Fr. _dance a la ronde_.

2. The tune appropriated to a dance of this kind.


ROUND-ABOUT, _s._ A _circular_ fort.

_Statist. Acc._

ROUNDAL, _s._ A poetical measure, generally of eight verses.


Fr. _rondeau_, Teut. _rondeel_, rhythmus...o...b..cularis.


V. ~Rounar~.

ROUNDEL, _s._ A table.

_Priests Peblis._

Teut. _rondeel_, id.

ROUNG, _s._ A cudgel.

V. ~Rung~.

ROUNGED, _part. adj._

V. ~Ronged~.

_To_ ROUP, ROWP, ROPE, ROIP, ROLP, _v. n._

1. To cry, to shout.


2. To cry hoa.r.s.ely.


3. _v. a._ To sell by auction, S.

Teut. _roep-en_, clamare.


~Roup~, ~Rouping~, _s._ An outcry, S.


~Rouper~, _s._ One who cries.


~Rouping-wife~, _s._ A female auctioneer, S.

_Sir J. Sinclair._

ROUP, _s._

1. Hoa.r.s.eness, S.


Isl. _hroop_, vociferatio.

2. The disease otherwise called the _croup_, S. B.


3. A disease affecting hens in the mouth or throat, S.

~Roupy~, ~Roopit~, _adj._ Hoa.r.s.e, S.


ROUP, _s._ A close mist, Border.

ROUST, _s._ Rust, S.


~Rousty~, _adj._ Rusty, S.

Teut. _roest_, and _roestigh_.

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