1. A funeral banquet.


2. The last food eaten before death.

_To give one his muld meat_, to kill him, S.


MULDRIE, _s._ Moulded work.

_Palice Honour._

_To_ MULE, MOOL, _v. a._

1. To crumble, S.

Isl. _mol-a_, id.

2. _To mule in_, to crumble bread into a vessel, for being soaked, S.


3. _To mule in with_, to have intimacy with, q. to eat out of the same dish, S.


~Mulin~, ~Mulock~, _s._ A crum, S.

Teut. _moclie_, offa; C. B. _mwlwg_, refuse.

MULES, _s. pl._ Kibes, chilblains, S.

Fr. _mules_, id.

MULIS, _s. pl._ A term of contempt.


MULL, MAOIL, _s._ A promontory, S.


Isl. _muli_, frons montis, promontorium; Gael. _maol_, id.

MULL, _s._ A virgin.


A. S. _meoule_, id. Moes. G. _mawilo_, a damsel.

MULL, _s._ A mule.


_To_ MULLER, _v. a._ To crumble, S.

V. ~Mule~.

MULLIS, MOOLS, _s. pl._ Slippers, without quarters, anciently worn by persons of rank.

_Maitland Poems._

Fr. _mules_, Ital. _mulo_, Teut. _muyl_, sandalium.

MULTIPLe, MULTIPLIE, _s._ Number, quant.i.ty.


Fr. _multiplie_, manifold.

MULTURE, MOUTER, _s._ The fee for grinding grain, S.


Fr. _mouture_, L. B. _molitura_.

~Multurer~, _s._ The tacksman of a mill, S.

MUM, _s._ A mutter, S. B.

Teut. _momm-en_, larvam agere.

MUM CHAIRTIS, _s. pl._ Cards with figures: or for _mumchancis_; _mumchance_, being an old game at cards.

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