_Maitland Poems._

MUMMING, _s._ Perh. muttering.


_To_ MUMP, _v. n._ To hint, to aim at, S.


MUMM"D, _part. pa._ Tingling from cold, Loth.; apparently corr. from E.

_numb_, torpid.

~Mumt-like~, _adj._ Having the appearance of stupor, Loth.

MUN, _v. aux._ Must

V. ~Mon~.

~Mundie~, _s._ Perhaps, prating fool.

Teut. _mondigh_, loquacious.


MUNDS, _s._ The mouth. Loth.

Germ. _mund_, id.

MUNKS, _s._ A halter for a horse, Fife.

Isl. _mundvik_, canthus oris; Gael. _muince_, a collar.

MUNN, _s._ A short-hafted spoon, Galloway.

_Stat. Acc._

Perhaps from Isl. _munn_, the mouth.

MUNSIE, _s._ A designation expressive of contempt or ridicule, S. perh.

a corr. of Fr. _monsieur_, vulgarly p.r.o.n. _monsie_.

MUR, _adj._

V. ~Movir~.

MURALYEIS, _s. pl._ Walls.


Fr. _muraille_, a wall.

_To_ MURDRES, MURTHREYS, _v. a._ To murder.


Moes. G. _maurthr-jan_, id.

~Murdresar~, _s._

1. A Murderer.


2. A large cannon.

_Compl. S._

Fr. _meurtriere_, id.

MURE, MUIR, MOR, _anc._ MORE, _s._ A heath, a flat covered with heath, S.


A. S. _mor_, ericetum, heath-ground, Isl. _mr_, id.

~Mure-burn~, _s._

1. The burning of heath, S.

_Acts Ja. IV._

2. Metaph. strife, contention, S.

~Mureland~, ~Moorland~, _adj._ Of or belonging to heathy ground.


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