_Gl. Shirr._

_Bannatyne Poems._

Teut. _nocke_, crena, incisura.

~Nockit~, ~Nokkit~, _part. adj._ Notched.


NOCKIT, NOKKIT, _s._ A luncheon, S. Aust.

_To_ NODGE, _v. a._ To strike with the knuckles, S. B.

V. ~Gnidge~ and ~Knuse~.

_To_ NOY, _v. a._ To annoy.


Teut. _noy-en_, _noey-en_, id.

~Noyit~, _part. pa._

1. Vexed, S.

2. Wrathful, S. B.

~Noy~, _s._ Annoyance.


~Noyis~, _s._ Annoyance.


~Noyous~, _adj._ Noisome.


NOYRIS, NORYSS, NURICE, _s._ Nurse, S. _noorise_.


Norm. Sax. _norice_, Fr. _nourisse_, id.

_To_ NOIT, NYTE, _v. a._ To strike smartly, S.

V. ~Knoit~.

NOK, _s._ A notch.

V. ~Nock~.

NOLD, would not.


A. S. _nolde_, noluit.

NOLDER, _conj._

V. ~Nouther~.

_To_ NOLL, NULL, _v. a._ To press, beat or strike with the knuckles, S.


Alem. _knouel_, a knuckle.

~Noll~, _s._ A strong push or blow with the knuckles, S. B.

V. ~Neive~, ~Nevell~.

~Noll~, _s._ A large piece of any thing, S. B.

Su. G. _knoel_, tuber, a b.u.mp.

NOLT, NOWT, _s._

1. Black cattle.

2. A stupid fellow, S.

_Surv. Moray._

Isl. _naut_, Sw. _noet_, an ox.

~Nolthird~, _s._ A neatherd, S.

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