1. _Fine skran_, a phrase used by children, in commendation of any thing they are fond of, especially if edible, Lanerks.

Isl. _skran_, supellex leviusculus.

2. The offals or refuse of human food, thrown to dogs, Loth.

SKRANKY, _adj._

1. Lank, slender, S.

2. Applied to an empty purse.


Germ. _schrank-en_, to confine; A. S. _scrunc-en_, contracted.

SKRAPIT, _pret._ Mocked.

V. ~Scorp~.

_To_ SKREED, _v. n._ To cry, to scream.


Franc. _screiot_, Sw. _skrijt_, clamor.

_To_ SKREED, _v. n._ To lie, to magnify in narration, S.

Su. G. _skryt-a_, jactare, Isl. _skreit-a_, fingere.

~Skreed~, _s._ A lie, a fabrication, S.

SKREEK, SCREAK, _of day_, the dawn, S. B.; also _skrieh_.

V. ~Creek~.


_To_ SKREENGE, _v. a._ To scourge, S.

~Skreenge~, _s._ A lash, a stroke, Fife.

_To_ SKRY, _v. a._ To cry, to proclaim, S. B.


Su. G. _skri-a_, vociferari, _skri_, clamor.

~Skry~, ~Scry~, _s._

1. Noise.


2. The crying of fowls.


_To_ SKRIFT, _v. n._ To fabricate.

V. ~Scrift~.

Isl. _skraf-a_, fabulari, nugari, _skraef_, nugae.

SKRILLES, _s. pl._ Shrieks.

V. ~Skirl~.

To SKRIM, _v. a._ To scud, to move quickly, S.

SKRYMMORIE, _s._ Apparently, the name of a mischievous fairy.

_Pal. Hon._

Isl. _skrumari_, a braggart; O. Fr. _es-crimour_, a good tugger.

SKRINE, _s._ Unboiled _sowens_, Ang.

_Stat. Acc._

Teut. _krinse_, purgamentum frumenti.


V. ~Skrankie~.

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