SKROPIT, _pret. v._ Mocked.

V. ~Scorp~.

SKROW, _s._ A scroll.

V. ~Scrow~.

SKROW, _s._ A slight shower, S. B.; Isl. _skur_.

V. ~Skarrach~.

SKRUFE, _s._

Wealth, acquired by parsimony or exaction.

_Bannatyne P._

Teut. _schrobb-en_, scalpere.

SKRUMPLE, _s._ A wrinkle.


Germ. _schrumple_, id. Su. G. _skrump-en_, to wrinkle.

_To_ SKRUNT, _v. n._ To make a creaking noise, Clydes.

Isl. _skruning-r_, _skrudning-r_, strepitus.

SKRUNTY, _adj._ Meagre, raw-boned, Fife, Loth.

Su. G. _skrin_, dried, Dan. _skranten_, infirm.

SKUBE, _s._ Any thing that is hollowed out, S. B.; allied to E. _scoop_.

Su. G. _skopa_, Arm. _scob_, haustrum.


1. A shade, what defends from the heat, S.


2. A shelter from storm, S.


3. Protection, S.

_Pop. Ball._

4. Metaph. applied to ghosts, in relation to the place of their residence.


5. A pretence, a cloak, S.

_Mellvill"s MS._

Su.G. _skugga_, umbra; _skyggd_, tegmen.

_To_ ~Skug~, _v. a._

1. To shade, S.


Su. G. Isl. _skygg-a_, ob.u.mbrare.

2. To shelter, to skreen, S.

3. _To skoog a shower_, to seek shelter from it, S. B.

4. In a moral sense, to expiate.

_Minstr. Bord._

_To_ ~Skug~, ~Scoug~, _v. n._ To flee for shelter.


~Skuggy~, _adj._ Shady.


~Skugry~, _s._ _In skugry_, under covert.


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