ROUST, ROST, _s._ A strong tide or current, Orkn.


Isl. _roest_, _raust_, aestuaria.

_To_ ROUST, _v. n._

1. To cry with a rough voice, S. B.


2. To bellow; applied to cattle, S. B.


Isl. _raust_, vox canora; Dan. _roest_, a cry.

~Roust~, _s._ The act of roaring, S. B.

~Rousty~, _adj._.

1. Hoa.r.s.e.


2. Not refined.

_Pal. Hon._

ROUSTREE, _s._ The cross bar on which the crook is hung, Aberd.

Su. G. _roeste_, suprema aedificii pars.

_To_ ROUT, ROWT, _v. n._

1. To bellow, S.


Isl. _raut-a_, rugire belluarum more.

2. To make a great noise.


~Rout~, ~Rowt~, _s._

1. The act of bellowing, S.


2. A roar, a loud noise, S.


_To_ ROUT, _v. a._ To strike, S.


Isl. _rot-a_, percutio; _rot_, ictus.

~Rout~, ~Rute~, _s._ A severe blow, S.


ROUTAND, _part. pr._ a.s.sembling.

Isl. _rot-ast_, conglobare.



1. The act of rowing.


2. A stroke of the oar.


A. S. _rewete_, _rowette_, remigatio.

ROUTH, ROWTH, _s._ Plenty, S.


C. B. _rhwth_, large, capacious.

~Routhie~, _adj._ Plentiful, S.

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