FOUL, _adj._ Wet, rainy, S.


_To_ FOUND, _v. n._ To go.

V. ~Fonde~.

_To_ FOUNDER, _v. a._ To fell, S.

FOUNE, _adj._ Belonging to fawns.


FOURHOURS, _s._ The time of drinking tea; _four_ being the ancient _hour_ for the afternoon beverage, S.


FOURNEUKIT, _adj._ Quadrangular, S.


FOURSOM, used as a _s._, four in company, Lanerks.

_King Hart._

FOUSEE, FOUSY, _s._ A ditch.


Fr. _fosse_.

_To_ FOUTCH, _v. a._ To exchange.

V. ~Fotch~.

~Foutch~, _s._ An exchange, S. B.

FOUTH, FOWTH, _s._ Abundance, S.

Q. _fulth_, or Teut. _vulte_, id.


~Fouth~, _adj._ Abundant.


FOUTY, FUTIE, _adj._ Mean, base, S.

Fr. _foutu_, a scoundrel.


FOUTTOUR, FOUTRE, _s._ A term expressive of the greatest contempt, S.

Fr. _foutre_, to lecher.


FOW, FU", _adj._

1. Full, S.


2. Saturated with food, S.


3. Drunk, S.

Su. G. _full_, id.


FOW, _s._ A club; Fr. _ft_.

_Priests Peblis._

~Half-fow~, _adj._ Fuddled, S.

Sw. _half-full_.

FOWE ~and~ GRIIS, different kinds of fur.

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