2. A salted cake, _mola salsa_.


Isl. _malldr_, molitura, from _mal-a_, to grind.


V. ~Mildrop~.

MELYIE, _s._ A coin of small value.

Fr. _maille_, a halfpenny.


MELL, _s._

1. A maul, S.


2. A blow with a maul.

_Pop. Ball._

_To keep mell in shaft_, to keep straight in any course, to retain a good state of health, Loth.; as one cannot strike well, if the handle be loose.

Lat. _mall-eus_; Moes. G. _maul-jan_, to beat.

_To_ MELL, _v. a._ To mix.

V. ~Mellyne~.


_To_ ~Mell, Mel, Mellay~, _v. n._

1. To intermeddle, S.


2. To be in a state of intimacy, S. B.

_Poems Buch. Dial._

3. To join in battle.


Fr. _mel-er_, to meddle; Teut. _mell-en_, conjungi.

~Melle~, ~Melle~, ~Mellay~, _s._

1. Contest, battle.

Fr. _melee_, id.


2. _In melle_, in a state of mixture.

_Sir Gawan._

~Mellyne~, ~Melling~, _s._ Mixture.


Fr. _mellange_, id.

MELL, _s._ A company.

_Statist. Acc._

A. S. Teut. _mael_, comitia, conventus; _mael-en_, conjungi.

MELT, _s._ The spleen, S.

_Complaynt S._

Su. G. _mielte_, id.

_To_ ~Melt~, _v. a._ To knock down; properly, by a stroke in the side, where the _melt_ lies, S.

_Gl. Complaynt._

MELTETH, MELt.i.tH, _s._ A meal, S. _meltet_, S. B.


Isl. _mael-tid_, hora prandii vel coenae.

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