
2. To clothe anew.


Fr. _revest-ir_, id.

~Revestre~, _s._ A vestry.


Fr. _revestiare_, id.

REUK, _s._ Atmosphere.

V. ~Rak~.


REURY, _s._ Robbery.

V. ~Reuere~.

_To_ REW, _v. n._

1. To repent, S.

_Gawan and Gol._

2. _v. a._ To have compa.s.sion for.


A. S. _hreow-ian_, poenitere; lugere.

~Rew~, _s._ Repentance.

_Maitland Poems._

A. S. _hreowe_, poenitent.i.ta.

~Reuth~, ~Rewth~, _s._

1. Cause for repentance.

_King Hart._

2. Pity, or cause of pity.


REW, _s._

1. A row.

_Palice Honour._

2. A street; S. _raw_; Fr. _rue_.


REWAR, _s._ A robber.


REWELYNYS, ROWLYNGIS, RILLINGS, _s. pl._ Shoes made of undressed hides, with the hair on them; S. _rullions_.


A. S. _rifling_, obstrigillus.

REWELL, _adj._ Haughty; O. Fr. _revele_, fier, hautain.

REWELLYT, _pret. v._ Revealed.


REWERS, _3. pl. s._ Stops; O. Fr. _ravoir-er_, to stop, to arrest.


_To_ REWESS, _v. a._

V. ~Reuest~.

REWID, _pret. v._ Reaved.

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