Isl. _paufe_, angulus.

_Stat. Acc._

~Paffler~, _s._ One who occupies a small farm, Perths.

_Statist. Acc._

PAGE, _s._ A boy.


_To_ PAY, _v. a._ To satisfy.


Fr. _pay-er_, Teut. _pay-en_, id.

~Pay~, _s._ Satisfaction.

_Priests Peblis._

~Pay~, _s._ Drubbing, S. _pays_.


C. B. _puyo_, verbero.

PAY. Perh. region.

_Gawan and Gol._

Fr. _pais_, id.

PAID, _s._

1. A path, S. B.


Alem. _paid_, via.

2. A steep ascent.

V. ~Peth~.

_To_ PAIK, _v. a._ To beat, to drub, S. _paak_, S. B.

Germ. _pauk-en_, to beat.


~Paik~, ~Paick~, _s._ A stroke; in pl. _paiks_, a drubbing, S.

Isl. _pak_, Su. G. _paak_, fustis, baculus.

~Paikie~, _s._ A piece of doubled skin, used for defending the thighs from the _stroke_ of the _Flauchterspade_, by those who cast turfs or _divots_, Mearns.

PAIK, _s._ A trick.

_Leg. St Androis._

A. S. _paec-an_, decipere.

PAIKER, _s. Calsay paiker_, a street-walker.


PAIKIE, _s._ A female street-walker, S.

Isl. _piaeck-ur_, a vagabond; _troll-packa_, a witch.

~Paikit-like~, _adj._ Having the appearance of a trull, S.

PAILES, Leslaei Hist.

V. ~Pele~.

PAILIN, PAILING, _s._ A fence made of stakes, S.

Lat. _pal-us_, a stake.

PAILYOWN, PALLIOUN, _s._ A pavilion.


Gael. Ir. _pailliun_, Fr. _pavillon_.

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