3. The toothach, S. B.

4. A noxious member of human society, Ang.

ON BREDE, _adv._

1. Wide open.


2. Extensively.


A. S. _on_, in, and _braed_, lat.i.tudo.

ONCOME, _s._ A fall of rain or snow, S.

ONCOST, _s._

1. Expence before profit, Loth.

2. Extra expence, Fife.

ONDANt.i.t, _part. pa._ Untamed.

_Complaynt S._

ONDING, _s._ A fall of rain or snow, but especially of the latter, S.


V. ~Ding on~.

ONEITH, _adj._ Uneasy.

V. ~Uneith~.

ONESCHEWABIL, _adj._ Unavoidable.


ONFALL, _s._ A fall of rain or snow, S.

ONFALL, _s._ A disease which attacks without any apparent cause.

Germ. _unfall_, casus extraordinarius, sed fatalis.

ONFEIRIE, _adj._ Infirm.

V. ~Unfery~.

ONGOINGS, _s. pl._ Procedure, S. _ongains_, S. B.

ONY, _adj._ Any, S.


ONKEND, _part. adj._ Not known.


ONMAUEN, _part. adj._ Unmown.

_Complaynt S._

ONSTEAD, _s._ The building on a farm, S. A.


A. S. _on_, and _sted_, locus.

_To_ ONTER, _v. n._ To rear, used of horses.


ON-WAITER, _s._ One who waits patiently.



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