2. Forward in manner, S. B.


3. Of an active disposition, S. B.

FORTHGENG, _s._ The entertainment given when a bride leaves her father"s house, Ang.

A. S. _forthgang_, exitus.

FOR-THI, FORTHY, _conj._ Therefore.

A. S. id.


_Nocht for thi_, nevertheless.


FORTHY, _adj._ Forward.


_To_ FORTHINK, _v. a._ To repent of.


A. S. _forthenc-an_, perperam cogitare de.

~Forethinking~, _s._ Repentance.

_Z. Boyd._

FORTHYR, _s._ Furtherance.


FORTY, _adj._ Brave.

Fr. _fort_.


FORTHWART, _s._ Precaution.


A. S. _forward_, id.

FORTRAVALIT, FORTRAWAILLYT, _part. pa._ Greatly fatigued, S.


_To_ FORVAY, FORUEY, FORWAY, _v. n._ To go astray.


_For_ negat. and _way_.

~Forway~, _s._ An error.


FORWAKIT, _part. pa._ Worn out with watching, S.

Belg. _vervaakt_.


FORWALLOUIT, _part. pa._ Greatly faded by reason of sickness, fatigue, &c., S.

_King"s Quair._

FORWARD, _s._ Paction.

V. ~Fordward~.

_Sir Tristrem._

FORWEPIT, _part. pa._ Worn out with _weeping_.

_King"s Quair._

FORWONDRYT, _part. pa._ Greatly surprised.

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