
_To_ NOTE, _v. a._

1. To use, S. B.


A. S. _not-ian_. Isl. _niot-a_, id.

2. To use as sustenance, S. B.

Teut. _nutt-en_, uti; vesci; Isl. _nautin_, eating, _neitte_, vescor.

3. To need, Ang. Mearns.


~Note~, ~Nott~, _s._

1. Use.


2. Occasion for, S. B.

Alem. _not_, Su. G. _noed_, id.

NOTELESS, _adj._ Unnoticed, S. B.

_Gl. Shirr._


1. Notorious, S.

Fr. _notoire_.


2. Avowedly persisted in, notwithstanding all warnings, S.



1. The place of a nurse, S.

2. The fee given to a nurse, S.

From A. S. _norice_, a nurse, and _scipe_. Su. G. _skap_, denoting state.

NOUT, _s._ Black cattle.

V. ~Nolt~.

NOUTHER, NOWTHIR, NOLDER, _conj._ Neither, S.


NOUVELLES, NOUELLES, _s. pl._ News, S.

_Complaynt S._

NOW, _s._ The crown of the head.

A. S. _hnol_, vertex.


NUB BERRY, _s._ The Knoutberry.

_Stat. Acc._

NUCE, NESS, _s._ Dest.i.tute, Aberd.


Su. G. _noed_, necessity, _nisk_, parsimonious.

NUCKLE, _adj._ Applied to a cow which has had one calf, and will calve soon again.

V. ~Newcal~.

NULE-KNEED, _adj._ Knock-kneed, S. perhaps q. _knuckle-kneed_.

V. ~Noll~.

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