making little progress, S.

Teut. _moddel-en_, lutum movere, fodicare.

_To_ MUDGE, _v. n._ To stir, to budge, S.

~Mudge~, _s._ The act of stirring, S.

O. Fr. _muete_, Lat. _motus_, C. B. _mud_, a motion.

MUDYEON, _s._ A motion of the countenance, denoting discontent, scorn, &c. _mudgeon_, Renfr.


Isl. _modg-a_, irritare.

_To_ MUE, or MOO, _v. n._ To low as a cow, S.

Germ. _mu_, vox vaccae naturalis; _muh-en_, mugire.

m.u.f.fITIES, _s. pl._ Mittens, either of leather or of knitted worsted, worn by old men, Ang. Orkn.

Isl. _m.u.f.fa_, Dan. _moffe_, chirotheca pellita, hyberna.

m.u.f.fLES, _s. pl._ Mittens, S.

Fr. _mouffle_.

MUGGS, _s. pl._ A particular breed of sheep, S.

_Statist. Acc._

MUIR, _s._ A heath, &c.

V. ~Mure~.


V. ~Mure-burn~.

~Muir-ill~, _s._ A disease to which black cattle are subject, S.

_Statist. Acc._

MUIS, _s. pl._

1. Bushels.

_Complaynt S._

O. Fr. _mui_, a bushel; Lat. _mod-ius_.

2. Heaps, parcels.

_Gl. Sibb._

MUIST, MUST, _s._ Musk, Border.

Corr. from Fr. _musque_, id.


MUKERAR, _s._ A miser.

V. ~Mochre~.



1. Pulverised earth, in general, S.

2. The earth of the grave, S.


3. The dust of the dead.


Moes. G. _mulda_, Su. G. _mull_, A. S. _mold_, dust, _mol-a_, comminuere.

~Mulde-mete~, _s._

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