
ROUTHLESS, _adj._ Profane, Fife.

E. _ruthless_ used in a particular sense.

ROUTHURROK, _s._ The bernacle goose, Orkn.


Isl. _hrota_, bernacla.

_To_ ROW, _v. a._

1. To roll.


2. To elapse.


3. To revolve.


_To_ ~Row About~, to be in an advanced state of pregnancy, S.

ROWAN, ROWING, _s._ A flake of wool, S.

_Edin. Encycl._

_To Cast a Rowan_, to bear an illegitimate child.

_Gl. Sibb._

ROWAN, _s. Auld rowan_, a bawd, who, by wheedling, endeavours to entice a young woman to marry an old man.


Germ. _rune_, Su. G. _runa_; _al-runa_, or _alte-runa_, mulier fatidica.

ROWAN, _s._ A turbot, Fife.

_Stat. Acc._

ROWAR, _s._ A moveable wooden bolt; q. a _roller_.


ROWY, _s._ King; Fr. _roi_.

_Bannatyne P._

ROWKAR, _s._ A whisperer, a tale-bearer.

_Abp. Hamiltoun._

Zeland. _roeck_, delator, Alem. _ruog-en_, to defame.

_To_ ROWME, ROUME, _v. n._ To roam.


A. S. _ruman_, Belg. _ruym-en_, diffugere.

_To_ ROWME, _v. a._

1. To clear.


2. To enlarge.


Teut. _ruym-en_, vacuare; ampliare.

3. To place.


Germ. _raum-en_, in ordine disponere.

~Rowme~, ~Roume~, _s._

1. s.p.a.ce.


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