1. To make a return in writing, as to the service of an heir, S.


2. To make a legal return as to the value of lands, S.


3. _v. n._ To return.


~Retour~, ~Retoure~, _s._

1. Return.


2. The legal return made to a brief, emitted from Chancery.


3. That made as to the value of lands, S.


O. Fr. _retour_ is used in a sense nearly allied.

_To_ RETREAT, _v. a._ To retract.

O. F. _retraitt-ier_, revoquer.


REVAY, _s._ Festivity.

_Gawan and Gol._

O. Fr. _reviaus_, fetes, divertiss.e.m.e.nts.

REVE, _s._ A colour between yellow and grey; Lat. _rav-us_.

_Sir Gawan._


V. ~Reyffar~.

REUERe, REURY, _s._ Robbery.


REVERENCE, _s._ Power, S.


REUERY, _s._

1. Uproar.


2. The crackling noise made by flames.

Fr. _resverie_, raving.


REVERS. _At the revers_, at random; Fr. _au revers_, cross.


_To_ REVERSE, REUERSE, _v. a._ To strike from behind; Fr. _revers_, a stroke of this kind.


_To_ REVERT, _v. n._

1. To revive.

_Palice Honour._

2. To recover from a swoon, S. B.

O. Fr. _revert-ir_, id.


1. To clothe.

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