MARYNAL, _s._ A mariner.

_Complaynt S._

MARITICKIS, MARTYKIS, _s. pl._ French soldiers, employed in S. during the regency of Mary of Guise; from the name of the commander.

MARK, MERK, _s._ A nominal weight, Orkn.


Su. G. _mark_, a pound of thirty-two ounces.

MARK, _adj._ Dark, S. B.

V. ~Mirk~.

_Journal Lond._

~Mark~, _s._ Darkness, S. B.


~Marknes~, _s._ Darkness, S. B.


MARLEYON, MARLION, _s._ A kind of hawk, E. _merlin_.



1. The mermaid, S.

_Complaynt S._

2. Used as a ludicrous designation.


3. The frog fish, Fife.


Isl. _mar_, Germ. _mer_, the sea, and _maid_.

_To_ MARR UP, _v. a._ To keep one to work, Ang.

Germ. _marr-en_, to grin or snarl.

MARROT, _s._ The foolish guillemot.


MARROW, _s._

1. A companion, S.

_Complaynt S._

2. A married partner.


3. One of a pair.


4. An antagonist.


Su. G. _mager_, _maghaer_, affinis.

_To_ ~Marrow~, _v. a._

1. To equal, S.


2. To a.s.sociate with, S. B.


3. To fit, exactly to match.

_Maitl. P._

~Marrowless~, _adj._

1. Without a match, S.

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