~Masking-pat~, _s._ A tea-pot, S.


MASKERT, _s._ _Swines maskert_, an herb, S. Clown"s all-heal, S.

Perh. q. _maskwort_, the root infused for swine.

Ma.s.sIMORE, _s._ The dungeon of a prison or castle, S. A.

_Minstr. Bord._

In Moorish, a subterranean prison is called _Mazmorra_.

Ma.s.sONDEW, _s._ An hospital.

Fr. _maison Dieu_, id.

_Acts Sed._

MAST, _adj._ Most.

V. ~Maist~.

MASTER, _s._ A landlord, S.

V. ~Maister~.

MASTIS, MASTICHE, _s._ A mastiff.


MAT, ~Mot~, _aux. v._ May.


Su. G. _maa_, _maatte_, possum, potuit.


Fr. _mal-talent_, anger.


_To_ MATE, _v. a._ To weary out.

V. ~Mait~.


MATERIS, _s. pl._ Matrons; Lat. _matres_.


MAUCH, MACH, MAUK, _s._ A maggot, S.


Su. G. _matk_, Isl. _madk-ur_, id.

MAUCHY, _adj._ Dirty, filthy, S.

Su. G. _maegtig_, mawkish.


1. Strength, S.


2. In pl. ability, in whatever sense.


3. Mental ability.


Teut. _macht_, _maght_, A. S. _meaht_, id.

~Mauchty~, ~Maughty~, _adj._ Powerful, S. B.

Teut. _machtigh_. Alem. _mahtig_.


~Mauchtless~, ~Maughtless~, _adj._ Feeble, S.

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