
NOME, _pret._ Taken.


A. S. _nim-an_, to take; part. _nom._

NONE, _s._

1. Noon.


A. S. _non_, Fr. _none_, id.

2. Dinner.


NON-FIANCE, _s._ Want of confidence.


Fr. _non_, neg. and _fiance_, confidence.

NON-SOUNT, _s._ A base coin.


Fr. _Messieurs de non sont_, men who are imperfect in a physical sense.

NOR, _conj._ Than, S.


NORIE, _s._ The Puffin, Orkn.

_Statist. Acc._

NORIES, _s. pl._ Whims, Perths.

Sw. _narr-as_, illudere.

NORYSS, _s._ Nurse.

V. ~Noyris~.

NORLAN, NORLIN, NORLAND, _adj._ Belonging to the North country, S. B.


Isl. _nordlingr_, Dan. _nordlaend-r_, id.

~Norlins~, _adv._ Northward, S. B.


NORLICK, KNURLICK, _s._ A tumor occasioned by a blow, S. A.

E. _knurl_, a knot.

_Journal Lond._

NORTHIN, NORTHYN, _adj._ Northerly.

_Complaynt S._

NOSEWISS, _adj._

1. Having an acute smell, S.

2. Metaph. denoting one, who either is, or pretends to be, quick of perception.

_Bp. Galloway._

Germ. _naseweis_, self-witted, critical.

NOST, _s._ Noise; speculation about any subject, S. B.

Su. G. _knyst-a_, mussitare; Isl. _hnist-a_, stridere.

NOT, know not.

V. ~Nat~.

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